Abstract:Vehicle API testing verifies whether the interactions between a vehicle's internal systems and external applications meet expectations, ensuring that users can access and control various vehicle functions and data. However, this task is inherently complex, requiring the alignment and coordination of API systems, communication protocols, and even vehicle simulation systems to develop valid test cases. In practical industrial scenarios, inconsistencies, ambiguities, and interdependencies across various documents and system specifications pose significant challenges. This paper presents a system designed for the automated testing of in-vehicle APIs. By clearly defining and segmenting the testing process, we enable Large Language Models (LLMs) to focus on specific tasks, ensuring a stable and controlled testing workflow. Experiments conducted on over 100 APIs demonstrate that our system effectively automates vehicle API testing. The results also confirm that LLMs can efficiently handle mundane tasks requiring human judgment, making them suitable for complete automation in similar industrial contexts.
Abstract:Today's advanced automotive systems are turning into intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), bringing computational intelligence to their cyber-physical context. Such systems power advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) that observe a vehicle's surroundings for their functionality. However, such ADAS have clear limitations in scenarios when the direct line-of-sight to surrounding objects is occluded, like in urban areas. Imagine now automated driving (AD) systems that ideally could benefit from other vehicles' field-of-view in such occluded situations to increase traffic safety if, for example, locations about pedestrians can be shared across vehicles. Current literature suggests vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) via roadside units (RSUs) or vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication to address such issues that stream sensor or object data between vehicles. When considering the ongoing revolution in vehicle system architectures towards powerful, centralized processing units with hardware accelerators, foreseeing the onboard presence of large language models (LLMs) to improve the passengers' comfort when using voice assistants becomes a reality. We are suggesting and evaluating a concept to complement the ego vehicle's field-of-view (FOV) with another vehicle's FOV by tapping into their onboard LLM to let the machines have a dialogue about what the other vehicle ``sees''. Our results show that very recent versions of LLMs, such as GPT-4V and GPT-4o, understand a traffic situation to an impressive level of detail, and hence, they can be used even to spot traffic participants. However, better prompts are needed to improve the detection quality and future work is needed towards a standardised message interchange format between vehicles.
Abstract:Traditional methods for making software deployment decisions in the automotive industry typically rely on manual analysis of tabular software test data. These methods often lead to higher costs and delays in the software release cycle due to their labor-intensive nature. Large Language Models (LLMs) present a promising solution to these challenges. However, their application generally demands multiple rounds of human-driven prompt engineering, which limits their practical deployment, particularly for industrial end-users who need reliable and efficient results. In this paper, we propose GoNoGo, an LLM agent system designed to streamline automotive software deployment while meeting both functional requirements and practical industrial constraints. Unlike previous systems, GoNoGo is specifically tailored to address domain-specific and risk-sensitive systems. We evaluate GoNoGo's performance across different task difficulties using zero-shot and few-shot examples taken from industrial practice. Our results show that GoNoGo achieves a 100% success rate for tasks up to Level 2 difficulty with 3-shot examples, and maintains high performance even for more complex tasks. We find that GoNoGo effectively automates decision-making for simpler tasks, significantly reducing the need for manual intervention. In summary, GoNoGo represents an efficient and user-friendly LLM-based solution currently employed in our industrial partner's company to assist with software release decision-making, supporting more informed and timely decisions in the release process for risk-sensitive vehicle systems.
Abstract:Today's advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), like adaptive cruise control or rear collision warning, are finding broader adoption across vehicle classes. Integrating such advanced, multimodal Large Language Models (LLMs) on board a vehicle, which are capable of processing text, images, audio, and other data types, may have the potential to greatly enhance passenger comfort. Yet, an LLM's hallucinations are still a major challenge to be addressed. In this paper, we systematically assessed potential hallucination detection strategies for such LLMs in the context of object detection in vision-based data on the example of pedestrian detection and localization. We evaluate three hallucination detection strategies applied to two state-of-the-art LLMs, the proprietary GPT-4V and the open LLaVA, on two datasets (Waymo/US and PREPER CITY/Sweden). Our results show that these LLMs can describe a traffic situation to an impressive level of detail but are still challenged for further analysis activities such as object localization. We evaluate and extend hallucination detection approaches when applying these LLMs to video sequences in the example of pedestrian detection. Our experiments show that, at the moment, the state-of-the-art proprietary LLM performs much better than the open LLM. Furthermore, consistency enhancement techniques based on voting, such as the Best-of-Three (BO3) method, do not effectively reduce hallucinations in LLMs that tend to exhibit high false negatives in detecting pedestrians. However, extending the hallucination detection by including information from the past helps to improve results.
Abstract:Machine Learning (ML) is continuously permeating a growing amount of application domains. Generative AI such as Large Language Models (LLMs) also sees broad adoption to process multi-modal data such as text, images, audio, and video. While the trend is to use ever-larger datasets for training, managing this data efficiently has become a significant practical challenge in the industry-double as much data is certainly not double as good. Rather the opposite is important since getting an understanding of the inherent quality and diversity of the underlying data lakes is a growing challenge for application-specific ML as well as for fine-tuning foundation models. Furthermore, information retrieval (IR) from expanding data lakes is complicated by the temporal dimension inherent in time-series data which must be considered to determine its semantic value. This study focuses on the different semantic-aware techniques to extract embeddings from mono-modal, multi-modal, and cross-modal data to enhance IR capabilities in a growing data lake. Articles were collected to summarize information about the state-of-the-art techniques focusing on applications of embedding for three different categories of data modalities.
