ROCS University Hospital Balgrist University of Zurich, CVG ETH Zurich
Abstract:Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop an automated and accurate external camera calibration method for multi-camera systems used in 3D surgical scene reconstruction (3D-SSR), eliminating the need for operator intervention or specialized expertise. The method specifically addresses the problem of limited overlapping fields of view caused by significant variations in optical zoom levels and camera locations. Methods: We contribute a novel, fast, and fully automatic calibration method based on the projection of multi-scale markers (MSMs) using a ceiling-mounted projector. MSMs consist of 2D patterns projected at varying scales, ensuring accurate extraction of well distributed point correspondences across significantly different viewpoints and zoom levels. Validation is performed using both synthetic and real data captured in a mock-up OR, with comparisons to traditional manual marker-based methods as well as markerless calibration methods. Results: The method achieves accuracy comparable to manual, operator-dependent calibration methods while exhibiting higher robustness under conditions of significant differences in zoom levels. Additionally, we show that state-of-the-art Structure-from-Motion (SfM) pipelines are ineffective in 3D-SSR settings, even when additional texture is projected onto the OR floor. Conclusion: The use of a ceiling-mounted entry-level projector proves to be an effective alternative to operator-dependent, traditional marker-based methods, paving the way for fully automated 3D-SSR.
Abstract:Advances in computer vision, particularly in optical image-based 3D reconstruction and feature matching, enable applications like marker-less surgical navigation and digitization of surgery. However, their development is hindered by a lack of suitable datasets with 3D ground truth. This work explores an approach to generating realistic and accurate ex vivo datasets tailored for 3D reconstruction and feature matching in open orthopedic surgery. A set of posed images and an accurately registered ground truth surface mesh of the scene are required to develop vision-based 3D reconstruction and matching methods suitable for surgery. We propose a framework consisting of three core steps and compare different methods for each step: 3D scanning, calibration of viewpoints for a set of high-resolution RGB images, and an optical-based method for scene registration. We evaluate each step of this framework on an ex vivo scoliosis surgery using a pig spine, conducted under real operating room conditions. A mean 3D Euclidean error of 0.35 mm is achieved with respect to the 3D ground truth. The proposed method results in submillimeter accurate 3D ground truths and surgical images with a spatial resolution of 0.1 mm. This opens the door to acquiring future surgical datasets for high-precision applications.
Abstract:Surgery digitalization is the process of creating a virtual replica of real-world surgery, also referred to as a surgical digital twin (SDT). It has significant applications in various fields such as education and training, surgical planning, and automation of surgical tasks. Given their detailed representations of surgical procedures, SDTs are an ideal foundation for machine learning methods, enabling automatic generation of training data. In robotic surgery, SDTs can provide realistic virtual environments in which robots may learn through trial and error. In this paper, we present a proof of concept (PoC) for surgery digitalization that is applied to an ex-vivo spinal surgery performed in realistic conditions. The proposed digitalization focuses on the acquisition and modelling of the geometry and appearance of the entire surgical scene. We employ five RGB-D cameras for dynamic 3D reconstruction of the surgeon, a high-end camera for 3D reconstruction of the anatomy, an infrared stereo camera for surgical instrument tracking, and a laser scanner for 3D reconstruction of the operating room and data fusion. We justify the proposed methodology, discuss the challenges faced and further extensions of our prototype. While our PoC partially relies on manual data curation, its high quality and great potential motivate the development of automated methods for the creation of SDTs. The quality of our SDT can be assessed in a rendered video available at .
Abstract:State-of-the-art research of traditional computer vision is increasingly leveraged in the surgical domain. A particular focus in computer-assisted surgery is to replace marker-based tracking systems for instrument localization with pure image-based 6DoF pose estimation. However, the state of the art has not yet met the accuracy required for surgical navigation. In this context, we propose a high-fidelity marker-less optical tracking system for surgical instrument localization. We developed a multi-view camera setup consisting of static and mobile cameras and collected a large-scale RGB-D video dataset with dedicated synchronization and data fusions methods. Different state-of-the-art pose estimation methods were integrated into a deep learning pipeline and evaluated on multiple camera configurations. Furthermore, the performance impacts of different input modalities and camera positions, as well as training on purely synthetic data, were compared. The best model achieved an average position and orientation error of 1.3 mm and 1.0{\deg} for a surgical drill as well as 3.8 mm and 5.2{\deg} for a screwdriver. These results significantly outperform related methods in the literature and are close to clinical-grade accuracy, demonstrating that marker-less tracking of surgical instruments is becoming a feasible alternative to existing marker-based systems.