Abstract:Hyperspectral image classification (HSIC) has gained significant attention because of its potential in analyzing high-dimensional data with rich spectral and spatial information. In this work, we propose the Differential Spatial-Spectral Transformer (DiffFormer), a novel framework designed to address the inherent challenges of HSIC, such as spectral redundancy and spatial discontinuity. The DiffFormer leverages a Differential Multi-Head Self-Attention (DMHSA) mechanism, which enhances local feature discrimination by introducing differential attention to accentuate subtle variations across neighboring spectral-spatial patches. The architecture integrates Spectral-Spatial Tokenization through three-dimensional (3D) convolution-based patch embeddings, positional encoding, and a stack of transformer layers equipped with the SWiGLU activation function for efficient feature extraction (SwiGLU is a variant of the Gated Linear Unit (GLU) activation function). A token-based classification head further ensures robust representation learning, enabling precise labeling of hyperspectral pixels. Extensive experiments on benchmark hyperspectral datasets demonstrate the superiority of DiffFormer in terms of classification accuracy, computational efficiency, and generalizability, compared to existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. In addition, this work provides a detailed analysis of computational complexity, showcasing the scalability of the model for large-scale remote sensing applications. The source code will be made available at \url{https://github.com/mahmad000/DiffFormer} after the first round of revision.
Abstract:In this paper, a novel method for data splitting is presented: an iterative procedure divides the input dataset of volcanic eruption, chosen as the proposed use case, into two parts using a dissimilarity index calculated on the cumulative histograms of these two parts. The Cumulative Histogram Dissimilarity (CHD) index is introduced as part of the design. Based on the obtained results the proposed model in this case, compared to both Random splitting and K-means implemented over different configurations, achieves the best performance, with a slightly higher number of epochs. However, this demonstrates that the model can learn more deeply from the input dataset, which is attributable to the quality of the splitting. In fact, each model was trained with early stopping, suitable in case of overfitting, and the higher number of epochs in the proposed method demonstrates that early stopping did not detect overfitting, and consequently, the learning was optimal.
Abstract:Climate change and increasing droughts pose significant challenges to water resource management around the world. These problems lead to severe water shortages that threaten ecosystems, agriculture, and human communities. To advance the fight against these challenges, we present a new dataset, SEN12-WATER, along with a benchmark using a novel end-to-end Deep Learning (DL) framework for proactive drought-related analysis. The dataset, identified as a spatiotemporal datacube, integrates SAR polarization, elevation, slope, and multispectral optical bands. Our DL framework enables the analysis and estimation of water losses over time in reservoirs of interest, revealing significant insights into water dynamics for drought analysis by examining temporal changes in physical quantities such as water volume. Our methodology takes advantage of the multitemporal and multimodal characteristics of the proposed dataset, enabling robust generalization and advancing understanding of drought, contributing to climate change resilience and sustainable water resource management. The proposed framework involves, among the several components, speckle noise removal from SAR data, a water body segmentation through a U-Net architecture, the time series analysis, and the predictive capability of a Time-Distributed-Convolutional Neural Network (TD-CNN). Results are validated through ground truth data acquired on-ground via dedicated sensors and (tailored) metrics, such as Precision, Recall, Intersection over Union, Mean Squared Error, Structural Similarity Index Measure and Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio.
Abstract:The use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has greatly advanced our capacity for comprehensive Earth monitoring, providing detailed insights into terrestrial surface use and cover regardless of weather conditions, and at any time of day or night. However, SAR imagery quality is often compromised by speckle, a granular disturbance that poses challenges in producing accurate results without suitable data processing. In this context, the present paper explores the cutting-edge application of Quantum Machine Learning (QML) in speckle filtering, harnessing quantum algorithms to address computational complexities. We introduce here QSpeckleFilter, a novel QML model for SAR speckle filtering. The proposed method compared to a previous work from the same authors showcases its superior performance in terms of Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) on a testing dataset, and it opens new avenues for Earth Observation (EO) applications.
Abstract:This paper explores an innovative fusion of Quantum Computing (QC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) through the development of a Hybrid Quantum Graph Convolutional Neural Network (HQGCNN), combining a Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCNN) with a Quantum Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). The study highlights the potentialities of GCNNs in handling global-scale dependencies and proposes the HQGCNN for predicting complex phenomena such as the Oceanic Nino Index (ONI). Preliminary results suggest the model potential to surpass state-of-the-art (SOTA). The code will be made available with the paper publication.
