Picture for Vivienn Weru

Vivienn Weru

Quality Assured: Rethinking Annotation Strategies in Imaging AI

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Jul 26, 2024
Figure 1 for Quality Assured: Rethinking Annotation Strategies in Imaging AI
Figure 2 for Quality Assured: Rethinking Annotation Strategies in Imaging AI
Figure 3 for Quality Assured: Rethinking Annotation Strategies in Imaging AI
Figure 4 for Quality Assured: Rethinking Annotation Strategies in Imaging AI
Viaarxiv icon

Why is the winner the best?

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Mar 30, 2023
Figure 1 for Why is the winner the best?
Figure 2 for Why is the winner the best?
Figure 3 for Why is the winner the best?
Figure 4 for Why is the winner the best?
Viaarxiv icon

Biomedical image analysis competitions: The state of current participation practice

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Dec 16, 2022
Viaarxiv icon

Labeling instructions matter in biomedical image analysis

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Jul 20, 2022
Figure 1 for Labeling instructions matter in biomedical image analysis
Figure 2 for Labeling instructions matter in biomedical image analysis
Figure 3 for Labeling instructions matter in biomedical image analysis
Figure 4 for Labeling instructions matter in biomedical image analysis
Viaarxiv icon