Abstract:Treatment planning for chronic diseases is a critical task in medical artificial intelligence, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). However, generating optimized sequential treatment strategies for patients with chronic diseases in different clinical encounters remains a challenging issue that requires further exploration. In this study, we proposed a TCM herbal prescription planning framework based on deep reinforcement learning for chronic disease treatment (PrescDRL). PrescDRL is a sequential herbal prescription optimization model that focuses on long-term effectiveness rather than achieving maximum reward at every step, thereby ensuring better patient outcomes. We constructed a high-quality benchmark dataset for sequential diagnosis and treatment of diabetes and evaluated PrescDRL against this benchmark. Our results showed that PrescDRL achieved a higher curative effect, with the single-step reward improving by 117% and 153% compared to doctors. Furthermore, PrescDRL outperformed the benchmark in prescription prediction, with precision improving by 40.5% and recall improving by 63%. Overall, our study demonstrates the potential of using artificial intelligence to improve clinical intelligent diagnosis and treatment in TCM.
Abstract:Latent fingerprints are among the most important and widely used evidence in crime scenes, digital forensics and law enforcement worldwide. Despite the number of advancements reported in recent works, we note that significant open issues such as independent benchmarking and lack of large-scale evaluation databases for improving the algorithms are inadequately addressed. The available databases are mostly of semi-public nature, lack of acquisition in the wild environment, and post-processing pipelines. Moreover, they do not represent a realistic capture scenario similar to real crime scenes, to benchmark the robustness of the algorithms. Further, existing databases for latent fingerprint recognition do not have a large number of unique subjects/fingerprint instances or do not provide ground truth/reference fingerprint images to conduct a cross-comparison against the latent. In this paper, we introduce a new wild large-scale latent fingerprint database that includes five different acquisition scenarios: reference fingerprints from (1) optical and (2) capacitive sensors, (3) smartphone fingerprints, latent fingerprints captured from (4) wall surface, (5) Ipad surface, and (6) aluminium foil surface. The new database consists of 1,318 unique fingerprint instances captured in all above mentioned settings. A total of 2,636 reference fingerprints from optical and capacitive sensors, 1,318 fingerphotos from smartphones, and 9,224 latent fingerprints from each of the 132 subjects were provided in this work. The dataset is constructed considering various age groups, equal representations of genders and backgrounds. In addition, we provide an extensive set of analysis of various subset evaluations to highlight open challenges for future directions in latent fingerprint recognition research.