Abstract:Human mesh recovery can be approached using either regression-based or optimization-based methods. Regression models achieve high pose accuracy but struggle with model-to-image alignment due to the lack of explicit 2D-3D correspondences. In contrast, optimization-based methods align 3D models to 2D observations but are prone to local minima and depth ambiguity. In this work, we leverage large vision-language models (VLMs) to generate interactive body part descriptions, which serve as implicit constraints to enhance 3D perception and limit the optimization space. Specifically, we formulate monocular human mesh recovery as a distribution adaptation task by integrating both 2D observations and language descriptions. To bridge the gap between text and 3D pose signals, we first train a text encoder and a pose VQ-VAE, aligning texts to body poses in a shared latent space using contrastive learning. Subsequently, we employ a diffusion-based framework to refine the initial parameters guided by gradients derived from both 2D observations and text descriptions. Finally, the model can produce poses with accurate 3D perception and image consistency. Experimental results on multiple benchmarks validate its effectiveness. The code will be made publicly available.
Abstract:Images taken under low-light conditions tend to suffer from poor visibility, which can decrease image quality and even reduce the performance of the downstream tasks. It is hard for a CNN-based method to learn generalized features that can recover normal images from the ones under various unknow low-light conditions. In this paper, we propose to incorporate the contrastive learning into an illumination correction network to learn abstract representations to distinguish various low-light conditions in the representation space, with the purpose of enhancing the generalizability of the network. Considering that light conditions can change the frequency components of the images, the representations are learned and compared in both spatial and frequency domains to make full advantage of the contrastive learning. The proposed method is evaluated on LOL and LOL-V2 datasets, the results show that the proposed method achieves better qualitative and quantitative results compared with other state-of-the-arts.
Abstract:(Discriminative) Correlation Filter has been successfully applied to visual tracking and has advanced the field significantly in recent years. Correlation filter-based trackers consider visual tracking as a problem of matching the feature template of the object and candidate regions in the detection sample, in which correlation filter provides the means to calculate the similarities. In contrast, convolution filter is usually used for blurring, sharpening, embossing, edge detection, etc in image processing. On the surface, correlation filter and convolution filter are usually used for different purposes. In this paper, however, we proves, for the first time, that correlation filter and convolution filter are equivalent in the sense that their minimum mean-square errors (MMSEs) in visual tracking are equal, under the condition that the optimal solutions exist and the ideal filter response is Gaussian and centrosymmetric. This result gives researchers the freedom to choose correlation or convolution in formulating their trackers. It also suggests that the explanation of the ideal response in terms of similarities is not essential.
Abstract:Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based tracking is attracting increasing attention and developing rapidly in applications such as agriculture, aviation, navigation, transportation and public security. Recently, discriminative correlation filters (DCF)-based trackers have stood out in UAV tracking community for their high efficiency and appealing robustness on a single CPU. However, due to limited onboard computation resources and other challenges the efficiency and accuracy of existing DCF-based approaches is still not satisfying. In this paper, we explore using segmentation by the GrabCut to improve the wildly adopted discriminative scale estimation in DCF-based trackers, which, as a mater of fact, greatly impacts the precision and accuracy of the trackers since accumulated scale error degrades the appearance model as online updating goes on. Meanwhile, inspired by residue representation, we exploit the residue nature inherent to videos and propose residue-aware correlation filters that show better convergence properties in filter learning. Extensive experiments are conducted on four UAV benchmarks, namely, UAV123@10fps, DTB70, UAVDT and Vistrone2018 (VisDrone2018-test-dev). The results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance.