Abstract:Adam is one of the most popular optimization algorithms in deep learning. However, it is known that Adam does not converge in theory unless choosing a hyperparameter, i.e., $\beta_2$, in a problem-dependent manner. There have been many attempts to fix the non-convergence (e.g., AMSGrad), but they require an impractical assumption that the gradient noise is uniformly bounded. In this paper, we propose a new adaptive gradient method named ADOPT, which achieves the optimal convergence rate of $\mathcal{O} ( 1 / \sqrt{T} )$ with any choice of $\beta_2$ without depending on the bounded noise assumption. ADOPT addresses the non-convergence issue of Adam by removing the current gradient from the second moment estimate and changing the order of the momentum update and the normalization by the second moment estimate. We also conduct intensive numerical experiments, and verify that our ADOPT achieves superior results compared to Adam and its variants across a wide range of tasks, including image classification, generative modeling, natural language processing, and deep reinforcement learning. The implementation is available at https://github.com/iShohei220/adopt.
Abstract:Given the remarkable achievements in image generation through diffusion models, the research community has shown increasing interest in extending these models to video generation. Recent diffusion models for video generation have predominantly utilized attention layers to extract temporal features. However, attention layers are limited by their memory consumption, which increases quadratically with the length of the sequence. This limitation presents significant challenges when attempting to generate longer video sequences using diffusion models. To overcome this challenge, we propose leveraging state-space models (SSMs). SSMs have recently gained attention as viable alternatives due to their linear memory consumption relative to sequence length. In the experiments, we first evaluate our SSM-based model with UCF101, a standard benchmark of video generation. In addition, to investigate the potential of SSMs for longer video generation, we perform an experiment using the MineRL Navigate dataset, varying the number of frames to 64 and 150. In these settings, our SSM-based model can considerably save memory consumption for longer sequences, while maintaining competitive FVD scores to the attention-based models. Our codes are available at https://github.com/shim0114/SSM-Meets-Video-Diffusion-Models.
Abstract:We address the problem of biased gradient estimation in deep Boltzmann machines (DBMs). The existing method to obtain an unbiased estimator uses a maximal coupling based on a Gibbs sampler, but when the state is high-dimensional, it takes a long time to converge. In this study, we propose to use a coupling based on the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) and to initialize the state around a local mode of the target distribution. Because of the propensity of MH to reject proposals, the coupling tends to converge in only one step with a high probability, leading to high efficiency. We find that our method allows DBMs to be trained in an end-to-end fashion without greedy pretraining. We also propose some practical techniques to further improve the performance of DBMs. We empirically demonstrate that our training algorithm enables DBMs to show comparable generative performance to other deep generative models, achieving the FID score of 10.33 for MNIST.
Abstract:Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), such as Langevin dynamics, is valid for approximating intractable distributions. However, its usage is limited in the context of deep latent variable models owing to costly datapoint-wise sampling iterations and slow convergence. This paper proposes the amortized Langevin dynamics (ALD), wherein datapoint-wise MCMC iterations are entirely replaced with updates of an encoder that maps observations into latent variables. This amortization enables efficient posterior sampling without datapoint-wise iterations. Despite its efficiency, we prove that ALD is valid as an MCMC algorithm, whose Markov chain has the target posterior as a stationary distribution under mild assumptions. Based on the ALD, we also present a new deep latent variable model named the Langevin autoencoder (LAE). Interestingly, the LAE can be implemented by slightly modifying the traditional autoencoder. Using multiple synthetic datasets, we first validate that ALD can properly obtain samples from target posteriors. We also evaluate the LAE on the image generation task, and show that our LAE can outperform existing methods based on variational inference, such as the variational autoencoder, and other MCMC-based methods in terms of the test likelihood.
Abstract:Tidying up a household environment using a mobile manipulator poses various challenges in robotics, such as adaptation to large real-world environmental variations, and safe and robust deployment in the presence of humans.The Partner Robot Challenge in World Robot Challenge (WRC) 2020, a global competition held in September 2021, benchmarked tidying tasks in the real home environments, and importantly, tested for full system performances.For this challenge, we developed an entire household service robot system, which leverages a data-driven approach to adapt to numerous edge cases that occur during the execution, instead of classical manual pre-programmed solutions. In this paper, we describe the core ingredients of the proposed robot system, including visual recognition, object manipulation, and motion planning. Our robot system won the second prize, verifying the effectiveness and potential of data-driven robot systems for mobile manipulation in home environments.