Abstract:A fundamental question in reinforcement learning theory is: suppose the optimal value functions are linear in given features, can we learn them efficiently? This problem's counterpart in supervised learning, linear regression, can be solved both statistically and computationally efficiently. Therefore, it was quite surprising when a recent work \cite{kane2022computational} showed a computational-statistical gap for linear reinforcement learning: even though there are polynomial sample-complexity algorithms, unless NP = RP, there are no polynomial time algorithms for this setting. In this work, we build on their result to show a computational lower bound, which is exponential in feature dimension and horizon, for linear reinforcement learning under the Randomized Exponential Time Hypothesis. To prove this we build a round-based game where in each round the learner is searching for an unknown vector in a unit hypercube. The rewards in this game are chosen such that if the learner achieves large reward, then the learner's actions can be used to simulate solving a variant of 3-SAT, where (a) each variable shows up in a bounded number of clauses (b) if an instance has no solutions then it also has no solutions that satisfy more than (1-$\epsilon$)-fraction of clauses. We use standard reductions to show this 3-SAT variant is approximately as hard as 3-SAT. Finally, we also show a lower bound optimized for horizon dependence that almost matches the best known upper bound of $\exp(\sqrt{H})$.
Abstract:We study a foundational variant of Valiant and Vapnik and Chervonenkis' Probably Approximately Correct (PAC)-Learning in which the adversary is restricted to a known family of marginal distributions $\mathscr{P}$. In particular, we study how the PAC-learnability of a triple $(\mathscr{P},X,H)$ relates to the learners ability to infer \emph{distributional} information about the adversary's choice of $D \in \mathscr{P}$. To this end, we introduce the `unsupervised' notion of \emph{TV-Learning}, which, given a class $(\mathscr{P},X,H)$, asks the learner to approximate $D$ from unlabeled samples with respect to a natural class-conditional total variation metric. In the classical distribution-free setting, we show that TV-learning is \emph{equivalent} to PAC-Learning: in other words, any learner must infer near-maximal information about $D$. On the other hand, we show this characterization breaks down for general $\mathscr{P}$, where PAC-Learning is strictly sandwiched between two approximate variants we call `Strong' and `Weak' TV-learning, roughly corresponding to unsupervised learners that estimate most relevant distances in $D$ with respect to $H$, but differ in whether the learner \emph{knows} the set of well-estimated events. Finally, we observe that TV-learning is in fact equivalent to the classical notion of \emph{uniform estimation}, and thereby give a strong refutation of the uniform convergence paradigm in supervised learning.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning with function approximation has recently achieved tremendous results in applications with large state spaces. This empirical success has motivated a growing body of theoretical work proposing necessary and sufficient conditions under which efficient reinforcement learning is possible. From this line of work, a remarkably simple minimal sufficient condition has emerged for sample efficient reinforcement learning: MDPs with optimal value function $V^*$ and $Q^*$ linear in some known low-dimensional features. In this setting, recent works have designed sample efficient algorithms which require a number of samples polynomial in the feature dimension and independent of the size of state space. They however leave finding computationally efficient algorithms as future work and this is considered a major open problem in the community. In this work, we make progress on this open problem by presenting the first computational lower bound for RL with linear function approximation: unless NP=RP, no randomized polynomial time algorithm exists for deterministic transition MDPs with a constant number of actions and linear optimal value functions. To prove this, we show a reduction from Unique-Sat, where we convert a CNF formula into an MDP with deterministic transitions, constant number of actions and low dimensional linear optimal value functions. This result also exhibits the first computational-statistical gap in reinforcement learning with linear function approximation, as the underlying statistical problem is information-theoretically solvable with a polynomial number of queries, but no computationally efficient algorithm exists unless NP=RP. Finally, we also prove a quasi-polynomial time lower bound under the Randomized Exponential Time Hypothesis.
Abstract:The equivalence of realizable and agnostic learnability is a fundamental phenomenon in learning theory. With variants ranging from classical settings like PAC learning and regression to recent trends such as adversarially robust and private learning, it's surprising that we still lack a unified theory; traditional proofs of the equivalence tend to be disparate, and rely on strong model-specific assumptions like uniform convergence and sample compression. In this work, we give the first model-independent framework explaining the equivalence of realizable and agnostic learnability: a three-line blackbox reduction that simplifies, unifies, and extends our understanding across a wide variety of settings. This includes models with no known characterization of learnability such as learning with arbitrary distributional assumptions or general loss, as well as a host of other popular settings such as robust learning, partial learning, fair learning, and the statistical query model. More generally, we argue that the equivalence of realizable and agnostic learning is actually a special case of a broader phenomenon we call property generalization: any desirable property of a learning algorithm (e.g.\ noise tolerance, privacy, stability) that can be satisfied over finite hypothesis classes extends (possibly in some variation) to any learnable hypothesis class.