Abstract:Computer vision models trained on Google Street View images can create material cadastres. However, current approaches need manually annotated datasets that are difficult to obtain and often have class imbalance. To address these challenges, this paper fine-tuned a Swin Transformer model on a synthetic dataset generated with DALL-E and compared the performance to a similar manually annotated dataset. Although manual annotation remains the gold standard, the synthetic dataset performance demonstrates a reasonable alternative. The findings will ease annotation needed to develop material cadastres, offering architects insights into opportunities for material reuse, thus contributing to the reduction of demolition waste.
Abstract:Deep neural networks (DNNs) have revolutionized artificial intelligence but often lack performance when faced with out-of-distribution (OOD) data, a common scenario due to the inevitable domain shifts in real-world applications. This limitation stems from the common assumption that training and testing data share the same distribution-an assumption frequently violated in practice. Despite their effectiveness with large amounts of data and computational power, DNNs struggle with distributional shifts and limited labeled data, leading to overfitting and poor generalization across various tasks and domains. Meta-learning presents a promising approach by employing algorithms that acquire transferable knowledge across various tasks for fast adaptation, eliminating the need to learn each task from scratch. This survey paper delves into the realm of meta-learning with a focus on its contribution to domain generalization. We first clarify the concept of meta-learning for domain generalization and introduce a novel taxonomy based on the feature extraction strategy and the classifier learning methodology, offering a granular view of methodologies. Through an exhaustive review of existing methods and underlying theories, we map out the fundamentals of the field. Our survey provides practical insights and an informed discussion on promising research directions, paving the way for future innovation in meta-learning for domain generalization.
Abstract:Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been widely used in computer vision due to its effectiveness. While the high model complexity of CNN enables remarkable learning capacity, the large number of trainable parameters comes with a high cost. In addition to the demand of a large amount of resources, the high complexity of the network can result in a high variance in its generalization performance from a statistical learning theory perspective. One way to reduce the complexity of a network without sacrificing its accuracy is to define and identify redundancies in order to remove them. In this work, we propose a method to observe and analyze redundancies in the weights of 2D convolutional (Conv2D) filters. From our experiments, we observe that 1) the vectorized Conv2D filters exhibit low rank behaviors; 2) the effective ranks of these filters typically decrease when the network goes deeper, and 3) these effective ranks are converging over training steps. Inspired by these observations, we propose a new layer called Separable Convolutional Eigen-Filters (SCEF) as an alternative parameterization to Conv2D filters. A SCEF layer can be easily implemented using the depthwise separable convolutions trained with our proposed training strategy. In addition to the decreased number of trainable parameters by using SCEF, depthwise separable convolutions are known to be more computationally efficient compared to Conv2D operations, which reduces the runtime FLOPs as well. Experiments are conducted on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets by replacing the Conv2D layers with SCEF. The results have shown an increased accuracy using about 2/3 of the original parameters and reduce the number of FLOPs to 2/3 of the base net.
Abstract:Metric learning for classification has been intensively studied over the last decade. The idea is to learn a metric space induced from a normed vector space on which data from different classes are well separated. Different measures of the separation thus lead to various designs of the objective function in the metric learning model. One classical metric is the Mahalanobis distance, where a linear transformation matrix is designed and applied on the original dataset to obtain a new subspace equipped with the Euclidean norm. The kernelized version has also been developed, followed by Multiple-Kernel learning models. In this paper, we consider metric learning to be the identification of the best kernel function with respect to a high class separability in the corresponding metric space. The contribution is twofold: 1) No pairwise computations are required as in most metric learning techniques; 2) Better flexibility and lower computational complexity is achieved using the CLAss-Specific (Multiple) Kernel - Metric Learning (CLAS(M)K-ML). The proposed techniques can be considered as a preprocessing step to any kernel method or kernel approximation technique. An extension to a hierarchical learning structure is also proposed to further improve the classification performance, where on each layer, the CLASMK is computed based on a selected "marginal" subset and feature vectors are constructed by concatenating the features from all previous layers.
Abstract:Recently, proposal-free instance segmentation has received increasing attention due to its concise and efficient pipeline. Generally, proposal-free methods generate instance-agnostic semantic segmentation labels and instance-aware features to group pixels into different object instances. However, previous methods mostly employ separate modules for these two sub-tasks and require multiple passes for inference. We argue that treating these two sub-tasks separately is suboptimal. In fact, employing multiple separate modules significantly reduces the potential for application. The mutual benefits between the two complementary sub-tasks are also unexplored. To this end, this work proposes a single-shot proposal-free instance segmentation method that requires only one single pass for prediction. Our method is based on a pixel-pair affinity pyramid, which computes the probability that two pixels belong to the same instance in a hierarchical manner. The affinity pyramid can also be jointly learned with the semantic class labeling and achieve mutual benefits. Moreover, incorporating with the learned affinity pyramid, a novel cascaded graph partition module is presented to sequentially generate instances from coarse to fine. Unlike previous time-consuming graph partition methods, this module achieves $5\times$ speedup and 9% relative improvement on Average-Precision (AP). Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results on the challenging Cityscapes dataset.