Abstract:Archetypal analysis (AA) is a matrix decomposition method that identifies distinct patterns using convex combinations of the data points denoted archetypes with each data point in turn reconstructed as convex combinations of the archetypes. AA thereby forms a polytope representing trade-offs of the distinct aspects in the data. Most existing methods for AA are designed for continuous data and do not exploit the structure of the data distribution. In this paper, we propose two new optimization frameworks for archetypal analysis for binary data. i) A second order approximation of the AA likelihood based on the Bernoulli distribution with efficient closed-form updates using an active set procedure for learning the convex combinations defining the archetypes, and a sequential minimal optimization strategy for learning the observation specific reconstructions. ii) A Bernoulli likelihood based version of the principal convex hull analysis (PCHA) algorithm originally developed for least squares optimization. We compare these approaches with the only existing binary AA procedure relying on multiplicative updates and demonstrate their superiority on both synthetic and real binary data. Notably, the proposed optimization frameworks for AA can easily be extended to other data distributions providing generic efficient optimization frameworks for AA based on tailored likelihood functions reflecting the underlying data distribution.
Abstract:Deep learning-based single-channel speaker separation has improved significantly in recent years largely due to the introduction of the transformer-based attention mechanism. However, these improvements come at the expense of intense computational demands, precluding their use in many practical applications. As a computationally efficient alternative with similar modeling capabilities, Mamba was recently introduced. We propose SepMamba, a U-Net-based architecture composed primarily of bidirectional Mamba layers. We find that our approach outperforms similarly-sized prominent models - including transformer-based models - on the WSJ0 2-speaker dataset while enjoying a significant reduction in computational cost, memory usage, and forward pass time. We additionally report strong results for causal variants of SepMamba. Our approach provides a computationally favorable alternative to transformer-based architectures for deep speech separation.
Abstract:This paper introduces a novel framework for Archetypal Analysis (AA) tailored to ordinal data, particularly from questionnaires. Unlike existing methods, the proposed method, Ordinal Archetypal Analysis (OAA), bypasses the two-step process of transforming ordinal data into continuous scales and operates directly on the ordinal data. We extend traditional AA methods to handle the subjective nature of questionnaire-based data, acknowledging individual differences in scale perception. We introduce the Response Bias Ordinal Archetypal Analysis (RBOAA), which learns individualized scales for each subject during optimization. The effectiveness of these methods is demonstrated on synthetic data and the European Social Survey dataset, highlighting their potential to provide deeper insights into human behavior and perception. The study underscores the importance of considering response bias in cross-national research and offers a principled approach to analyzing ordinal data through Archetypal Analysis.
Abstract:We present an expectation-maximization (EM) based unified framework for non-negative tensor decomposition that optimizes the Kullback-Leibler divergence. To avoid iterations in each M-step and learning rate tuning, we establish a general relationship between low-rank decomposition and many-body approximation. Using this connection, we exploit that the closed-form solution of the many-body approximation can be used to update all parameters simultaneously in the M-step. Our framework not only offers a unified methodology for a variety of low-rank structures, including CP, Tucker, and Train decompositions, but also their combinations forming mixtures of tensors as well as robust adaptive noise modeling. Empirically, we demonstrate that our framework provides superior generalization for discrete density estimation compared to conventional tensor-based approaches.
Abstract:Understanding the structure and dynamics of scientific research, i.e., the science of science (SciSci), has become an important area of research in order to address imminent questions including how scholars interact to advance science, how disciplines are related and evolve, and how research impact can be quantified and predicted. Central to the study of SciSci has been the analysis of citation networks. Here, two prominent modeling methodologies have been employed: one is to assess the citation impact dynamics of papers using parametric distributions, and the other is to embed the citation networks in a latent space optimal for characterizing the static relations between papers in terms of their citations. Interestingly, citation networks are a prominent example of single-event dynamic networks, i.e., networks for which each dyad only has a single event (i.e., the point in time of citation). We presently propose a novel likelihood function for the characterization of such single-event networks. Using this likelihood, we propose the Dynamic Impact Single-Event Embedding model (DISEE). The \textsc{\modelabbrev} model characterizes the scientific interactions in terms of a latent distance model in which random effects account for citation heterogeneity while the time-varying impact is characterized using existing parametric representations for assessment of dynamic impact. We highlight the proposed approach on several real citation networks finding that the DISEE well reconciles static latent distance network embedding approaches with classical dynamic impact assessments.
