Abstract:In this work, we study online convex optimization with a fixed constraint function $g : \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$. Prior work on this problem has shown $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret and cumulative constraint satisfaction $\sum_{t=1}^{T} g(x_t) \leq 0$, while only accessing the constraint value and subgradient at the played actions $g(x_t), \partial g(x_t)$. Using the same constraint information, we show a stronger guarantee of anytime constraint satisfaction $g(x_t) \leq 0 \ \forall t \in [T]$, and matching $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret guarantees. These contributions are thanks to our approach of using Polyak feasibility steps to ensure constraint satisfaction, without sacrificing regret. Specifically, after each step of online gradient descent, our algorithm applies a subgradient descent step on the constraint function where the step-size is chosen according to the celebrated Polyak step-size. We further validate this approach with numerical experiments.
Abstract:The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, LLaMA, and BERT has transformed artificial intelligence, enabling advanced capabilities across diverse applications. While parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) techniques like LoRA offer computationally efficient adaptations of these models, their practical deployment often assumes centralized data and training environments. However, real-world scenarios frequently involve distributed, privacy-sensitive datasets that require decentralized solutions. Federated learning (FL) addresses data privacy by coordinating model updates across clients, but it is typically based on centralized aggregation through a parameter server, which can introduce bottlenecks and communication constraints. Decentralized learning, in contrast, eliminates this dependency by enabling direct collaboration between clients, improving scalability and efficiency in distributed environments. Despite its advantages, decentralized LLM fine-tuning remains underexplored. In this work, we propose \texttt{Dec-LoRA}, an algorithm for decentralized fine-tuning of LLMs based on low-rank adaptation (LoRA). Through extensive experiments on BERT and LLaMA-2 models, we evaluate \texttt{Dec-LoRA}'s performance in handling data heterogeneity and quantization constraints, enabling scalable, privacy-preserving LLM fine-tuning in decentralized settings.
Abstract:Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods typically assume that Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained on data from a single device or client. However, real-world scenarios often require fine-tuning these models on private data distributed across multiple devices. Federated Learning (FL) offers an appealing solution by preserving user privacy, as sensitive data remains on local devices during training. Nonetheless, integrating PEFT methods into FL introduces two main challenges: communication overhead and data heterogeneity. In this paper, we introduce FedTT and FedTT+, methods for adapting LLMs by integrating tensorized adapters into client-side models' encoder/decoder blocks. FedTT is versatile and can be applied to both cross-silo FL and large-scale cross-device FL. FedTT+, an extension of FedTT tailored for cross-silo FL, enhances robustness against data heterogeneity by adaptively freezing portions of tensor factors, further reducing the number of trainable parameters. Experiments on BERT and LLaMA models demonstrate that our proposed methods successfully address data heterogeneity challenges and perform on par or even better than existing federated PEFT approaches while achieving up to 10$\times$ reduction in communication cost.
Abstract:Motivated by the stringent safety requirements that are often present in real-world applications, we study a safe online convex optimization setting where the player needs to simultaneously achieve sublinear regret and zero constraint violation while only using zero-order information. In particular, we consider a multi-point feedback setting, where the player chooses $d + 1$ points in each round (where $d$ is the problem dimension) and then receives the value of the constraint function and cost function at each of these points. To address this problem, we propose an algorithm that leverages forward-difference gradient estimation as well as optimistic and pessimistic action sets to achieve $\mathcal{O}(d \sqrt{T})$ regret and zero constraint violation under the assumption that the constraint function is smooth and strongly convex. We then perform a numerical study to investigate the impacts of the unknown constraint and zero-order feedback on empirical performance.
Abstract:As distributed learning applications such as Federated Learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Edge Computing grow, it is critical to address the shortcomings of such technologies from a theoretical perspective. As an abstraction, we consider decentralized learning over a network of communicating clients or nodes and tackle two major challenges: data heterogeneity and adversarial robustness. We propose a decentralized minimax optimization method that employs two important modules: local updates and gradient tracking. Minimax optimization is the key tool to enable adversarial training for ensuring robustness. Having local updates is essential in Federated Learning (FL) applications to mitigate the communication bottleneck, and utilizing gradient tracking is essential to proving convergence in the case of data heterogeneity. We analyze the performance of the proposed algorithm, Dec-FedTrack, in the case of nonconvex-strongly concave minimax optimization, and prove that it converges a stationary point. We also conduct numerical experiments to support our theoretical findings.