Abstract:This work introduces Bilinear Classes, a new structural framework, which permit generalization in reinforcement learning in a wide variety of settings through the use of function approximation. The framework incorporates nearly all existing models in which a polynomial sample complexity is achievable, and, notably, also includes new models, such as the Linear $Q^*/V^*$ model in which both the optimal $Q$-function and the optimal $V$-function are linear in some known feature space. Our main result provides an RL algorithm which has polynomial sample complexity for Bilinear Classes; notably, this sample complexity is stated in terms of a reduction to the generalization error of an underlying supervised learning sub-problem. These bounds nearly match the best known sample complexity bounds for existing models. Furthermore, this framework also extends to the infinite dimensional (RKHS) setting: for the the Linear $Q^*/V^*$ model, linear MDPs, and linear mixture MDPs, we provide sample complexities that have no explicit dependence on the explicit feature dimension (which could be infinite), but instead depends only on information theoretic quantities.
Abstract:The explosive growth of easily-accessible unlabeled data has lead to growing interest in active learning, a paradigm in which data-hungry learning algorithms adaptively select informative examples in order to lower prohibitively expensive labeling costs. Unfortunately, in standard worst-case models of learning, the active setting often provides no improvement over non-adaptive algorithms. To combat this, a series of recent works have considered a model in which the learner may ask enriched queries beyond labels. While such models have seen success in drastically lowering label costs, they tend to come at the expense of requiring large amounts of memory. In this work, we study what families of classifiers can be learned in bounded memory. To this end, we introduce a novel streaming-variant of enriched-query active learning along with a natural combinatorial parameter called lossless sample compression that is sufficient for learning not only with bounded memory, but in a query-optimal and computationally efficient manner as well. Finally, we give three fundamental examples of classifier families with small, easy to compute lossless compression schemes when given access to basic enriched queries: axis-aligned rectangles, decision trees, and halfspaces in two dimensions.
Abstract:Given a finite set $X \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ and a binary linear classifier $c: \mathbb{R}^d \to \{0,1\}$, how many queries of the form $c(x)$ are required to learn the label of every point in $X$? Known as \textit{point location}, this problem has inspired over 35 years of research in the pursuit of an optimal algorithm. Building on the prior work of Kane, Lovett, and Moran (ICALP 2018), we provide the first nearly optimal solution, a randomized linear decision tree of depth $\tilde{O}(d\log(|X|))$, improving on the previous best of $\tilde{O}(d^2\log(|X|))$ from Ezra and Sharir (Discrete and Computational Geometry, 2019). As a corollary, we also provide the first nearly optimal algorithm for actively learning halfspaces in the membership query model. En route to these results, we prove a novel characterization of Barthe's Theorem (Inventiones Mathematicae, 1998) of independent interest. In particular, we show that $X$ may be transformed into approximate isotropic position if and only if there exists no $k$-dimensional subspace with more than a $k/d$-fraction of $X$, and provide a similar characterization for exact isotropic position.
Abstract:Combinatorial dimensions play an important role in the theory of machine learning. For example, VC dimension characterizes PAC learning, SQ dimension characterizes weak learning with statistical queries, and Littlestone dimension characterizes online learning. In this paper we aim to develop combinatorial dimensions that characterize bounded memory learning. We propose a candidate solution for the case of realizable strong learning under a known distribution, based on the SQ dimension of neighboring distributions. We prove both upper and lower bounds for our candidate solution, that match in some regime of parameters. In this parameter regime there is an equivalence between bounded memory and SQ learning. We conjecture that our characterization holds in a much wider regime of parameters.
Abstract:With the explosion of massive, widely available unlabeled data in the past years, finding label and time efficient, robust learning algorithms has become ever more important in theory and in practice. We study the paradigm of active learning, in which algorithms with access to large pools of data may adaptively choose what samples to label in the hope of exponentially increasing efficiency. By introducing comparisons, an additional type of query comparing two points, we provide the first time and query efficient algorithms for learning non-homogeneous linear separators robust to bounded (Massart) noise. We further provide algorithms for a generalization of the popular Tsybakov low noise condition, and show how comparisons provide a strong reliability guarantee that is often impractical or impossible with only labels - returning a classifier that makes no errors with high probability.
Abstract:In the world of big data, large but costly to label datasets dominate many fields. Active learning, an unsupervised alternative to the standard PAC-learning model, was introduced to explore whether adaptive labeling could learn concepts with exponentially fewer labeled samples. While previous results show that active learning performs no better than its supervised alternative for important concept classes such as linear separators, we show that by adding weak distributional assumptions and allowing comparison queries, active learning requires exponentially fewer samples. Further, we show that these results hold as well for a stronger model of learning called Reliable and Probably Useful (RPU) learning. In this model, our learner is not allowed to make mistakes, but may instead answer "I don't know." While previous negative results showed this model to have intractably large sample complexity for label queries, we show that comparison queries make RPU-learning at worst logarithmically more expensive in the passive case, and quadratically more expensive in the active case.