Abstract:Reinforcement Learning has achieved significant success in generating complex behavior but often requires extensive reward function engineering. Adversarial variants of Imitation Learning and Inverse Reinforcement Learning offer an alternative by learning policies from expert demonstrations via a discriminator. Employing discriminators increases their data- and computational efficiency over the standard approaches; however, results in sensitivity to imperfections in expert data. We propose RILe, a teacher-student system that achieves both robustness to imperfect data and efficiency. In RILe, the student learns an action policy while the teacher dynamically adjusts a reward function based on the student's performance and its alignment with expert demonstrations. By tailoring the reward function to both performance of the student and expert similarity, our system reduces dependence on the discriminator and, hence, increases robustness against data imperfections. Experiments show that RILe outperforms existing methods by 2x in settings with limited or noisy expert data.
Abstract:Predicting the outcomes of cyber-physical systems with multiple human interactions is a challenging problem. This article reviews a game theoretical approach to address this issue, where reinforcement learning is employed to predict the time-extended interaction dynamics. We explain that the most attractive feature of the method is proposing a computationally feasible approach to simultaneously model multiple humans as decision makers, instead of determining the decision dynamics of the intelligent agent of interest and forcing the others to obey certain kinematic and dynamic constraints imposed by the environment. We present two recent exploitations of the method to model 1) unmanned aircraft integration into the National Airspace System and 2) highway traffic. We conclude the article by providing ongoing and future work about employing, improving and validating the method. We also provide related open problems and research opportunities.