Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Abstract:Predicting pedestrian crossing behavior is important for intelligent traffic systems to avoid pedestrian-vehicle collisions. Most existing pedestrian crossing behavior models are trained and evaluated on datasets collected from a single country, overlooking differences between countries. To address this gap, we compared pedestrian road-crossing behavior at unsignalized crossings in Germany and Japan. We presented four types of machine learning models to predict gap selection behavior, zebra crossing usage, and their trajectories using simulator data collected from both countries. When comparing the differences between countries, pedestrians from the study conducted in Japan are more cautious, selecting larger gaps compared to those in Germany. We evaluate and analyze model transferability. Our results show that neural networks outperform other machine learning models in predicting gap selection and zebra crossing usage, while random forest models perform best on trajectory prediction tasks, demonstrating strong performance and transferability. We develop a transferable model using an unsupervised clustering method, which improves prediction accuracy for gap selection and trajectory prediction. These findings provide a deeper understanding of pedestrian crossing behaviors in different countries and offer valuable insights into model transferability.
Abstract:Today's advanced automotive systems are turning into intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), bringing computational intelligence to their cyber-physical context. Such systems power advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) that observe a vehicle's surroundings for their functionality. However, such ADAS have clear limitations in scenarios when the direct line-of-sight to surrounding objects is occluded, like in urban areas. Imagine now automated driving (AD) systems that ideally could benefit from other vehicles' field-of-view in such occluded situations to increase traffic safety if, for example, locations about pedestrians can be shared across vehicles. Current literature suggests vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) via roadside units (RSUs) or vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication to address such issues that stream sensor or object data between vehicles. When considering the ongoing revolution in vehicle system architectures towards powerful, centralized processing units with hardware accelerators, foreseeing the onboard presence of large language models (LLMs) to improve the passengers' comfort when using voice assistants becomes a reality. We are suggesting and evaluating a concept to complement the ego vehicle's field-of-view (FOV) with another vehicle's FOV by tapping into their onboard LLM to let the machines have a dialogue about what the other vehicle ``sees''. Our results show that very recent versions of LLMs, such as GPT-4V and GPT-4o, understand a traffic situation to an impressive level of detail, and hence, they can be used even to spot traffic participants. However, better prompts are needed to improve the detection quality and future work is needed towards a standardised message interchange format between vehicles.
Abstract:Today's advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), like adaptive cruise control or rear collision warning, are finding broader adoption across vehicle classes. Integrating such advanced, multimodal Large Language Models (LLMs) on board a vehicle, which are capable of processing text, images, audio, and other data types, may have the potential to greatly enhance passenger comfort. Yet, an LLM's hallucinations are still a major challenge to be addressed. In this paper, we systematically assessed potential hallucination detection strategies for such LLMs in the context of object detection in vision-based data on the example of pedestrian detection and localization. We evaluate three hallucination detection strategies applied to two state-of-the-art LLMs, the proprietary GPT-4V and the open LLaVA, on two datasets (Waymo/US and PREPER CITY/Sweden). Our results show that these LLMs can describe a traffic situation to an impressive level of detail but are still challenged for further analysis activities such as object localization. We evaluate and extend hallucination detection approaches when applying these LLMs to video sequences in the example of pedestrian detection. Our experiments show that, at the moment, the state-of-the-art proprietary LLM performs much better than the open LLM. Furthermore, consistency enhancement techniques based on voting, such as the Best-of-Three (BO3) method, do not effectively reduce hallucinations in LLMs that tend to exhibit high false negatives in detecting pedestrians. However, extending the hallucination detection by including information from the past helps to improve results.
Abstract:Machine Learning (ML) is continuously permeating a growing amount of application domains. Generative AI such as Large Language Models (LLMs) also sees broad adoption to process multi-modal data such as text, images, audio, and video. While the trend is to use ever-larger datasets for training, managing this data efficiently has become a significant practical challenge in the industry-double as much data is certainly not double as good. Rather the opposite is important since getting an understanding of the inherent quality and diversity of the underlying data lakes is a growing challenge for application-specific ML as well as for fine-tuning foundation models. Furthermore, information retrieval (IR) from expanding data lakes is complicated by the temporal dimension inherent in time-series data which must be considered to determine its semantic value. This study focuses on the different semantic-aware techniques to extract embeddings from mono-modal, multi-modal, and cross-modal data to enhance IR capabilities in a growing data lake. Articles were collected to summarize information about the state-of-the-art techniques focusing on applications of embedding for three different categories of data modalities.
