Abstract:Weight change estimation is crucial in various applications, particularly for detecting pick-up and put-back actions when people interact with the shelf while shopping in autonomous stores. Moreover, accurate weight change estimation allows autonomous stores to automatically identify items being picked up or put back, ensuring precise cost estimation. However, the conventional approach of estimating weight changes requires specialized weight-sensing shelves, which are densely deployed weight scales, incurring intensive sensor consumption and high costs. Prior works explored the vibration-based weight sensing method, but they failed when the location of weight change varies. In response to these limitations, we made the following contributions: (1) We propose WeVibe, a first item weight change estimation system through active shelf vibration sensing. The main intuition of the system is that the weight placed on the shelf influences the dynamic vibration response of the shelf, thus altering the shelf vibration patterns. (2) We model a physics-informed relationship between the shelf vibration response and item weight across multiple locations on the shelf based on structural dynamics theory. This relationship is linear and allows easy training of a weight estimation model at a new location without heavy data collection. (3) We evaluate our system on a gondola shelf organized as the real-store settings. WeVibe achieved a mean absolute error down to 38.07g and a standard deviation of 31.2g with one sensor and 10% samples from three weight classes on estimating weight change from 0g to 450g, which can be leveraged for differentiating items with more than 100g differences.
Abstract:Gait abnormality detection is critical for the early discovery and progressive tracking of musculoskeletal and neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's and Cerebral Palsy. Especially, analyzing the foot-floor contacts during walking provides important insights into gait patterns, such as contact area, contact force, and contact time, enabling gait abnormality detection through these measurements. Existing studies use various sensing devices to capture such information, including cameras, wearables, and force plates. However, the former two lack force-related information, making it difficult to identify the causes of gait health issues, while the latter has limited coverage of the walking path. In this study, we leverage footstep-induced structural vibrations to infer foot-floor contact profiles and detect gait abnormalities. The main challenge lies in modeling the complex force transfer mechanism between the foot and the floor surfaces, leading to difficulty in reconstructing the force and contact profile during foot-floor interaction using structural vibrations. To overcome the challenge, we first characterize the floor vibration for each contact type (e.g., heel, midfoot, and toe contact) to understand how contact forces and areas affect the induced floor vibration. Then, we leverage the time-frequency response spectrum resulting from those contacts to develop features that are representative of each contact type. Finally, gait abnormalities are detected by comparing the predicted foot-floor contact force and motion with the healthy gait. To evaluate our approach, we conducted a real-world walking experiment with 8 subjects. Our approach achieves 91.6% and 96.7% accuracy in predicting contact type and time, respectively, leading to 91.9% accuracy in detecting various types of gait abnormalities, including asymmetry, dragging, and midfoot/toe contacts.
Abstract:Onsite disasters like earthquakes can trigger cascading hazards and impacts, such as landslides and infrastructure damage, leading to catastrophic losses; thus, rapid and accurate estimates are crucial for timely and effective post-disaster responses. Interferometric Synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data is important in providing high-resolution onsite information for rapid hazard estimation. Most recent methods using InSAR imagery signals predict a single type of hazard and thus often suffer low accuracy due to noisy and complex signals induced by co-located hazards, impacts, and irrelevant environmental changes (e.g., vegetation changes, human activities). We introduce a novel stochastic variational inference with normalizing flows derived to jointly approximate posteriors of multiple unobserved hazards and impacts from noisy InSAR imagery.
Abstract:Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) that transforms city-wide fiber-optic cables into a large-scale strain sensing array has shown the potential to revolutionize urban traffic monitoring by providing a fine-grained, scalable, and low-maintenance monitoring solution. However, there are challenges that limit DAS's real-world usage: noise contamination and interference among closely traveling cars. To address the issues, we introduce a self-supervised U-Net model that can suppress background noise and compress car-induced DAS signals into high-resolution pulses through spatial deconvolution. To guide the design of the approach, we investigate the fiber response to vehicles through numerical simulation and field experiments. We show that the localized and narrow outputs from our model lead to accurate and highly resolved car position and speed tracking. We evaluate the effectiveness and robustness of our method through field recordings under different traffic conditions and various driving speeds. Our results show that our method can enhance the spatial-temporal resolution and better resolve closely traveling cars. The spatial deconvolution U-Net model also enables the characterization of large-size vehicles to identify axle numbers and estimate the vehicle length. Monitoring large-size vehicles also benefits imaging deep earth by leveraging the surface waves induced by the dynamic vehicle-road interaction.
Abstract:Pig vital sign monitoring (e.g., estimating the heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR)) is essential to understand the stress level of the sow and detect the onset of parturition. It helps to maximize peri-natal survival and improve animal well-being in swine production. The existing approach mainly relies on manual measurement, which is labor-intensive and only provides a few points of information. Other sensing modalities such as wearables and cameras are developed to enable more continuous measurement, but are still limited due to animal discomfort, data transfer, and storage challenges. In this paper, we introduce PigV$^2$, the first system to monitor pig heart rate and respiratory rate through ground vibrations. Our approach leverages the insight that both heartbeat and respiration generate ground vibrations when the sow is lying on the floor. We infer vital information by sensing and analyzing these vibrations. The main challenge in developing PigV$^2$ is the overlap of vital- and non-vital-related information in the vibration signals, including pig movements, pig postures, pig-to-sensor distances, and so on. To address this issue, we first characterize their effects, extract their current status, and then reduce their impact by adaptively interpolating vital rates over multiple sensors. PigV$^2$ is evaluated through a real-world deployment with 30 pigs. It has 3.4% and 8.3% average errors in monitoring the HR and RR of the sows, respectively.
