Abstract:In online betting, the bookmaker can update the payoffs it offers on a particular event many times before the event takes place, and the updated payoffs may depend on the bets accumulated thus far. We study the problem of bookmaking with the goal of maximizing the return in the worst-case, with respect to the gamblers' behavior and the event's outcome. We formalize this problem as the \emph{Optimal Online Bookmaking game}, and provide the exact solution for the binary case. To this end, we develop the optimal bookmaking strategy, which relies on a new technique called bi-balancing trees, that assures that the house loss is the same for all \emph{decisive} betting sequences, where the gambler bets all its money on a single outcome in each round.
Abstract:Recent work in machine learning community proposed multiple methods for performing lossy compression (quantization) of large matrices. This quantization is important for accelerating matrix multiplication (main component of large language models), which is often bottlenecked by the speed of loading these matrices from memory. Unlike classical vector quantization and rate-distortion theory, the goal of these new compression algorithms is to be able to approximate not the matrices themselves, but their matrix product. Specifically, given a pair of real matrices $A,B$ an encoder (compressor) is applied to each of them independently producing descriptions with $R$ bits per entry. These representations subsequently are used by the decoder to estimate matrix product $A^\top B$. In this work, we provide a non-asymptotic lower bound on the mean squared error of this approximation (as a function of rate $R$) for the case of matrices $A,B$ with iid Gaussian entries. Algorithmically, we construct a universal quantizer based on nested lattices with an explicit guarantee of approximation error for any (non-random) pair of matrices $A$, $B$ in terms of only Frobenius norms $\|A\|_F, \|B\|_F$ and $\|A^\top B\|_F$. For iid Gaussian matrices our quantizer achieves the lower bound and is, thus, asymptotically optimal. A practical low-complexity version of our quantizer achieves performance quite close to optimal. In information-theoretic terms we derive rate-distortion function for matrix multiplication of iid Gaussian matrices.
Abstract:The problem of statistical inference in its various forms has been the subject of decades-long extensive research. Most of the effort has been focused on characterizing the behavior as a function of the number of available samples, with far less attention given to the effect of memory limitations on performance. Recently, this latter topic has drawn much interest in the engineering and computer science literature. In this survey paper, we attempt to review the state-of-the-art of statistical inference under memory constraints in several canonical problems, including hypothesis testing, parameter estimation, and distribution property testing/estimation. We discuss the main results in this developing field, and by identifying recurrent themes, we extract some fundamental building blocks for algorithmic construction, as well as useful techniques for lower bound derivations.
Abstract:This paper studies the sample complexity of learning the $k$ unknown centers of a balanced Gaussian mixture model (GMM) in $\mathbb{R}^d$ with spherical covariance matrix $\sigma^2\mathbf{I}$. In particular, we are interested in the following question: what is the maximal noise level $\sigma^2$, for which the sample complexity is essentially the same as when estimating the centers from labeled measurements? To that end, we restrict attention to a Bayesian formulation of the problem, where the centers are uniformly distributed on the sphere $\sqrt{d}\mathcal{S}^{d-1}$. Our main results characterize the exact noise threshold $\sigma^2$ below which the GMM learning problem, in the large system limit $d,k\to\infty$, is as easy as learning from labeled observations, and above which it is substantially harder. The threshold occurs at $\frac{\log k}{d} = \frac12\log\left( 1+\frac{1}{\sigma^2} \right)$, which is the capacity of the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. Thinking of the set of $k$ centers as a code, this noise threshold can be interpreted as the largest noise level for which the error probability of the code over the AWGN channel is small. Previous works on the GMM learning problem have identified the minimum distance between the centers as a key parameter in determining the statistical difficulty of learning the corresponding GMM. While our results are only proved for GMMs whose centers are uniformly distributed over the sphere, they hint that perhaps it is the decoding error probability associated with the center constellation as a channel code that determines the statistical difficulty of learning the corresponding GMM, rather than just the minimum distance.
Abstract:In a growing number of applications, there is a need to digitize a (possibly high) number of correlated signals whose spectral characteristics are challenging for traditional analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Examples, among others, include multiple-input multiple-output systems where the ADCs must acquire at once several signals at a very wide but sparsely and dynamically occupied bandwidth supporting diverse services. In such scenarios, the resolution requirements can be prohibitively high. As an alternative, the recently proposed modulo-ADC architecture can in principle require dramatically fewer bits in the conversion to obtain the target fidelity, but requires that spatiotemporal information be known and explicitly taken into account by the analog and digital processing in the converter, which is frequently impractical. Building on our recent work, we address this limitation and develop a blind version of the architecture that requires no such knowledge in the converter. In particular, it features an automatic modulo-level adjustment and a fully adaptive modulo-decoding mechanism, allowing it to asymptotically match the characteristics of the unknown input signal. Simulation results demonstrate the successful operation of the proposed algorithm.