Abstract:Monitoring water contaminants is of paramount importance, ensuring public health and environmental well-being. Turbidity, a key parameter, poses a significant problem, affecting water quality. Its accurate assessment is crucial for safeguarding ecosystems and human consumption, demanding meticulous attention and action. For this, our study pioneers a novel approach to monitor the Turbidity contaminant, integrating CatBoost Machine Learning (ML) with high-resolution data from Sentinel-2 Level-2A. Traditional methods are labor-intensive while CatBoost offers an efficient solution, excelling in predictive accuracy. Leveraging atmospherically corrected Sentinel-2 data through the Google Earth Engine (GEE), our study contributes to scalable and precise Turbidity monitoring. A specific tabular dataset derived from Hong Kong contaminants monitoring stations enriches our study, providing region-specific insights. Results showcase the viability of this integrated approach, laying the foundation for adopting advanced techniques in global water quality management.
Abstract:The aim of this work is to perform a multitemporal analysis using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform for the detection of changes in urban areas using optical data and specific machine learning (ML) algorithms. As a case study, Cairo City has been identified, in Egypt country, as one of the five most populous megacities of the last decade in the world. Classification and change detection analysis of the region of interest (ROI) have been carried out from July 2013 to July 2021. Results demonstrate the validity of the proposed method in identifying changed and unchanged urban areas over the selected period. Furthermore, this work aims to evidence the growing significance of GEE as an efficient cloud-based solution for managing large quantities of satellite data.
Abstract:In this study, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical data are both considered for Earth surface classification. Specifically, the integration of Sentinel-1 (S-1) and Sentinel-2 (S-2) data is carried out through supervised Machine Learning (ML) algorithms implemented on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform for the classification of a particular region of interest. Achieved results demonstrate how in this case radar and optical remote detection provide complementary information, benefiting surface cover classification and generally leading to increased mapping accuracy. In addition, this paper works in the direction of proving the emerging role of GEE as an effective cloud-based tool for handling large amounts of satellite data.
Abstract:Atmospheric pollution has been largely considered by the scientific community as a primary threat to human health and ecosystems, above all for its impact on climate change. Therefore, its containment and reduction are gaining interest and commitment from institutions and researchers, although the solutions are not immediate. It becomes of primary importance to identify the distribution of air pollutants and evaluate their concentration levels in order to activate the right countermeasures. Among other tools, satellite-based measurements have been used for monitoring and obtaining information on air pollutants, and over the years their performance has increased in terms of both resolution and data reliability. This study aims to analyze the NO2 pollution in the Emilia Romagna Region (Northern Italy) during 2019, with the help of satellite retrievals from the {\nobreak Sentinel\nobreak-5P} mission of the European Copernicus Programme and ground-based measurements, obtained from the ARPA site (Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment). The final goal is the estimation of ground NO2 measurements when only satellite data are available. For this task, we used a Machine Learning (ML) model, Categorical Boosting, which was demonstrated to work quite well and allowed us to achieve a Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) of 0.0242 over the 43 stations utilized to get the Ground Truth values. This procedure, applicable to other areas of Italy and the world and on longer timelines, represents the starting point to understand which other actions must be taken to improve its final performance.
Abstract:In this paper, we address the problem of classifying data within the radar reference window in terms of statistical properties. Specifically, we partition these data into statistically homogeneous subsets by identifying possible clutter power variations with respect to the cells under test (accounting for possible range-spread targets) and/or clutter edges. To this end, we consider different situations of practical interest and formulate the classification problem as multiple hypothesis tests comprising several models for the operating scenario. Then, we solve the hypothesis testing problems by resorting to suitable approximations of the model order selection rules due to the intractable mathematics associated with the maximum likelihood estimation of some parameters. Remarkably, the classification results provided by the proposed architectures represent an advanced clutter map since, besides the estimation of the clutter parameters, they contain a clustering of the range bins in terms of homogeneous subsets. In fact, such information can drive the conventional detectors towards more reliable estimates of the clutter covariance matrix according to the position of the cells under test. The performance analysis confirms that the conceived architectures represent a viable means to recognize the scenario wherein the radar is operating at least for the considered simulation parameters.