Abstract:Understanding and predicting pedestrian crossing behavior is essential for enhancing automated driving and improving driving safety. Predicting gap selection behavior and the use of zebra crossing enables driving systems to proactively respond and prevent potential conflicts. This task is particularly challenging at unsignalized crossings due to the ambiguous right of way, requiring pedestrians to constantly interact with vehicles and other pedestrians. This study addresses these challenges by utilizing simulator data to investigate scenarios involving multiple vehicles and pedestrians. We propose and evaluate machine learning models to predict gap selection in non-zebra scenarios and zebra crossing usage in zebra scenarios. We investigate and discuss how pedestrians' behaviors are influenced by various factors, including pedestrian waiting time, walking speed, the number of unused gaps, the largest missed gap, and the influence of other pedestrians. This research contributes to the evolution of intelligent vehicles by providing predictive models and valuable insights into pedestrian crossing behavior.
Abstract:Changes and updates in the requirement artifacts, which can be frequent in the automotive domain, are a challenge for SafetyOps. Large Language Models (LLMs), with their impressive natural language understanding and generating capabilities, can play a key role in automatically refining and decomposing requirements after each update. In this study, we propose a prototype of a pipeline of prompts and LLMs that receives an item definition and outputs solutions in the form of safety requirements. This pipeline also performs a review of the requirement dataset and identifies redundant or contradictory requirements. We first identified the necessary characteristics for performing HARA and then defined tests to assess an LLM's capability in meeting these criteria. We used design science with multiple iterations and let experts from different companies evaluate each cycle quantitatively and qualitatively. Finally, the prototype was implemented at a case company and the responsible team evaluated its efficiency.
Abstract:Safety analysis is used to identify hazards and build knowledge during the design phase of safety-relevant functions. This is especially true for complex AI-enabled and software intensive systems such as Autonomous Drive (AD). System-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) is a novel method applied in safety-related fields like defense and aerospace, which is also becoming popular in the automotive industry. However, STPA assumes prerequisites that are not fully valid in the automotive system engineering with distributed system development and multi-abstraction design levels. This would inhibit software developers from using STPA to analyze their software as part of a bigger system, resulting in a lack of traceability. This can be seen as a maintainability challenge in continuous development and deployment (DevOps). In this paper, STPA's different guidelines for the automotive industry, e.g. J31887/ISO21448/STPA handbook, are firstly compared to assess their applicability to the distributed development of complex AI-enabled systems like AD. Further, an approach to overcome the challenges of using STPA in a multi-level design context is proposed. By conducting an interview study with automotive industry experts for the development of AD, the challenges are validated and the effectiveness of the proposed approach is evaluated.
Abstract:DevOps is a necessity in many industries, including the development of Autonomous Vehicles. In those settings, there are iterative activities that reduce the speed of SafetyOps cycles. One of these activities is "Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment" (HARA), which is an essential step to start the safety requirements specification. As a potential approach to increase the speed of this step in SafetyOps, we have delved into the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). Our objective is to systematically assess their potential for application in the field of safety engineering. To that end, we propose a framework to support a higher degree of automation of HARA with LLMs. Despite our endeavors to automate as much of the process as possible, expert review remains crucial to ensure the validity and correctness of the analysis results, with necessary modifications made accordingly.
Abstract:Safety measures need to be systemically investigated to what extent they evaluate the intended performance of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) for critical applications. Due to a lack of verification methods for high-dimensional DNNs, a trade-off is needed between accepted performance and handling of out-of-distribution (OOD) samples. This work evaluates rejecting outputs from semantic segmentation DNNs by applying a Mahalanobis distance (MD) based on the most probable class-conditional Gaussian distribution for the predicted class as an OOD score. The evaluation follows three DNNs trained on the Cityscapes dataset and tested on four automotive datasets and finds that classification risk can drastically be reduced at the cost of pixel coverage, even when applied on unseen datasets. The applicability of our findings will support legitimizing safety measures and motivate their usage when arguing for safe usage of DNNs in automotive perception.
Abstract:Recent Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) trends focus on various applications, including creating stories, illustrations, poems, articles, computer code, music compositions, and videos. Extrinsic hallucinations are a critical limitation of such GenAI, which can lead to significant challenges in achieving and maintaining the trustworthiness of GenAI. In this paper, we propose two new concepts that we believe will aid the research community in addressing limitations associated with the application of GenAI models. First, we propose a definition for the "desirability" of GenAI outputs and three factors which are observed to influence it. Second, drawing inspiration from Martin Fowler's code smells, we propose the concept of "prompt smells" and the adverse effects they are observed to have on the desirability of GenAI outputs. We expect our work will contribute to the ongoing conversation about the desirability of GenAI outputs and help advance the field in a meaningful way.