Abstract:In this study, we address the issue of enabling an artificial intelligence agent to execute complex language instructions within virtual environments. In our framework, we assume that these instructions involve intricate linguistic structures and multiple interdependent tasks that must be navigated successfully to achieve the desired outcomes. To effectively manage these complexities, we propose a hierarchical framework that combines the deep language comprehension of large language models with the adaptive action-execution capabilities of reinforcement learning agents. The language module (based on LLM) translates the language instruction into a high-level action plan, which is then executed by a pre-trained reinforcement learning agent. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach in two different environments: in IGLU, where agents are instructed to build structures, and in Crafter, where agents perform tasks and interact with objects in the surrounding environment according to language commands.
Abstract:The adoption of pre-trained language models to generate action plans for embodied agents is a promising research strategy. However, execution of instructions in real or simulated environments requires verification of the feasibility of actions as well as their relevance to the completion of a goal. We propose a new method that combines a language model and reinforcement learning for the task of building objects in a Minecraft-like environment according to the natural language instructions. Our method first generates a set of consistently achievable sub-goals from the instructions and then completes associated sub-tasks with a pre-trained RL policy. The proposed method formed the RL baseline at the IGLU 2022 competition.
Abstract:We present the IGLU Gridworld: a reinforcement learning environment for building and evaluating language conditioned embodied agents in a scalable way. The environment features visual agent embodiment, interactive learning through collaboration, language conditioned RL, and combinatorically hard task (3d blocks building) space.
Abstract:Human intelligence has the remarkable ability to adapt to new tasks and environments quickly. Starting from a very young age, humans acquire new skills and learn how to solve new tasks either by imitating the behavior of others or by following provided natural language instructions. To facilitate research in this direction, we propose IGLU: Interactive Grounded Language Understanding in a Collaborative Environment. The primary goal of the competition is to approach the problem of how to develop interactive embodied agents that learn to solve a task while provided with grounded natural language instructions in a collaborative environment. Understanding the complexity of the challenge, we split it into sub-tasks to make it feasible for participants. This research challenge is naturally related, but not limited, to two fields of study that are highly relevant to the NeurIPS community: Natural Language Understanding and Generation (NLU/G) and Reinforcement Learning (RL). Therefore, the suggested challenge can bring two communities together to approach one of the crucial challenges in AI. Another critical aspect of the challenge is the dedication to perform a human-in-the-loop evaluation as a final evaluation for the agents developed by contestants.