Abstract:In solid-state materials science, substantial efforts have been devoted to the calculation and modeling of the electronic band gap. While a wide range of ab initio methods and machine learning algorithms have been created that can predict this quantity, the development of new computational approaches for studying the band gap remains an active area of research. Here we introduce a simple machine learning model for predicting the band gap using only the chemical composition of the crystalline material. To motivate the form of the model, we first analyze the empirical distribution of the band gap, which sheds new light on its atypical statistics. Specifically, our analysis enables us to frame band gap prediction as a task of modeling a mixed random variable, and we design our model accordingly. Our model formulation incorporates thematic ideas from chemical heuristic models for other material properties in a manner that is suited towards the band gap modeling task. The model has exactly one parameter corresponding to each element, which is fit using data. To predict the band gap for a given material, the model computes a weighted average of the parameters associated with its constituent elements and then takes the maximum of this quantity and zero. The model provides heuristic chemical interpretability by intuitively capturing the associations between the band gap and individual chemical elements.
Abstract:Despite significant advancements in text generation and reasoning, Large Language Models (LLMs) still face challenges in accurately performing complex arithmetic operations. To achieve accurate calculations, language model systems often enable LLMs to generate code for arithmetic operations. However, this approach compromises speed and security and, if finetuning is involved, risks the language model losing prior capabilities. We propose a framework that enables exact arithmetic in \textit{a single autoregressive step}, providing faster, more secure, and more interpretable LLM systems with arithmetic capabilities. We use the hidden states of an LLM to control a symbolic architecture which performs arithmetic. Our implementation using Llama 3 8B Instruct with OccamNet as a symbolic model (OccamLlama) achieves 100\% accuracy on single arithmetic operations ($+,-,\times,\div,\sin{},\cos{},\log{},\exp{},\sqrt{}$), outperforming GPT 4o and on par with GPT 4o using a code interpreter. OccamLlama also outperforms both Llama 3 8B Instruct and GPT 3.5 Turbo on multistep reasoning problems involving challenging arithmetic, thus enabling small LLMs to match the arithmetic performance of even much larger models. We will make our code public shortly.
Abstract:We propose Quantum-informed Tensor Adaptation (QuanTA), a novel, easy-to-implement, fine-tuning method with no inference overhead for large-scale pre-trained language models. By leveraging quantum-inspired methods derived from quantum circuit structures, QuanTA enables efficient high-rank fine-tuning, surpassing the limitations of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA)--low-rank approximation may fail for complicated downstream tasks. Our approach is theoretically supported by the universality theorem and the rank representation theorem to achieve efficient high-rank adaptations. Experiments demonstrate that QuanTA significantly enhances commonsense reasoning, arithmetic reasoning, and scalability compared to traditional methods. Furthermore, QuanTA shows superior performance with fewer trainable parameters compared to other approaches and can be designed to integrate with existing fine-tuning algorithms for further improvement, providing a scalable and efficient solution for fine-tuning large language models and advancing state-of-the-art in natural language processing.
Abstract:Inspired by the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem, we propose Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) as promising alternatives to Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs). While MLPs have fixed activation functions on nodes ("neurons"), KANs have learnable activation functions on edges ("weights"). KANs have no linear weights at all -- every weight parameter is replaced by a univariate function parametrized as a spline. We show that this seemingly simple change makes KANs outperform MLPs in terms of accuracy and interpretability. For accuracy, much smaller KANs can achieve comparable or better accuracy than much larger MLPs in data fitting and PDE solving. Theoretically and empirically, KANs possess faster neural scaling laws than MLPs. For interpretability, KANs can be intuitively visualized and can easily interact with human users. Through two examples in mathematics and physics, KANs are shown to be useful collaborators helping scientists (re)discover mathematical and physical laws. In summary, KANs are promising alternatives for MLPs, opening opportunities for further improving today's deep learning models which rely heavily on MLPs.
Abstract:Partial differential equations (PDEs) are instrumental for modeling dynamical systems in science and engineering. The advent of neural networks has initiated a significant shift in tackling these complexities though challenges in accuracy persist, especially for initial value problems. In this paper, we introduce the $\textit{Time-Evolving Natural Gradient (TENG)}$, generalizing time-dependent variational principles and optimization-based time integration, leveraging natural gradient optimization to obtain high accuracy in neural-network-based PDE solutions. Our comprehensive development includes algorithms like TENG-Euler and its high-order variants, such as TENG-Heun, tailored for enhanced precision and efficiency. TENG's effectiveness is further validated through its performance, surpassing current leading methods and achieving machine precision in step-by-step optimizations across a spectrum of PDEs, including the heat equation, Allen-Cahn equation, and Burgers' equation.
