Abstract:We address the problem of optimizing over functions defined on node subsets in a graph. The optimization of such functions is often a non-trivial task given their combinatorial, black-box and expensive-to-evaluate nature. Although various algorithms have been introduced in the literature, most are either task-specific or computationally inefficient and only utilize information about the graph structure without considering the characteristics of the function. To address these limitations, we utilize Bayesian Optimization (BO), a sample-efficient black-box solver, and propose a novel framework for combinatorial optimization on graphs. More specifically, we map each $k$-node subset in the original graph to a node in a new combinatorial graph and adopt a local modeling approach to efficiently traverse the latter graph by progressively sampling its subgraphs using a recursive algorithm. Extensive experiments under both synthetic and real-world setups demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed BO framework on various types of graphs and optimization tasks, where its behavior is analyzed in detail with ablation studies.
Abstract:Deep learning based methods have become a paradigm for cover song identification (CSI) in recent years, where the ByteCover systems have achieved state-of-the-art results on all the mainstream datasets of CSI. However, with the burgeon of short videos, many real-world applications require matching short music excerpts to full-length music tracks in the database, which is still under-explored and waiting for an industrial-level solution. In this paper, we upgrade the previous ByteCover systems to ByteCover3 that utilizes local features to further improve the identification performance of short music queries. ByteCover3 is designed with a local alignment loss (LAL) module and a two-stage feature retrieval pipeline, allowing the system to perform CSI in a more precise and efficient way. We evaluated ByteCover3 on multiple datasets with different benchmark settings, where ByteCover3 beat all the compared methods including its previous versions.
Abstract:Existing graph contrastive learning methods rely on augmentation techniques based on random perturbations (e.g., randomly adding or dropping edges and nodes). Nevertheless, altering certain edges or nodes can unexpectedly change the graph characteristics, and choosing the optimal perturbing ratio for each dataset requires onerous manual tuning. In this paper, we introduce Implicit Graph Contrastive Learning (iGCL), which utilizes augmentations in the latent space learned from a Variational Graph Auto-Encoder by reconstructing graph topological structure. Importantly, instead of explicitly sampling augmentations from latent distributions, we further propose an upper bound for the expected contrastive loss to improve the efficiency of our learning algorithm. Thus, graph semantics can be preserved within the augmentations in an intelligent way without arbitrary manual design or prior human knowledge. Experimental results on both graph-level and node-level tasks show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to other benchmarks, where ablation studies in the end demonstrate the effectiveness of modules in iGCL.
Abstract:This paper introduces Wasserstein Adversarially Regularized Graph Autoencoder (WARGA), an implicit generative algorithm that directly regularizes the latent distribution of node embedding to a target distribution via the Wasserstein metric. The proposed method has been validated in tasks of link prediction and node clustering on real-world graphs, in which WARGA generally outperforms state-of-the-art models based on Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence and typical adversarial framework.
Abstract:Link prediction is a fundamental problem in graph data analysis. While most of the literature focuses on transductive link prediction that requires all the graph nodes and majority of links in training, inductive link prediction, which only uses a proportion of the nodes and their links in training, is a more challenging problem in various real-world applications. In this paper, we propose a meta-learning approach with graph neural networks for link prediction: Neural Processes for Graph Neural Networks (NPGNN), which can perform both transductive and inductive learning tasks and adapt to patterns in a large new graph after training with a small subgraph. Experiments on real-world graphs are conducted to validate our model, where the results suggest that the proposed method achieves stronger performance compared to other state-of-the-art models, and meanwhile generalizes well when training on a small subgraph.