Picture for Pejman Ghanouni

Pejman Ghanouni

SkullGAN: Synthetic Skull CT Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks

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Aug 01, 2023
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Bridging the gap between prostate radiology and pathology through machine learning

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Dec 03, 2021
Figure 1 for Bridging the gap between prostate radiology and pathology through machine learning
Figure 2 for Bridging the gap between prostate radiology and pathology through machine learning
Figure 3 for Bridging the gap between prostate radiology and pathology through machine learning
Figure 4 for Bridging the gap between prostate radiology and pathology through machine learning
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Weakly Supervised Registration of Prostate MRI and Histopathology Images

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Jun 23, 2021
Figure 1 for Weakly Supervised Registration of Prostate MRI and Histopathology Images
Figure 2 for Weakly Supervised Registration of Prostate MRI and Histopathology Images
Figure 3 for Weakly Supervised Registration of Prostate MRI and Histopathology Images
Figure 4 for Weakly Supervised Registration of Prostate MRI and Histopathology Images
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CorrSigNet: Learning CORRelated Prostate Cancer SIGnatures from Radiology and Pathology Images for Improved Computer Aided Diagnosis

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Jul 31, 2020
Figure 1 for CorrSigNet: Learning CORRelated Prostate Cancer SIGnatures from Radiology and Pathology Images for Improved Computer Aided Diagnosis
Figure 2 for CorrSigNet: Learning CORRelated Prostate Cancer SIGnatures from Radiology and Pathology Images for Improved Computer Aided Diagnosis
Figure 3 for CorrSigNet: Learning CORRelated Prostate Cancer SIGnatures from Radiology and Pathology Images for Improved Computer Aided Diagnosis
Figure 4 for CorrSigNet: Learning CORRelated Prostate Cancer SIGnatures from Radiology and Pathology Images for Improved Computer Aided Diagnosis
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