Abstract:In-home gait analysis is important for providing early diagnosis and adaptive treatments for individuals with gait disorders. Existing systems include wearables and pressure mats, but they have limited scalability. Recent studies have developed vision-based systems to enable scalable, accurate in-home gait analysis, but it faces privacy concerns due to the exposure of people's appearances. Our prior work developed footstep-induced structural vibration sensing for gait monitoring, which is device-free, wide-ranged, and perceived as more privacy-friendly. Although it has succeeded in temporal gait event extraction, it shows limited performance for spatial gait parameter estimation due to imprecise footstep localization. In particular, the localization error mainly comes from the estimation error of the wave arrival time at the vibration sensors and its error propagation to wave velocity estimations. Therefore, we present GaitVibe+, a vibration-based footstep localization method fused with temporarily installed cameras for in-home gait analysis. Our method has two stages: fusion and operating. In the fusion stage, both cameras and vibration sensors are installed to record only a few trials of the subject's footstep data, through which we characterize the uncertainty in wave arrival time and model the wave velocity profiles for the given structure. In the operating stage, we remove the camera to preserve privacy at home. The footstep localization is conducted by estimating the time difference of arrival (TDoA) over multiple vibration sensors, whose accuracy is improved through the reduced uncertainty and velocity modeling during the fusion stage. We evaluate GaitVibe+ through a real-world experiment with 50 walking trials. With only 3 trials of multi-modal fusion, our approach has an average localization error of 0.22 meters, which reduces the spatial gait parameter error from 111% to 27%.
Abstract:Monitoring bridge health using vibrations of drive-by vehicles has various benefits, such as no need for directly installing and maintaining sensors on the bridge. However, many of the existing drive-by monitoring approaches are based on supervised learning models that require labeled data from every bridge of interest, which is expensive and time-consuming, if not impossible, to obtain. To this end, we introduce a new framework that transfers the model learned from one bridge to diagnose damage in another bridge without any labels from the target bridge. Our framework trains a hierarchical neural network model in an adversarial way to extract task-shared and task-specific features that are informative to multiple diagnostic tasks and invariant across multiple bridges. We evaluate our framework on experimental data collected from 2 bridges and 3 vehicles. We achieve accuracies of 95% for damage detection, 93% for localization, and up to 72% for quantification, which are ~2 times improvements from baseline methods.
Abstract:Monitoring bridge health using the vibrations of drive-by vehicles has various benefits, such as low cost and no need for direct installation or on-site maintenance of equipment on the bridge. However, many such approaches require labeled data from every bridge, which is expensive and time-consuming, if not impossible, to obtain. This is further exacerbated by having multiple diagnostic tasks, such as damage quantification and localization. One way to address this issue is to directly apply the supervised model trained for one bridge to other bridges, although this may significantly reduce the accuracy because of distribution mismatch between different bridges'data. To alleviate these problems, we introduce a transfer learning framework using domain-adversarial training and multi-task learning to detect, localize and quantify damage. Specifically, we train a deep network in an adversarial way to learn features that are 1) sensitive to damage and 2) invariant to different bridges. In addition, to improve the error propagation from one task to the next, our framework learns shared features for all the tasks using multi-task learning. We evaluate our framework using lab-scale experiments with two different bridges. On average, our framework achieves 94%, 97% and 84% accuracy for damage detection, localization and quantification, respectively. within one damage severity level.
Abstract:The resolution of GPS measurements, especially in urban areas, is insufficient for identifying a vehicle's lane. In this work, we develop a deep LSTM neural network model LaNet that determines the lane vehicles are on by periodically classifying accelerometer samples collected by vehicles as they drive in real time. Our key finding is that even adjacent patches of road surfaces contain characteristics that are sufficiently unique to differentiate between lanes, i.e., roads inherently exhibit differing bumps, cracks, potholes, and surface unevenness. Cars can capture this road surface information as they drive using inexpensive, easy-to-install accelerometers that increasingly come fitted in cars and can be accessed via the CAN-bus. We collect an aggregate of 60 km driving data and synthesize more based on this that capture factors such as variable driving speed, vehicle suspensions, and accelerometer noise. Our formulated LSTM-based deep learning model, LaNet, learns lane-specific sequences of road surface events (bumps, cracks etc.) and yields 100% lane classification accuracy with 200 meters of driving data, achieving over 90% with just 100 m (correspondingly to roughly one minute of driving). We design the LaNet model to be practical for use in real-time lane classification and show with extensive experiments that LaNet yields high classification accuracy even on smooth roads, on large multi-lane roads, and on drives with frequent lane changes. Since different road surfaces have different inherent characteristics or entropy, we excavate our neural network model and discover a mechanism to easily characterize the achievable classification accuracies in a road over various driving distances by training the model just once. We present LaNet as a low-cost, easily deployable and highly accurate way to achieve fine-grained lane identification.
Abstract:Active Learning methods create an optimized and labeled training set from unlabeled data. We introduce a novel Online Active Deep Learning method for Medical Image Analysis. We extend our MedAL active learning framework to present new results in this paper. Experiments on three medical image datasets show that our novel online active learning model requires significantly less labelings, is more accurate, and is more robust to class imbalances than existing methods. Our method is also more accurate and computationally efficient than the baseline model. Compared to random sampling and uncertainty sampling, the method uses 275 and 200 (out of 768) fewer labeled examples, respectively. For Diabetic Retinopathy detection, our method attains a 5.88% accuracy improvement over the baseline model when 80% of the dataset is labeled, and the model reaches baseline accuracy when only 40% is labeled.