Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) are empowering decision-making in several applications, including tool or API usage and answering multiple-choice questions (MCQs). However, they often make overconfident, incorrect predictions, which can be risky in high-stakes settings like healthcare and finance. To mitigate these risks, recent works have used conformal prediction (CP), a model-agnostic framework for distribution-free uncertainty quantification. CP transforms a \emph{score function} into prediction sets that contain the true answer with high probability. While CP provides this coverage guarantee for arbitrary scores, the score quality significantly impacts prediction set sizes. Prior works have relied on LLM logits or other heuristic scores, lacking quality guarantees. We address this limitation by introducing CP-OPT, an optimization framework to learn scores that minimize set sizes while maintaining coverage. Furthermore, inspired by the Monty Hall problem, we extend CP's utility beyond uncertainty quantification to improve accuracy. We propose \emph{conformal revision of questions} (CROQ) to revise the problem by narrowing down the available choices to those in the prediction set. The coverage guarantee of CP ensures that the correct choice is in the revised question prompt with high probability, while the smaller number of choices increases the LLM's chances of answering it correctly. Experiments on MMLU, ToolAlpaca, and TruthfulQA datasets with Gemma-2, Llama-3 and Phi-3 models show that CP-OPT significantly reduces set sizes while maintaining coverage, and CROQ improves accuracy over the standard inference, especially when paired with CP-OPT scores. Together, CP-OPT and CROQ offer a robust framework for improving both the safety and accuracy of LLM-driven decision-making.
Abstract:Robustness to out-of-distribution (OOD) samples is crucial for safely deploying machine learning models in the open world. Recent works have focused on designing scoring functions to quantify OOD uncertainty. Setting appropriate thresholds for these scoring functions for OOD detection is challenging as OOD samples are often unavailable up front. Typically, thresholds are set to achieve a desired true positive rate (TPR), e.g., $95\%$ TPR. However, this can lead to very high false positive rates (FPR), ranging from 60 to 96\%, as observed in the Open-OOD benchmark. In safety-critical real-life applications, e.g., medical diagnosis, controlling the FPR is essential when dealing with various OOD samples dynamically. To address these challenges, we propose a mathematically grounded OOD detection framework that leverages expert feedback to \emph{safely} update the threshold on the fly. We provide theoretical results showing that it is guaranteed to meet the FPR constraint at all times while minimizing the use of human feedback. Another key feature of our framework is that it can work with any scoring function for OOD uncertainty quantification. Empirical evaluation of our system on synthetic and benchmark OOD datasets shows that our method can maintain FPR at most $5\%$ while maximizing TPR.
Abstract:Auto-labeling is an important family of techniques that produce labeled training sets with minimum manual labeling. A prominent variant, threshold-based auto-labeling (TBAL), works by finding a threshold on a model's confidence scores above which it can accurately label unlabeled data points. However, many models are known to produce overconfident scores, leading to poor TBAL performance. While a natural idea is to apply off-the-shelf calibration methods to alleviate the overconfidence issue, such methods still fall short. Rather than experimenting with ad-hoc choices of confidence functions, we propose a framework for studying the \emph{optimal} TBAL confidence function. We develop a tractable version of the framework to obtain \texttt{Colander} (Confidence functions for Efficient and Reliable Auto-labeling), a new post-hoc method specifically designed to maximize performance in TBAL systems. We perform an extensive empirical evaluation of our method \texttt{Colander} and compare it against methods designed for calibration. \texttt{Colander} achieves up to 60\% improvements on coverage over the baselines while maintaining auto-labeling error below $5\%$ and using the same amount of labeled data as the baselines.
Abstract:Popular zero-shot models suffer due to artifacts inherited from pretraining. A particularly detrimental artifact, caused by unbalanced web-scale pretraining data, is mismatched label distribution. Existing approaches that seek to repair the label distribution are not suitable in zero-shot settings, as they have incompatible requirements such as access to labeled downstream task data or knowledge of the true label balance in the pretraining distribution. We sidestep these challenges and introduce a simple and lightweight approach to adjust pretrained model predictions via optimal transport. Our technique requires only an estimate of the label distribution of a downstream task. Theoretically, we characterize the improvement produced by our procedure under certain mild conditions and provide bounds on the error caused by misspecification. Empirically, we validate our method in a wide array of zero-shot image and text classification tasks, improving accuracy by 4.8% and 15.9% on average, and beating baselines like Prior Matching -- often by significant margins -- in 17 out of 21 datasets.
Abstract:Organizations typically train large models individually. This is costly and time-consuming, particularly for large-scale foundation models. Such vertical production is known to be suboptimal. Inspired by this economic insight, we ask whether it is possible to leverage others' expertise by trading the constituent parts in models, i.e., sets of weights, as if they were market commodities. While recent advances in aligning and interpolating models suggest that doing so may be possible, a number of fundamental questions must be answered to create viable parameter markets. In this work, we address these basic questions, propose a framework containing the infrastructure necessary for market operations to take place, study strategies for exchanging parameters, and offer means for agents to monetize parameters. Excitingly, compared to agents who train siloed models from scratch, we show that it is possible to mutually gain by using the market, even in competitive settings. This suggests that the notion of parameter markets may be a useful paradigm for improving large-scale model training in the future.