Abstract:Over the past two decades, there has been a tremendous increase in the growth of representation learning methods for graphs, with numerous applications across various fields, including bioinformatics, chemistry, and the social sciences. However, current dynamic network approaches focus on discrete-time networks or treat links in continuous-time networks as instantaneous events. Therefore, these approaches have limitations in capturing the persistence or absence of links that continuously emerge and disappear over time for particular durations. To address this, we propose a novel stochastic process relying on survival functions to model the durations of links and their absences over time. This forms a generic new likelihood specification explicitly accounting for intermittent edge-persistent networks, namely GraSSP: Graph Representation with Sequential Survival Process. We apply the developed framework to a recent continuous time dynamic latent distance model characterizing network dynamics in terms of a sequence of piecewise linear movements of nodes in latent space. We quantitatively assess the developed framework in various downstream tasks, such as link prediction and network completion, demonstrating that the developed modeling framework accounting for link persistence and absence well tracks the intrinsic trajectories of nodes in a latent space and captures the underlying characteristics of evolving network structure.
Abstract:Electroencephalography (EEG) is a prominent non-invasive neuroimaging technique providing insights into brain function. Unfortunately, EEG data exhibit a high degree of noise and variability across subjects hampering generalizable signal extraction. Therefore, a key aim in EEG analysis is to extract the underlying neural activation (content) as well as to account for the individual subject variability (style). We hypothesize that the ability to convert EEG signals between tasks and subjects requires the extraction of latent representations accounting for content and style. Inspired by recent advancements in voice conversion technologies, we propose a novel contrastive split-latent permutation autoencoder (CSLP-AE) framework that directly optimizes for EEG conversion. Importantly, the latent representations are guided using contrastive learning to promote the latent splits to explicitly represent subject (style) and task (content). We contrast CSLP-AE to conventional supervised, unsupervised (AE), and self-supervised (contrastive learning) training and find that the proposed approach provides favorable generalizable characterizations of subject and task. Importantly, the procedure also enables zero-shot conversion between unseen subjects. While the present work only considers conversion of EEG, the proposed CSLP-AE provides a general framework for signal conversion and extraction of content (task activation) and style (subject variability) components of general interest for the modeling and analysis of biological signals.
Abstract:Tensors are ubiquitous in science and engineering and tensor factorization approaches have become important tools for the characterization of higher order structure. Factorizations includes the outer-product rank Canonical Polyadic Decomposition (CPD) as well as the multi-linear rank Tucker decomposition in which the Block-Term Decomposition (BTD) is a structured intermediate interpolating between these two representations. Whereas CPD, Tucker, and BTD have traditionally relied on maximum-likelihood estimation, Bayesian inference has been use to form probabilistic CPD and Tucker. We propose, an efficient variational Bayesian probabilistic BTD, which uses the von-Mises Fisher matrix distribution to impose orthogonality in the multi-linear Tucker parts forming the BTD. On synthetic and two real datasets, we highlight the Bayesian inference procedure and demonstrate using the proposed pBTD on noisy data and for model order quantification. We find that the probabilistic BTD can quantify suitable multi-linear structures providing a means for robust inference of patterns in multi-linear data.
Abstract:Graph representation learning (GRL) has become a prominent tool for furthering the understanding of complex networks providing tools for network embedding, link prediction, and node classification. In this paper, we propose the Hybrid Membership-Latent Distance Model (HM-LDM) by exploring how a Latent Distance Model (LDM) can be constrained to a latent simplex. By controlling the edge lengths of the corners of the simplex, the volume of the latent space can be systematically controlled. Thereby communities are revealed as the space becomes more constrained, with hard memberships being recovered as the simplex volume goes to zero. We further explore a recent likelihood formulation for signed networks utilizing the Skellam distribution to account for signed weighted networks and extend the HM-LDM to the signed Hybrid Membership-Latent Distance Model (sHM-LDM). Importantly, the induced likelihood function explicitly attracts nodes with positive links and deters nodes from having negative interactions. We demonstrate the utility of HM-LDM and sHM-LDM on several real networks. We find that the procedures successfully identify prominent distinct structures, as well as how nodes relate to the extracted aspects providing favorable performances in terms of link prediction when compared to prominent baselines. Furthermore, the learned soft memberships enable easily interpretable network visualizations highlighting distinct patterns.
Abstract:Graph representation learning has become a prominent tool for the characterization and understanding of the structure of networks in general and social networks in particular. Typically, these representation learning approaches embed the networks into a low-dimensional space in which the role of each individual can be characterized in terms of their latent position. A major current concern in social networks is the emergence of polarization and filter bubbles promoting a mindset of "us-versus-them" that may be defined by extreme positions believed to ultimately lead to political violence and the erosion of democracy. Such polarized networks are typically characterized in terms of signed links reflecting likes and dislikes. We propose the latent Signed relational Latent dIstance Model (SLIM) utilizing for the first time the Skellam distribution as a likelihood function for signed networks and extend the modeling to the characterization of distinct extreme positions by constraining the embedding space to polytopes. On four real social signed networks of polarization, we demonstrate that the model extracts low-dimensional characterizations that well predict friendships and animosity while providing interpretable visualizations defined by extreme positions when endowing the model with an embedding space restricted to polytopes.