Abstract:Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the field of materials science by improving the prediction of properties and accelerating the discovery of novel materials. In recent years, publicly available material data repositories containing data for various material properties have grown rapidly. In this work, we introduce Multimodal Learning for Crystalline Materials (MLCM), a new method for training a foundation model for crystalline materials via multimodal alignment, where high-dimensional material properties (i.e. modalities) are connected in a shared latent space to produce highly useful material representations. We show the utility of MLCM on multiple axes: (i) MLCM achieves state-of-the-art performance for material property prediction on the challenging Materials Project database; (ii) MLCM enables a novel, highly accurate method for inverse design, allowing one to screen for stable material with desired properties; and (iii) MLCM allows the extraction of interpretable emergent features that may provide insight to material scientists. Further, we explore several novel methods for aligning an arbitrary number of modalities, improving upon prior art in multimodal learning that focuses on bimodal alignment. Our work brings innovations from the ongoing AI revolution into the domain of materials science and identifies materials as a testbed for the next generation of AI.
Abstract:Quantum many-body physics simulation has important impacts on understanding fundamental science and has applications to quantum materials design and quantum technology. However, due to the exponentially growing size of the Hilbert space with respect to the particle number, a direct simulation is intractable. While representing quantum states with tensor networks and neural networks are the two state-of-the-art methods for approximate simulations, each has its own limitations in terms of expressivity and optimization. To address these challenges, we develop a novel architecture, Autoregressive Neural TensorNet (ANTN), which bridges tensor networks and autoregressive neural networks. We show that Autoregressive Neural TensorNet parameterizes normalized wavefunctions with exact sampling, generalizes the expressivity of tensor networks and autoregressive neural networks, and inherits a variety of symmetries from autoregressive neural networks. We demonstrate our approach on the 2D $J_1$-$J_2$ Heisenberg model with different systems sizes and coupling parameters, outperforming both tensor networks and autoregressive neural networks. Our work opens up new opportunities for both scientific simulations and machine learning applications.
Abstract:Studying the dynamics of open quantum systems holds the potential to enable breakthroughs both in fundamental physics and applications to quantum engineering and quantum computation. Due to the high-dimensional nature of the problem, customized deep generative neural networks have been instrumental in modeling the high-dimensional density matrix $\rho$, which is the key description for the dynamics of such systems. However, the complex-valued nature and normalization constraints of $\rho$, as well as its complicated dynamics, prohibit a seamless connection between open quantum systems and the recent advances in deep generative modeling. Here we lift that limitation by utilizing a reformulation of open quantum system dynamics to a partial differential equation (PDE) for a corresponding probability distribution $Q$, the Husimi Q function. Thus, we model the Q function seamlessly with off-the-shelf deep generative models such as normalizing flows. Additionally, we develop novel methods for learning normalizing flow evolution governed by high-dimensional PDEs, based on the Euler method and the application of the time-dependent variational principle. We name the resulting approach Q-Flow and demonstrate the scalability and efficiency of Q-Flow on open quantum system simulations, including the dissipative harmonic oscillator and the dissipative bosonic model. Q-Flow is superior to conventional PDE solvers and state-of-the-art physics-informed neural network solvers, especially in high-dimensional systems.
Abstract:Contact planning is crucial in locomoting systems.Specifically, appropriate contact planning can enable versatile behaviors (e.g., sidewinding in limbless locomotors) and facilitate speed-dependent gait transitions (e.g., walk-trot-gallop in quadrupedal locomotors). The challenges of contact planning include determining not only the sequence by which contact is made and broken between the locomotor and the environments, but also the sequence of internal shape changes (e.g., body bending and limb shoulder joint oscillation). Most state-of-art contact planning algorithms focused on conventional robots (e.g.biped and quadruped) and conventional tasks (e.g. forward locomotion), and there is a lack of study on general contact planning in multi-legged robots. In this paper, we show that using geometric mechanics framework, we can obtain the global optimal contact sequence given the internal shape changes sequence. Therefore, we simplify the contact planning problem to a graph optimization problem to identify the internal shape changes. Taking advantages of the spatio-temporal symmetry in locomotion, we map the graph optimization problem to special cases of spin models, which allows us to obtain the global optima in polynomial time. We apply our approach to develop new forward and sidewinding behaviors in a hexapod and a 12-legged centipede. We verify our predictions using numerical and robophysical models, and obtain novel and effective locomotion behaviors.
Abstract:Traditional optical elements and conventional metasurfaces obey shift-invariance in the paraxial regime. For imaging systems obeying paraxial shift-invariance, a small shift in input angle causes a corresponding shift in the sensor image. Shift-invariance has deep implications for the design and functionality of optical devices, such as the necessity of free space between components (as in compound objectives made of several curved surfaces). We present a method for nanophotonic inverse design of compact imaging systems whose resolution is not constrained by paraxial shift-invariance. Our method is end-to-end, in that it integrates density-based full-Maxwell topology optimization with a fully iterative elastic-net reconstruction algorithm. By the design of nanophotonic structures that scatter light in a non-shift-invariant manner, our optimized nanophotonic imaging system overcomes the limitations of paraxial shift-invariance, achieving accurate, noise-robust image reconstruction beyond shift-invariant resolution.