Abstract:Weak supervision (WS) is a rich set of techniques that produce pseudolabels by aggregating easily obtained but potentially noisy label estimates from a variety of sources. WS is theoretically well understood for binary classification, where simple approaches enable consistent estimation of pseudolabel noise rates. Using this result, it has been shown that downstream models trained on the pseudolabels have generalization guarantees nearly identical to those trained on clean labels. While this is exciting, users often wish to use WS for structured prediction, where the output space consists of more than a binary or multi-class label set: e.g. rankings, graphs, manifolds, and more. Do the favorable theoretical properties of WS for binary classification lift to this setting? We answer this question in the affirmative for a wide range of scenarios. For labels taking values in a finite metric space, we introduce techniques new to weak supervision based on pseudo-Euclidean embeddings and tensor decompositions, providing a nearly-consistent noise rate estimator. For labels in constant-curvature Riemannian manifolds, we introduce new invariants that also yield consistent noise rate estimation. In both cases, when using the resulting pseudolabels in concert with a flexible downstream model, we obtain generalization guarantees nearly identical to those for models trained on clean data. Several of our results, which can be viewed as robustness guarantees in structured prediction with noisy labels, may be of independent interest. Empirical evaluation validates our claims and shows the merits of the proposed method.
Abstract:Creating large-scale high-quality labeled datasets is a major bottleneck in supervised machine learning workflows. Auto-labeling systems are a promising way to reduce reliance on manual labeling for dataset construction. Threshold-based auto-labeling, where validation data obtained from humans is used to find a threshold for confidence above which the data is machine-labeled, is emerging as a popular solution used widely in practice. Given the long shelf-life and diverse usage of the resulting datasets, understanding when the data obtained by such auto-labeling systems can be relied on is crucial. In this work, we analyze threshold-based auto-labeling systems and derive sample complexity bounds on the amount of human-labeled validation data required for guaranteeing the quality of machine-labeled data. Our results provide two insights. First, reasonable chunks of the unlabeled data can be automatically and accurately labeled by seemingly bad models. Second, a hidden downside of threshold-based auto-labeling systems is potentially prohibitive validation data usage. Together, these insights describe the promise and pitfalls of using such systems. We validate our theoretical guarantees with simulations and study the efficacy of threshold-based auto-labeling on real datasets.
Abstract:Weak supervision (WS) frameworks are a popular way to bypass hand-labeling large datasets for training data-hungry models. These approaches synthesize multiple noisy but cheaply-acquired estimates of labels into a set of high-quality pseudolabels for downstream training. However, the synthesis technique is specific to a particular kind of label, such as binary labels or sequences, and each new label type requires manually designing a new synthesis algorithm. Instead, we propose a universal technique that enables weak supervision over any label type while still offering desirable properties, including practical flexibility, computational efficiency, and theoretical guarantees. We apply this technique to important problems previously not tackled by WS frameworks including learning to rank, regression, and learning in hyperbolic manifolds. Theoretically, our synthesis approach produces a consistent estimator for learning a challenging but important generalization of the exponential family model. Experimentally, we validate our framework and show improvement over baselines in diverse settings including real-world learning-to-rank and regression problems along with learning on hyperbolic manifolds.
Abstract:Due to its decentralized nature, Federated Learning (FL) lends itself to adversarial attacks in the form of backdoors during training. The goal of a backdoor is to corrupt the performance of the trained model on specific sub-tasks (e.g., by classifying green cars as frogs). A range of FL backdoor attacks have been introduced in the literature, but also methods to defend against them, and it is currently an open question whether FL systems can be tailored to be robust against backdoors. In this work, we provide evidence to the contrary. We first establish that, in the general case, robustness to backdoors implies model robustness to adversarial examples, a major open problem in itself. Furthermore, detecting the presence of a backdoor in a FL model is unlikely assuming first order oracles or polynomial time. We couple our theoretical results with a new family of backdoor attacks, which we refer to as edge-case backdoors. An edge-case backdoor forces a model to misclassify on seemingly easy inputs that are however unlikely to be part of the training, or test data, i.e., they live on the tail of the input distribution. We explain how these edge-case backdoors can lead to unsavory failures and may have serious repercussions on fairness, and exhibit that with careful tuning at the side of the adversary, one can insert them across a range of machine learning tasks (e.g., image classification, OCR, text prediction, sentiment analysis).
Abstract:The strong {\it lottery ticket hypothesis} (LTH) postulates that one can approximate any target neural network by only pruning the weights of a sufficiently over-parameterized random network. A recent work by Malach et al.~\cite{MalachEtAl20} establishes the first theoretical analysis for the strong LTH: one can provably approximate a neural network of width $d$ and depth $l$, by pruning a random one that is a factor $O(d^4l^2)$ wider and twice as deep. This polynomial over-parameterization requirement is at odds with recent experimental research that achieves good approximation with networks that are a small factor wider than the target. In this work, we close the gap and offer an exponential improvement to the over-parameterization requirement for the existence of lottery tickets. We show that any target network of width $d$ and depth $l$ can be approximated by pruning a random network that is a factor $O(\log(dl))$ wider and twice as deep. Our analysis heavily relies on connecting pruning random ReLU networks to random instances of the \textsc{SubsetSum} problem. We then show that this logarithmic over-parameterization is essentially optimal for constant depth networks. Finally, we verify several of our theoretical insights with experiments.