Osaka University
Abstract:With the growing popularity of generative AI for images, video, and music, we witnessed models rapidly improve in quality and performance. However, not much attention is paid towards enabling AI's ability to "be creative". In this study, we implemented and simulated the systems model of creativity (proposed by Csikszentmihalyi) using virtual agents utilizing large language models (LLMs) and text prompts. For comparison, the simulations were conducted with the "virtual artists" being: 1)isolated and 2)placed in a multi-agent system. Both scenarios were compared by analyzing the variations and overall "creativity" in the generated artifacts (measured via a user study and LLM). Our results suggest that the generative agents may perform better in the framework of the systems model of creativity.
Abstract:Mobile manipulators require coordinated control between navigation and manipulation to accomplish tasks. Typically, coordinated mobile manipulation behaviors have base navigation to approach the goal followed by arm manipulation to reach the desired pose. Selecting the embodiment between the base and arm can be determined based on reachability. Previous methods evaluate reachability by computing inverse kinematics and activate arm motions once solutions are identified. In this study, we introduce a new approach called predictive reachability that decides reachability based on predicted arm motions. Our model utilizes a hierarchical policy framework built upon a world model. The world model allows the prediction of future trajectories and the evaluation of reachability. The hierarchical policy selects the embodiment based on the predicted reachability and plans accordingly. Unlike methods that require prior knowledge about robots and environments for inverse kinematics, our method only relies on image-based observations. We evaluate our approach through basic reaching tasks across various environments. The results demonstrate that our method outperforms previous model-based approaches in both sample efficiency and performance, while enabling more reasonable embodiment selection based on predictive reachability.
Abstract:This study proposes LiP-LLM: integrating linear programming and dependency graph with large language models (LLMs) for multi-robot task planning. In order for multiple robots to perform tasks more efficiently, it is necessary to manage the precedence dependencies between tasks. Although multi-robot decentralized and centralized task planners using LLMs have been proposed, none of these studies focus on precedence dependencies from the perspective of task efficiency or leverage traditional optimization methods. It addresses key challenges in managing dependencies between skills and optimizing task allocation. LiP-LLM consists of three steps: skill list generation and dependency graph generation by LLMs, and task allocation using linear programming. The LLMs are utilized to generate a comprehensive list of skills and to construct a dependency graph that maps the relationships and sequential constraints among these skills. To ensure the feasibility and efficiency of skill execution, the skill list is generated by calculated likelihood, and linear programming is used to optimally allocate tasks to each robot. Experimental evaluations in simulated environments demonstrate that this method outperforms existing task planners, achieving higher success rates and efficiency in executing complex, multi-robot tasks. The results indicate the potential of combining LLMs with optimization techniques to enhance the capabilities of multi-robot systems in executing coordinated tasks accurately and efficiently. In an environment with two robots, a maximum success rate difference of 0.82 is observed in the language instruction group with a change in the object name.
Abstract:This paper presents a novel perspective on the bidirectional causation between language emergence and relational structure of subjective experiences, termed qualia structure, and lays out the constructive approach to the intricate dependency between the two. We hypothesize that languages with distributional semantics, e.g., syntactic-semantic structures, may have emerged through the process of aligning internal representations among individuals, and such alignment of internal representations facilitates more structured language. This mutual dependency is suggested by the recent advancements in AI and symbol emergence robotics, and collective predictive coding (CPC) hypothesis, in particular. Computational studies show that neural network-based language models form systematically structured internal representations, and multimodal language models can share representations between language and perceptual information. This perspective suggests that language emergence serves not only as a mechanism creating a communication tool but also as a mechanism for allowing people to realize shared understanding of qualitative experiences. The paper discusses the implications of this bidirectional causation in the context of consciousness studies, linguistics, and cognitive science, and outlines future constructive research directions to further explore this dynamic relationship between language emergence and qualia structure.
Abstract:In this study, we propose a shared control method for teleoperated mobile robots using brain-machine interfaces (BMI). The control commands generated through BMI for robot operation face issues of low input frequency, discreteness, and uncertainty due to noise. To address these challenges, our method estimates the user's intended goal from their commands and uses this goal to generate auxiliary commands through the autonomous system that are both at a higher input frequency and more continuous. Furthermore, by defining the confidence level of the estimation, we adaptively calculated the weights for combining user and autonomous commands, thus achieving shared control.
