Abstract:In this article, we study the problem of sampling from distributions whose densities are not necessarily smooth nor log-concave. We propose a simple Langevin-based algorithm that does not rely on popular but computationally challenging techniques, such as the Moreau Yosida envelope or Gaussian smoothing. We derive non-asymptotic guarantees for the convergence of the algorithm to the target distribution in Wasserstein distances. Non asymptotic bounds are also provided for the performance of the algorithm as an optimizer, specifically for the solution of associated excess risk optimization problems.
Abstract:Recent advances in stochastic optimization have yielded the interactive particle Langevin algorithm (IPLA), which leverages the notion of interacting particle systems (IPS) to efficiently sample from approximate posterior densities. This becomes particularly crucial within the framework of Expectation-Maximization (EM), where the E-step is computationally challenging or even intractable. Although prior research has focused on scenarios involving convex cases with gradients of log densities that grow at most linearly, our work extends this framework to include polynomial growth. Taming techniques are employed to produce an explicit discretization scheme that yields a new class of stable, under such non-linearities, algorithms which are called tamed interactive particle Langevin algorithms (tIPLA). We obtain non-asymptotic convergence error estimates in Wasserstein-2 distance for the new class under an optimal rate.
Abstract:We provide full theoretical guarantees for the convergence behaviour of diffusion-based generative models under the assumption of strongly logconcave data distributions while our approximating class of functions used for score estimation is made of Lipschitz continuous functions. We demonstrate via a motivating example, sampling from a Gaussian distribution with unknown mean, the powerfulness of our approach. In this case, explicit estimates are provided for the associated optimization problem, i.e. score approximation, while these are combined with the corresponding sampling estimates. As a result, we obtain the best known upper bound estimates in terms of key quantities of interest, such as the dimension and rates of convergence, for the Wasserstein-2 distance between the data distribution (Gaussian with unknown mean) and our sampling algorithm. Beyond the motivating example and in order to allow for the use of a diverse range of stochastic optimizers, we present our results using an $L^2$-accurate score estimation assumption, which crucially is formed under an expectation with respect to the stochastic optimizer and our novel auxiliary process that uses only known information. This approach yields the best known convergence rate for our sampling algorithm.
Abstract:In this article we propose a novel taming Langevin-based scheme called $\mathbf{sTULA}$ to sample from distributions with superlinearly growing log-gradient which also satisfy a Log-Sobolev inequality. We derive non-asymptotic convergence bounds in $KL$ and consequently total variation and Wasserstein-$2$ distance from the target measure. Non-asymptotic convergence guarantees are provided for the performance of the new algorithm as an optimizer. Finally, some theoretical results on isoperimertic inequalities for distributions with superlinearly growing gradients are provided. Key findings are a Log-Sobolev inequality with constant independent of the dimension, in the presence of a higher order regularization and a Poincare inequality with constant independent of temperature and dimension under a novel non-convex theoretical framework.
Abstract:We study a class of interacting particle systems for implementing a marginal maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) procedure to optimize over the parameters of a latent variable model. To do so, we propose a continuous-time interacting particle system which can be seen as a Langevin diffusion over an extended state space, where the number of particles acts as the inverse temperature parameter in classical settings for optimisation. Using Langevin diffusions, we prove nonasymptotic concentration bounds for the optimisation error of the maximum marginal likelihood estimator in terms of the number of particles in the particle system, the number of iterations of the algorithm, and the step-size parameter for the time discretisation analysis.
Abstract:In this article we consider sampling from log concave distributions in Hamiltonian setting, without assuming that the objective gradient is globally Lipschitz. We propose two algorithms based on monotone polygonal (tamed) Euler schemes, to sample from a target measure, and provide non-asymptotic 2-Wasserstein distance bounds between the law of the process of each algorithm and the target measure. Finally, we apply these results to bound the excess risk optimization error of the associated optimization problem.