Abstract:Consider the rank-1 spiked model: $\bf{X}=\sqrt{\nu}\xi \bf{u}+ \bf{Z}$, where $\nu$ is the spike intensity, $\bf{u}\in\mathbb{S}^{k-1}$ is an unknown direction and $\xi\sim \mathcal{N}(0,1),\bf{Z}\sim \mathcal{N}(\bf{0},\bf{I})$. Motivated by recent advances in analog-to-digital conversion, we study the problem of recovering $\bf{u}\in \mathbb{S}^{k-1}$ from $n$ i.i.d. modulo-reduced measurements $\bf{Y}=[\bf{X}]\mod \Delta$, focusing on the high-dimensional regime ($k\gg 1$). We develop and analyze an algorithm that, for most directions $\bf{u}$ and $\nu=\mathrm{poly}(k)$, estimates $\bf{u}$ to high accuracy using $n=\mathrm{poly}(k)$ measurements, provided that $\Delta\gtrsim \sqrt{\log k}$. Up to constants, our algorithm accurately estimates $\bf{u}$ at the smallest possible $\Delta$ that allows (in an information-theoretic sense) to recover $\bf{X}$ from $\bf{Y}$. A key step in our analysis involves estimating the probability that a line segment of length $\approx\sqrt{\nu}$ in a random direction $\bf{u}$ passes near a point in the lattice $\Delta \mathbb{Z}^k$. Numerical experiments show that the developed algorithm performs well even in a non-asymptotic setting.
Abstract:In a growing number of applications, there is a need to digitize signals whose spectral characteristics are challenging for traditional Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs). Examples, among others, include systems where the ADC must acquire at once a very wide but sparsely and dynamically occupied bandwidth supporting diverse services, as well as systems where the signal of interest is subject to strong narrowband co-channel interference. In such scenarios, the resolution requirements can be prohibitively high. As an alternative, the recently proposed modulo-ADC architecture can in principle require dramatically fewer bits in the conversation to obtain the target fidelity, but requires that information about the spectrum be known and explicitly taken into account by the analog and digital processing in the converter, which is frequently impractical. To address this limitation, we develop a blind version of the architecture that requires no such knowledge in the converter, without sacrificing performance. In particular, it features an automatic modulo-level adjustment and a fully adaptive modulo unwrapping mechanism, allowing it to asymptotically match the characteristics of the unknown input signal. In addition to detailed analysis, simulations demonstrate the attractive performance characteristics in representative settings.
Abstract:Motivated by applications in unsourced random access, this paper develops a novel scheme for the problem of compressed sensing of binary signals. In this problem, the goal is to design a sensing matrix $A$ and a recovery algorithm, such that the sparse binary vector $\mathbf{x}$ can be recovered reliably from the measurements $\mathbf{y}=A\mathbf{x}+\sigma\mathbf{z}$, where $\mathbf{z}$ is additive white Gaussian noise. We propose to design $A$ as a parity check matrix of a low-density parity-check code (LDPC), and to recover $\mathbf{x}$ from the measurements $\mathbf{y}$ using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm, which runs relatively fast due to the sparse structure of $A$. The performance of our scheme is comparable to state-of-the-art schemes, which use dense sensing matrices, while enjoying the advantages of using a sparse sensing matrix.
Abstract:The construction of multiclass classifiers from binary classifiers is studied in this paper, and performance is quantified by the regret, defined with respect to the Bayes optimal log-loss. We start by proving that the regret of the well known One vs. All (OVA) method is upper bounded by the sum of the regrets of its constituent binary classifiers. We then present a new method called Conditional OVA (COVA), and prove that its regret is given by the weighted sum of the regrets corresponding to the constituent binary classifiers. Lastly, we present a method termed Leveraged COVA (LCOVA), designated to reduce the regret of a multiclass classifier by breaking it down to independently optimized binary classifiers.
Abstract:Multi-reference alignment entails estimating a signal in $\mathbb{R}^L$ from its circularly-shifted and noisy copies. This problem has been studied thoroughly in recent years, focusing on the finite-dimensional setting (fixed $L$). Motivated by single-particle cryo-electron microscopy, we analyze the sample complexity of the problem in the high-dimensional regime $L\to\infty$. Our analysis uncovers a phase transition phenomenon governed by the parameter $\alpha = L/(\sigma^2\log L)$, where $\sigma^2$ is the variance of the noise. When $\alpha>2$, the impact of the unknown circular shifts on the sample complexity is minor. Namely, the number of measurements required to achieve a desired accuracy $\varepsilon$ approaches $\sigma^2/\varepsilon$ for small $\varepsilon$; this is the sample complexity of estimating a signal in additive white Gaussian noise, which does not involve shifts. In sharp contrast, when $\alpha\leq 2$, the problem is significantly harder and the sample complexity grows substantially quicker with $\sigma^2$.