Abstract:Federated semi-supervised learning (FSSL) is primarily challenged by two factors: the scarcity of labeled data across clients and the non-independent and identically distribution (non-IID) nature of data among clients. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, diffusion model-based data synthesis aided FSSL (DDSA-FSSL), which utilizes a diffusion model (DM) to generate synthetic data, bridging the gap between heterogeneous local data distributions and the global data distribution. In DDSA-FSSL, clients address the challenge of the scarcity of labeled data by employing a federated learning-trained classifier to perform pseudo labeling for unlabeled data. The DM is then collaboratively trained using both labeled and precision-optimized pseudo-labeled data, enabling clients to generate synthetic samples for classes that are absent in their labeled datasets. This process allows clients to generate more comprehensive synthetic datasets aligned with the global distribution. Extensive experiments conducted on multiple datasets and varying non-IID distributions demonstrate the effectiveness of DDSA-FSSL, e.g., it improves accuracy from 38.46% to 52.14% on CIFAR-10 datasets with 10% labeled data.
Abstract:Attention Graph Neural Networks (AT-GNNs), such as GAT and Graph Transformer, have demonstrated superior performance compared to other GNNs. However, existing GNN systems struggle to efficiently train AT-GNNs on GPUs due to their intricate computation patterns. The execution of AT-GNN operations without kernel fusion results in heavy data movement and significant kernel launch overhead, while fixed thread scheduling in existing GNN kernel fusion strategies leads to sub-optimal performance, redundant computation and unbalanced workload. To address these challenges, we propose a dynamic kernel fusion framework, DF-GNN, for the AT-GNN family. DF-GNN introduces a dynamic bi-level thread scheduling strategy, enabling flexible adjustments to thread scheduling while retaining the benefits of shared memory within the fused kernel. DF-GNN tailors specific thread scheduling for operations in AT-GNNs and considers the performance bottleneck shift caused by the presence of super nodes. Additionally, DF-GNN is integrated with the PyTorch framework for high programmability. Evaluations across diverse GNN models and multiple datasets reveal that DF-GNN surpasses existing GNN kernel optimization works like cuGraph and dgNN, with speedups up to $7.0\times$ over the state-of-the-art non-fusion DGL sparse library. Moreover, it achieves an average speedup of $2.16\times$ in end-to-end training compared to the popular GNN computing framework DGL.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved significant success in various natural language processing tasks, but the role of wireless networks in supporting LLMs has not been thoroughly explored. In this paper, we propose a wireless distributed Mixture of Experts (WDMoE) architecture to enable collaborative deployment of LLMs across edge servers at the base station (BS) and mobile devices in wireless networks. Specifically, we decompose the MoE layer in LLMs by placing the gating network and the preceding neural network layer at BS, while distributing the expert networks among the devices. This deployment leverages the parallel inference capabilities of expert networks on mobile devices, effectively utilizing the limited computing and caching resources of these devices. Accordingly, we develop a performance metric for WDMoE-based LLMs, which accounts for both model capability and latency. To minimize the latency while maintaining accuracy, we jointly optimize expert selection and bandwidth allocation based on the performance metric. Moreover, we build a hardware testbed using NVIDIA Jetson kits to validate the effectiveness of WDMoE. Both theoretical simulations and practical hardware experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly reduce the latency without compromising LLM performance.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel multi-task, multi-link relay semantic communications (MTML-RSC) scheme that enables the destination node to simultaneously perform image reconstruction and classification with one transmission from the source node. In the MTML-RSC scheme, the source node broadcasts a signal using semantic communications, and the relay node forwards the signal to the destination. We analyze the coupling relationship between the two tasks and the two links (source-to-relay and source-to-destination) and design a semantic-focused forward method for the relay node, where it selectively forwards only the semantics of the relevant class while ignoring others. At the destination, the node combines signals from both the source node and the relay node to perform classification, and then uses the classification result to assist in decoding the signal from the relay node for image reconstructing. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed MTML-RSC scheme achieves significant performance gains, e.g., $1.73$ dB improvement in peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) for image reconstruction and increasing the accuracy from $64.89\%$ to $70.31\%$ for classification.
Abstract:To obtain better value estimation in reinforcement learning, we propose a novel algorithm based on the double actor-critic framework with temporal difference error-driven regularization, abbreviated as TDDR. TDDR employs double actors, with each actor paired with a critic, thereby fully leveraging the advantages of double critics. Additionally, TDDR introduces an innovative critic regularization architecture. Compared to classical deterministic policy gradient-based algorithms that lack a double actor-critic structure, TDDR provides superior estimation. Moreover, unlike existing algorithms with double actor-critic frameworks, TDDR does not introduce any additional hyperparameters, significantly simplifying the design and implementation process. Experiments demonstrate that TDDR exhibits strong competitiveness compared to benchmark algorithms in challenging continuous control tasks.