Abstract:We introduce a new Langevin dynamics based algorithm, called e-TH$\varepsilon$O POULA, to solve optimization problems with discontinuous stochastic gradients which naturally appear in real-world applications such as quantile estimation, vector quantization, CVaR minimization, and regularized optimization problems involving ReLU neural networks. We demonstrate both theoretically and numerically the applicability of the e-TH$\varepsilon$O POULA algorithm. More precisely, under the conditions that the stochastic gradient is locally Lipschitz in average and satisfies a certain convexity at infinity condition, we establish non-asymptotic error bounds for e-TH$\varepsilon$O POULA in Wasserstein distances and provide a non-asymptotic estimate for the expected excess risk, which can be controlled to be arbitrarily small. Three key applications in finance and insurance are provided, namely, multi-period portfolio optimization, transfer learning in multi-period portfolio optimization, and insurance claim prediction, which involve neural networks with (Leaky)-ReLU activation functions. Numerical experiments conducted using real-world datasets illustrate the superior empirical performance of e-TH$\varepsilon$O POULA compared to SGLD, ADAM, and AMSGrad in terms of model accuracy.
Abstract:The recent statistical finite element method (statFEM) provides a coherent statistical framework to synthesise finite element models with observed data. Through embedding uncertainty inside of the governing equations, finite element solutions are updated to give a posterior distribution which quantifies all sources of uncertainty associated with the model. However to incorporate all sources of uncertainty, one must integrate over the uncertainty associated with the model parameters, the known forward problem of uncertainty quantification. In this paper, we make use of Langevin dynamics to solve the statFEM forward problem, studying the utility of the unadjusted Langevin algorithm (ULA), a Metropolis-free Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler, to build a sample-based characterisation of this otherwise intractable measure. Due to the structure of the statFEM problem, these methods are able to solve the forward problem without explicit full PDE solves, requiring only sparse matrix-vector products. ULA is also gradient-based, and hence provides a scalable approach up to high degrees-of-freedom. Leveraging the theory behind Langevin-based samplers, we provide theoretical guarantees on sampler performance, demonstrating convergence, for both the prior and posterior, in the Kullback-Leibler divergence, and, in Wasserstein-2, with further results on the effect of preconditioning. Numerical experiments are also provided, for both the prior and posterior, to demonstrate the efficacy of the sampler, with a Python package also included.
Abstract:We consider non-convex stochastic optimization problems where the objective functions have super-linearly growing and discontinuous stochastic gradients. In such a setting, we provide a non-asymptotic analysis for the tamed unadjusted stochastic Langevin algorithm (TUSLA) introduced in Lovas et al. (2021). In particular, we establish non-asymptotic error bounds for the TUSLA algorithm in Wasserstein-1 and Wasserstein-2 distances. The latter result enables us to further derive non-asymptotic estimates for the expected excess risk. To illustrate the applicability of the main results, we consider an example from transfer learning with ReLU neural networks, which represents a key paradigm in machine learning. Numerical experiments are presented for the aforementioned example which supports our theoretical findings. Hence, in this setting, we demonstrate both theoretically and numerically that the TUSLA algorithm can solve the optimization problem involving neural networks with ReLU activation function. Besides, we provide simulation results for synthetic examples where popular algorithms, e.g. ADAM, AMSGrad, RMSProp, and (vanilla) SGD, may fail to find the minimizer of the objective functions due to the super-linear growth and the discontinuity of the corresponding stochastic gradient, while the TUSLA algorithm converges rapidly to the optimal solution.
Abstract:We present a new class of adaptive stochastic optimization algorithms, which overcomes many of the known shortcomings of popular adaptive optimizers that are currently used for the fine tuning of artificial neural networks (ANNs). Its underpinning theory relies on advances of Euler's polygonal approximations for stochastic differential equations (SDEs) with monotone coefficients. As a result, it inherits the stability properties of tamed algorithms, while it addresses other known issues, e.g. vanishing gradients in ANNs. In particular, we provide an nonasymptotic analysis and full theoretical guarantees for the convergence properties of an algorithm of this novel class, which we named TH$\varepsilon$O POULA (or, simply, TheoPouLa). Finally, several experiments are presented with different types of ANNs, which show the superior performance of TheoPouLa over many popular adaptive optimization algorithms.