Abstract:There are several challenges in developing a model for multi-tasking humanoid control. Reinforcement learning and imitation learning approaches are quite popular in this domain. However, there is a trade-off between the two. Reinforcement learning is not the best option for training a humanoid to perform multiple behaviors due to training time and model size, and imitation learning using kinematics data alone is not appropriate to realize the actual physics of the motion. Training models to perform multiple complex tasks take long training time due to high DoF and complexities of the movements. Although training models offline would be beneficial, another issue is the size of the dataset, usually being quite large to encapsulate multiple movements. Many papers have implemented state of the art deep learning models such as transformers to control humanoid characters and predict their motion based on a large dataset of recorded/reference motion. In this paper, we train a GPT on a large dataset of noisy expert policy rollout observations from a humanoid motion dataset as a pre-trained model and fine tune that model on a smaller dataset of noisy expert policy rollout observations and actions to autoregressively generate physically plausible motion trajectories. We show that it is possible to train a GPT-based foundation model on a smaller dataset in shorter training time to control a humanoid in a realistic physics environment to perform human-like movements.
Abstract:To realize autonomous collaborative robots, it is important to increase the trust that users have in them. Toward this goal, this paper proposes an algorithm which endows an autonomous agent with the ability to explain the transition from the current state to the target state in a Markov decision process (MDP). According to cognitive science, to generate an explanation that is acceptable to humans, it is important to present the minimum information necessary to sufficiently understand an event. To meet this requirement, this study proposes a framework for identifying important elements in the decision-making process using a prediction model for the world and generating explanations based on these elements. To verify the ability of the proposed method to generate explanations, we conducted an experiment using a grid environment. It was inferred from the result of a simulation experiment that the explanation generated using the proposed method was composed of the minimum elements important for understanding the transition from the current state to the target state. Furthermore, subject experiments showed that the generated explanation was a good summary of the process of state transition, and that a high evaluation was obtained for the explanation of the reason for an action.
Abstract:Recently, the bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) model has attracted much attention in the field of natural language processing, owing to its high performance in language understanding-related tasks. The BERT model learns language representation that can be adapted to various tasks via pre-training using a large corpus in an unsupervised manner. This study proposes the language and action learning using multimodal BERT (lamBERT) model that enables the learning of language and actions by 1) extending the BERT model to multimodal representation and 2) integrating it with reinforcement learning. To verify the proposed model, an experiment is conducted in a grid environment that requires language understanding for the agent to act properly. As a result, the lamBERT model obtained higher rewards in multitask settings and transfer settings when compared to other models, such as the convolutional neural network-based model and the lamBERT model without pre-training.
Abstract:Generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL) has attracted increasing attention in the field of robot learning. It enables robots to learn a policy to achieve a task demonstrated by an expert while simultaneously estimating the reward function behind the expert's behaviors. However, this framework is limited to learning a single task with a single reward function. This study proposes an extended framework called situated GAIL (S-GAIL), in which a task variable is introduced to both the discriminator and generator of the GAIL framework. The task variable has the roles of discriminating different contexts and making the framework learn different reward functions and policies for multiple tasks. To achieve the early convergence of learning and robustness during reward estimation, we introduce a term to adjust the entropy regularization coefficient in the generator's objective function. Our experiments using two setups (navigation in a discrete grid world and arm reaching in a continuous space) demonstrate that the proposed framework can acquire multiple reward functions and policies more effectively than existing frameworks. The task variable enables our framework to differentiate contexts while sharing common knowledge among multiple tasks.
Abstract:This paper describes a framework for the development of an integrative cognitive system based on probabilistic generative models (PGMs) called Neuro-SERKET. Neuro-SERKET is an extension of SERKET, which can compose elemental PGMs developed in a distributed manner and provide a scheme that allows the composed PGMs to learn throughout the system in an unsupervised way. In addition to the head-to-tail connection supported by SERKET, Neuro-SERKET supports tail-to-tail and head-to-head connections, as well as neural network-based modules, i.e., deep generative models. As an example of a Neuro-SERKET application, an integrative model was developed by composing a variational autoencoder (VAE), a Gaussian mixture model (GMM), latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), and automatic speech recognition (ASR). The model is called VAE+GMM+LDA+ASR. The performance of VAE+GMM+LDA+ASR and the validity of Neuro-SERKET were demonstrated through a multimodal categorization task using image data and a speech signal of numerical digits.