Abstract:Lightweight and efficient neural network models for deep joint source-channel coding (JSCC) are crucial for semantic communications. In this paper, we propose a novel JSCC architecture, named MambaJSCC, that achieves state-of-the-art performance with low computational and parameter overhead. MambaJSCC utilizes the visual state space model with channel adaptation (VSSM-CA) blocks as its backbone for transmitting images over wireless channels, where the VSSM-CA primarily consists of the generalized state space models (GSSM) and the zero-parameter, zero-computational channel adaptation method (CSI-ReST). We design the GSSM module, leveraging reversible matrix transformations to express generalized scan expanding operations, and theoretically prove that two GSSM modules can effectively capture global information. We discover that GSSM inherently possesses the ability to adapt to channels, a form of endogenous intelligence. Based on this, we design the CSI-ReST method, which injects channel state information (CSI) into the initial state of GSSM to utilize its native response, and into the residual state to mitigate CSI forgetting, enabling effective channel adaptation without introducing additional computational and parameter overhead. Experimental results show that MambaJSCC not only outperforms existing JSCC methods (e.g., SwinJSCC) across various scenarios but also significantly reduces parameter size, computational overhead, and inference delay.
Abstract:This paper investigates robust semantic communications over multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) fading channels. Current semantic communications over MIMO channels mainly focus on channel adaptive encoding and decoding, which lacks exploration of signal distribution. To leverage the potential of signal distribution in signal space denoising, we develop a diffusion model over MIMO channels (DM-MIMO), a plugin module at the receiver side in conjunction with singular value decomposition (SVD) based precoding and equalization. Specifically, due to the significant variations in effective noise power over distinct sub-channels, we determine the effective sampling steps accordingly and devise a joint sampling algorithm. Utilizing a three-stage training algorithm, DM-MIMO learns the distribution of the encoded signal, which enables noise elimination over all sub-channels. Experimental results demonstrate that the DM-MIMO effectively reduces the mean square errors (MSE) of the equalized signal and the DM-MIMO semantic communication system (DM-MIMO-JSCC) outperforms the JSCC-based semantic communication system in image reconstruction.
Abstract:Degraded broadcast channels (DBC) are a typical multiuser communication scenario, Semantic communications over DBC still lack in-depth research. In this paper, we design a semantic communications approach based on multi-user semantic fusion for wireless image transmission over DBC. In the proposed method, the transmitter extracts semantic features for two users separately. It then effectively fuses these semantic features for broadcasting by leveraging semantic similarity. Unlike traditional allocation of time, power, or bandwidth, the semantic fusion scheme can dynamically control the weight of the semantic features of the two users to balance the performance between the two users. Considering the different channel state information (CSI) of both users over DBC, a DBC-Aware method is developed that embeds the CSI of both users into the joint source-channel coding encoder and fusion module to adapt to the channel. Experimental results show that the proposed system outperforms the traditional broadcasting schemes.
Abstract:Federated Multi-Modal Learning (FMML) is an emerging field that integrates information from different modalities in federated learning to improve the learning performance. In this letter, we develop a parameter scheduling scheme to improve personalized performance and communication efficiency in personalized FMML, considering the non-independent and nonidentically distributed (non-IID) data along with the modality heterogeneity. Specifically, a learning-based approach is utilized to obtain the aggregation coefficients for parameters of different modalities on distinct devices. Based on the aggregation coefficients and channel state, a subset of parameters is scheduled to be uploaded to a server for each modality. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the personalized performance of FMML.
Abstract:Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has become a significant research topic due to its ability to facilitate learning in complex environments. In multi-agent tasks, the state-action value, commonly referred to as the Q-value, can vary among agents because of their individual rewards, resulting in a Q-vector. Determining an optimal policy is challenging, as it involves more than just maximizing a single Q-value. Various optimal policies, such as a Nash equilibrium, have been studied in this context. Algorithms like Nash Q-learning and Nash Actor-Critic have shown effectiveness in these scenarios. This paper extends this research by proposing a deep Q-networks (DQN) algorithm capable of learning various Q-vectors using Max, Nash, and Maximin strategies. The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated in an environment where dual robotic arms collaborate to lift a pot.