Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone, UMR 7289, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, 13005, Marseille, France
Abstract:The shape of human brain is complex and highly variable, with interactions between brain size, cortical folding, and age well-documented in the literature. However, few studies have explored how global brain size influences geometric features of the cortical surface derived from anatomical MRI. In this work, we focus on sulcal depth, an imaging phenotype that has gained significant attention in both basic research and clinical applications. We make key contributions to the field by: 1) providing the first quantitative analysis of how brain size affects sulcal depth measurements; 2) introducing a novel, scale-invariant method for sulcal depth estimation based on an original formalization of the problem; 3) presenting a validation framework and sharing our code and benchmark data with the community; and 4) demonstrating the biological relevance of our new sulcal depth measure using a large sample of 1,987 subjects spanning the developmental period from 26 weeks post-conception to adulthood.
Abstract:Fetal brain MRI is becoming an increasingly relevant complement to neurosonography for perinatal diagnosis, allowing fundamental insights into fetal brain development throughout gestation. However, uncontrolled fetal motion and heterogeneity in acquisition protocols lead to data of variable quality, potentially biasing the outcome of subsequent studies. We present FetMRQC, an open-source machine-learning framework for automated image quality assessment and quality control that is robust to domain shifts induced by the heterogeneity of clinical data. FetMRQC extracts an ensemble of quality metrics from unprocessed anatomical MRI and combines them to predict experts' ratings using random forests. We validate our framework on a pioneeringly large and diverse dataset of more than 1600 manually rated fetal brain T2-weighted images from four clinical centers and 13 different scanners. Our study shows that FetMRQC's predictions generalize well to unseen data while being interpretable. FetMRQC is a step towards more robust fetal brain neuroimaging, which has the potential to shed new insights on the developing human brain.
Abstract:Population-wise matching of the cortical fold is necessary to identify biomarkers of neurological or psychiatric disorders. The difficulty comes from the massive interindividual variations in the morphology and spatial organization of the folds. This task is challenging at both methodological and conceptual levels. In the widely used registration-based techniques, these variations are considered as noise and the matching of folds is only implicit. Alternative approaches are based on the extraction and explicit identification of the cortical folds. In particular, representing cortical folding patterns as graphs of sulcal basins-termed sulcal graphs-enables to formalize the task as a graph-matching problem. In this paper, we propose to address the problem of sulcal graph matching directly at the population level using multi-graph matching techniques. First, we motivate the relevance of multi-graph matching framework in this context. We then introduce a procedure to generate populations of artificial sulcal graphs, which allows us benchmarking several state of the art multi-graph matching methods. Our results on both artificial and real data demonstrate the effectiveness of multi-graph matching techniques to obtain a population-wise consistent labeling of cortical folds at the sulcal basins level.
Abstract:Multigraph matching is a recent variant of the graph matching problem. In this framework, the optimization procedure considers several graphs and enforces the consistency of the matches along the graphs. This constraint can be formalized as a cycle consistency across the pairwise permutation matrices, which implies the definition of a universe of vertex~\citep{pachauri2013solving}. The label of each vertex is encoded by a sparse vector and the dimension of this space corresponds to the rank of the bulk permutation matrix, the matrix built from the aggregation of all the pairwise permutation matrices. The matching problem can then be formulated as a non-convex quadratic optimization problem (QAP) under constraints imposed on the rank and the permutations. In this paper, we introduce a novel kernelized multigraph matching technique that handles vectors of attributes on both the vertices and edges of the graphs, while maintaining a low memory usage. We solve the QAP problem using a projected power optimization approach and propose several projectors leading to improved stability of the results. We provide several experiments showing that our method is competitive against other unsupervised methods.
Abstract:Vectors fields defined on surfaces constitute relevant and useful representations but are rarely used. One reason might be that comparing vector fields across two surfaces of the same genus is not trivial: it requires to transport the vector fields from the original surfaces onto a common domain. In this paper, we propose a framework to achieve this task by mapping the vector fields onto a common space, using some notions of differential geometry. The proposed framework enables the computation of statistics on vector fields. We demonstrate its interest in practice with an application on real data with a quantitative assessment of the reproducibility of curvature directions that describe the complex geometry of cortical folding patterns. The proposed framework is general and can be applied to different types of vector fields and surfaces, allowing for a large number of high potential applications in medical imaging.