Abstract:Adversarial attacks can deceive neural networks by adding tiny perturbations to their input data. Ensemble defenses, which are trained to minimize attack transferability among sub-models, offer a promising research direction to improve robustness against such attacks while maintaining a high accuracy on natural inputs. We discover, however, that recent state-of-the-art (SOTA) adversarial attack strategies cannot reliably evaluate ensemble defenses, sizeably overestimating their robustness. This paper identifies the two factors that contribute to this behavior. First, these defenses form ensembles that are notably difficult for existing gradient-based method to attack, due to gradient obfuscation. Second, ensemble defenses diversify sub-model gradients, presenting a challenge to defeat all sub-models simultaneously, simply summing their contributions may counteract the overall attack objective; yet, we observe that ensemble may still be fooled despite most sub-models being correct. We therefore introduce MORA, a model-reweighing attack to steer adversarial example synthesis by reweighing the importance of sub-model gradients. MORA finds that recent ensemble defenses all exhibit varying degrees of overestimated robustness. Comparing it against recent SOTA white-box attacks, it can converge orders of magnitude faster while achieving higher attack success rates across all ensemble models examined with three different ensemble modes (i.e., ensembling by either softmax, voting or logits). In particular, most ensemble defenses exhibit near or exactly 0% robustness against MORA with $\ell^\infty$ perturbation within 0.02 on CIFAR-10, and 0.01 on CIFAR-100. We make MORA open source with reproducible results and pre-trained models; and provide a leaderboard of ensemble defenses under various attack strategies.
Abstract:Due to the vulnerability of deep neural networks (DNNs) to adversarial examples, a large number of defense techniques have been proposed to alleviate this problem in recent years. However, the progress of building more robust models is usually hampered by the incomplete or incorrect robustness evaluation. To accelerate the research on reliable evaluation of adversarial robustness of the current defense models in image classification, the TSAIL group at Tsinghua University and the Alibaba Security group organized this competition along with a CVPR 2021 workshop on adversarial machine learning (https://aisecure-workshop.github.io/amlcvpr2021/). The purpose of this competition is to motivate novel attack algorithms to evaluate adversarial robustness more effectively and reliably. The participants were encouraged to develop stronger white-box attack algorithms to find the worst-case robustness of different defenses. This competition was conducted on an adversarial robustness evaluation platform -- ARES (https://github.com/thu-ml/ares), and is held on the TianChi platform (https://tianchi.aliyun.com/competition/entrance/531847/introduction) as one of the series of AI Security Challengers Program. After the competition, we summarized the results and established a new adversarial robustness benchmark at https://ml.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/ares-bench/, which allows users to upload adversarial attack algorithms and defense models for evaluation.
Abstract:Deep convolutional neural networks are susceptible to adversarial attacks. They can be easily deceived to give an incorrect output by adding a tiny perturbation to the input. This presents a great challenge in making CNNs robust against such attacks. An influx of new defense techniques have been proposed to this end. In this paper, we show that latent features in certain "robust" models are surprisingly susceptible to adversarial attacks. On top of this, we introduce a unified $\ell_\infty$-norm white-box attack algorithm which harnesses latent features in its gradient descent steps, namely LAFEAT. We show that not only is it computationally much more efficient for successful attacks, but it is also a stronger adversary than the current state-of-the-art across a wide range of defense mechanisms. This suggests that model robustness could be contingent on the effective use of the defender's hidden components, and it should no longer be viewed from a holistic perspective.