Abstract:The setting of online convex optimization (OCO) under unknown constraints has garnered significant attention in recent years. In this work, we consider a version of this problem with static linear constraints that the player receives noisy feedback of and must always satisfy. By leveraging our novel design paradigm of optimistic safety, we give an algorithm for this problem that enjoys $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ regret. This improves on the previous best regret bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{2/3})$ while using only slightly stronger assumptions of independent noise and an oblivious adversary. Then, by recasting this problem as OCO under time-varying stochastic linear constraints, we show that our algorithm enjoys the same regret guarantees in such a setting and never violates the constraints in expectation. This contributes to the literature on OCO under time-varying stochastic constraints, where the state-of-the-art algorithms enjoy $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ regret and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ violation when the constraints are convex and the player receives full feedback. Additionally, we provide a version of our algorithm that is more computationally efficient and give numerical experiments comparing it with benchmark algorithms.
Abstract:The safe linear bandit problem is a version of the classic linear bandit problem where the learner's actions must satisfy an uncertain linear constraint at all rounds. Due its applicability to many real-world settings, this problem has received considerable attention in recent years. We find that by exploiting the geometry of the specific problem setting, we can achieve improved regret guarantees for both well-separated problem instances and action sets that are finite star convex sets. Additionally, we propose a novel algorithm for this setting that chooses problem parameters adaptively and enjoys at least as good regret guarantees as existing algorithms. Lastly, we introduce a generalization of the safe linear bandit setting where the constraints are convex and adapt our algorithms and analyses to this setting by leveraging a novel convex-analysis based approach. Simulation results show improved performance over existing algorithms for a variety of randomly sampled settings.
Abstract:We consider a safe optimization problem with bandit feedback in which an agent sequentially chooses actions and observes responses from the environment, with the goal of maximizing an arbitrary function of the response while respecting stage-wise constraints. We propose an algorithm for this problem, and study how the geometric properties of the constraint set impact the regret of the algorithm. In order to do so, we introduce the notion of the sharpness of a particular constraint set, which characterizes the difficulty of performing learning within the constraint set in an uncertain setting. This concept of sharpness allows us to identify the class of constraint sets for which the proposed algorithm is guaranteed to enjoy sublinear regret. Simulation results for this algorithm support the sublinear regret bound and provide empirical evidence that the sharpness of the constraint set impacts the performance of the algorithm.
Abstract:Accurately modeling the behavior of traffic participants is essential for safely and efficiently navigating an autonomous vehicle through heavy traffic. We propose a method, based on the intelligent driver model, that allows us to accurately model individual driver behaviors from only a small number of frames using easily observable features. On average, this method makes prediction errors that have less than 1 meter difference from an oracle with full-information when analyzed over a 10-second horizon of highway driving. We then validate the efficiency of our method through extensive analysis against a competitive data-driven method such as Reinforcement Learning that may be of independent interest.
Abstract:We study a collaborative multi-agent stochastic linear bandit setting, where $N$ agents that form a network communicate locally to minimize their overall regret. In this setting, each agent has its own linear bandit problem (its own reward parameter) and the goal is to select the best global action w.r.t. the average of their reward parameters. At each round, each agent proposes an action, and one action is randomly selected and played as the network action. All the agents observe the corresponding rewards of the played actions and use an accelerated consensus procedure to compute an estimate of the average of the rewards obtained by all the agents. We propose a distributed upper confidence bound (UCB) algorithm and prove a high probability bound on its $T$-round regret in which we include a linear growth of regret associated with each communication round. Our regret bound is of order $\mathcal{O}\Big(\sqrt{\frac{T}{N \log(1/|\lambda_2|)}}\cdot (\log T)^2\Big)$, where $\lambda_2$ is the second largest (in absolute value) eigenvalue of the communication matrix.