Abstract:Large Language Models revolutionized NLP and showed dramatic performance improvements across several tasks. In this paper, we investigated the role of such language models in text classification and how they compare with other approaches relying on smaller pre-trained language models. Considering 32 datasets spanning 8 languages, we compared zero-shot classification, few-shot fine-tuning and synthetic data based classifiers with classifiers built using the complete human labeled dataset. Our results show that zero-shot approaches do well for sentiment classification, but are outperformed by other approaches for the rest of the tasks, and synthetic data sourced from multiple LLMs can build better classifiers than zero-shot open LLMs. We also see wide performance disparities across languages in all the classification scenarios. We expect that these findings would guide practitioners working on developing text classification systems across languages.
Abstract:The role of large language models (LLMs) in education is an increasing area of interest today, considering the new opportunities they offer for teaching, learning, and assessment. This cutting-edge tutorial provides an overview of the educational applications of NLP and the impact that the recent advances in LLMs have had on this field. We will discuss the key challenges and opportunities presented by LLMs, grounding them in the context of four major educational applications: reading, writing, and speaking skills, and intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). This COLING 2025 tutorial is designed for researchers and practitioners interested in the educational applications of NLP and the role LLMs have to play in this area. It is the first of its kind to address this timely topic.
Abstract:Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a well-studied problem in NLP. However, there is much less focus on studying NER datasets, compared to developing new NER models. In this paper, we employed three simple techniques to detect annotation errors in the OntoNotes 5.0 corpus for English NER, which is the largest available NER corpus for English. Our techniques corrected ~10% of the sentences in train/dev/test data. In terms of entity mentions, we corrected the span and/or type of ~8% of mentions in the dataset, while adding/deleting/splitting/merging a few more. These are large numbers of changes, considering the size of OntoNotes. We used three NER libraries to train, evaluate and compare the models trained with the original and the re-annotated datasets, which showed an average improvement of 1.23% in overall F-scores, with large (>10%) improvements for some of the entity types. While our annotation error detection methods are not exhaustive and there is some manual annotation effort involved, they are largely language agnostic and can be employed with other NER datasets, and other sequence labelling tasks.
Abstract:The Universal Dependencies (UD) project aims to create a cross-linguistically consistent dependency annotation for multiple languages, to facilitate multilingual NLP. It currently supports 114 languages. Dravidian languages are spoken by over 200 million people across the word, and yet there are only two languages from this family in UD. This paper examines some of the morphological and syntactic features of Dravidian languages and explores how they can be annotated in the UD framework.
Abstract:Sentences containing multiple semantic operators with overlapping scope often create ambiguities in interpretation, known as scope ambiguities. These ambiguities offer rich insights into the interaction between semantic structure and world knowledge in language processing. Despite this, there has been little research into how modern large language models treat them. In this paper, we investigate how different versions of certain autoregressive language models -- GPT-2, GPT-3/3.5, Llama 2 and GPT-4 -- treat scope ambiguous sentences, and compare this with human judgments. We introduce novel datasets that contain a joint total of almost 1,000 unique scope-ambiguous sentences, containing interactions between a range of semantic operators, and annotated for human judgments. Using these datasets, we find evidence that several models (i) are sensitive to the meaning ambiguity in these sentences, in a way that patterns well with human judgments, and (ii) can successfully identify human-preferred readings at a high level of accuracy (over 90% in some cases).
Abstract:Adversarial evaluations of language models typically focus on English alone. In this paper, we performed a multilingual evaluation of Named Entity Recognition (NER) in terms of its robustness to small perturbations in the input. Our results showed the NER models we explored across three languages (English, German and Hindi) are not very robust to such changes, as indicated by the fluctuations in the overall F1 score as well as in a more fine-grained evaluation. With that knowledge, we further explored whether it is possible to improve the existing NER models using a part of the generated adversarial data sets as augmented training data to train a new NER model or as fine-tuning data to adapt an existing NER model. Our results showed that both these approaches improve performance on the original as well as adversarial test sets. While there is no significant difference between the two approaches for English, re-training is significantly better than fine-tuning for German and Hindi.
Abstract:This report summarizes the work carried out by the authors during the Twelfth Montreal Industrial Problem Solving Workshop, held at Universit\'e de Montr\'eal in August 2022. The team tackled a problem submitted by CBC/Radio-Canada on the theme of Automatic Text Simplification (ATS).
Abstract:Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a well researched NLP task and is widely used in real world NLP scenarios. NER research typically focuses on the creation of new ways of training NER, with relatively less emphasis on resources and evaluation. Further, state of the art (SOTA) NER models, trained on standard datasets, typically report only a single performance measure (F-score) and we don't really know how well they do for different entity types and genres of text, or how robust are they to new, unseen entities. In this paper, we perform a broad evaluation of NER using a popular dataset, that takes into consideration various text genres and sources constituting the dataset at hand. Additionally, we generate six new adversarial test sets through small perturbations in the original test set, replacing select entities while retaining the context. We also train and test our models on randomly generated train/dev/test splits followed by an experiment where the models are trained on a select set of genres but tested genres not seen in training. These comprehensive evaluation strategies were performed using three SOTA NER models. Based on our results, we recommend some useful reporting practices for NER researchers, that could help in providing a better understanding of a SOTA model's performance in future.
Abstract:Automatic Readability Assessment (ARA), the task of assigning a reading level to a text, is traditionally treated as a classification problem in NLP research. In this paper, we propose the first neural, pairwise ranking approach to ARA and compare it with existing classification, regression, and (non-neural) ranking methods. We establish the performance of our model by conducting experiments with three English, one French and one Spanish datasets. We demonstrate that our approach performs well in monolingual single/cross corpus testing scenarios and achieves a zero-shot cross-lingual ranking accuracy of over 80% for both French and Spanish when trained on English data. Additionally, we also release a new parallel bilingual readability dataset in English and French. To our knowledge, this paper proposes the first neural pairwise ranking model for ARA, and shows the first results of cross-lingual, zero-shot evaluation of ARA with neural models.
Abstract:Readability assessment is the task of evaluating the reading difficulty of a given piece of text. Although research on computational approaches to readability assessment is now two decades old, there is not much work on synthesizing this research. This article is a brief survey of contemporary research on developing computational models for readability assessment. We identify the common approaches, discuss their shortcomings, and identify some challenges for the future. Where possible, we also connect computational research with insights from related work in other disciplines such as education and psychology.