Abstract:Video panoptic segmentation is an advanced task that extends panoptic segmentation by applying its concept to video sequences. In the hope of addressing the challenge of video panoptic segmentation in diverse conditions, We utilize DVIS++ as our baseline model and enhance it by introducing a comprehensive approach centered on the query-wise ensemble, supplemented by additional techniques. Our proposed approach achieved a VPQ score of 57.01 on the VIPSeg test set, and ranked 3rd in the VPS track of the 3rd Pixel-level Video Understanding in the Wild Challenge.
Abstract:Computer-aided diagnosis with deep learning techniques has been shown to be helpful for the diagnosis of the mammography in many clinical studies. However, the image styles of different vendors are very distinctive, and there may exist domain gap among different vendors that could potentially compromise the universal applicability of one deep learning model. In this study, we explicitly address style variety issue with the proposed multi-resolution and multi-reference neural style transfer (mr2NST) network. The mr2NST can normalize the styles from different vendors to the same style baseline with very high resolution. We illustrate that the image quality of the transferred images is comparable to the quality of original images of the target domain (vendor) in terms of NIMA scores. Meanwhile, the mr2NST results are also shown to be helpful for the lesion detection in mammograms.