Abstract:The design of multicopter drones has remained almost the same since its inception. While conventional designs, such as the quadcopter, work well in many cases, they may not be optimal in specific environments or missions. This paper revisits rotary drone design by exploring which body morphologies are optimal for different objectives and constraints. Specifically, an evolutionary algorithm is used to produce optimal drone morphologies for three objectives: (1) high thrust-to-weight ratio, (2) high maneuverability, and (3) small size. To generate a range of optimal drones with performance trade-offs between them, the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II, or NSGA-II is used. A randomly sampled population of 600 is evolved over 2000 generations. The NSGA-II algorithm evolved drone bodies that outperform a standard 5-inch 220 mm wheelbase quadcopter in at least one of the three objectives. The three extrema in the Pareto front show improvement of 487.8%, 23.5% and 4.8% in maneuverability, thrust-to-weight ratio and size, respectively. The improvement in maneuverability can be attributed to the tilt angles of the propellers, while the increase in thrust-to-weight ratio is primarily due to the higher number of propellers. The quadcopter is located on the Pareto front for the three objectives. However, our results also show that other designs can be better depending on the objectives.
Abstract:Relative localization (RL) is essential for the successful operation of micro air vehicle (MAV) swarms. Achieving accurate 3-D RL in infrastructure-free and GPS-denied environments with only distance information is a challenging problem that has not been satisfactorily solved. In this work, based on the range-based peer-to-peer RL using the ultra-wideband (UWB) ranging technique, we develop a novel UWB-based cooperative relative localization (CRL) solution that integrates the relative motion dynamics of each host-neighbor pair to build a unified dynamic model and takes the distances between the neighbors as \textit{bonus information}. Observability analysis using differential geometry shows that the proposed CRL scheme can expand the observable subspace compared to other alternatives using only direct distances between the host agent and its neighbors. In addition, we apply the kernel-induced extended Kalman filter (EKF) to the CRL state estimation problem with the novel-designed Logarithmic-Versoria (LV) kernel to tackle heavy-tailed UWB noise. Sufficient conditions for the convergence of the fixed-point iteration involved in the estimation algorithm are also derived. Comparative Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the proposed CRL scheme combined with the LV-kernel EKF significantly improves the estimation accuracy owing to its robustness against both measurement outliers and incorrect measurement covariance matrix initialization. Moreover, with the LV kernel, the estimation is still satisfactory when performing the fixed-point iteration only once for reduced computational complexity.
Abstract:Aggressive time-optimal control of quadcopters poses a significant challenge in the field of robotics. The state-of-the-art approach leverages reinforcement learning (RL) to train optimal neural policies. However, a critical hurdle is the sim-to-real gap, often addressed by employing a robust inner loop controller -an abstraction that, in theory, constrains the optimality of the trained controller, necessitating margins to counter potential disturbances. In contrast, our novel approach introduces high-speed quadcopter control using end-to-end RL (E2E) that gives direct motor commands. To bridge the reality gap, we incorporate a learned residual model and an adaptive method that can compensate for modeling errors in thrust and moments. We compare our E2E approach against a state-of-the-art network that commands thrust and body rates to an INDI inner loop controller, both in simulated and real-world flight. E2E showcases a significant 1.39-second advantage in simulation and a 0.17-second edge in real-world testing, highlighting end-to-end reinforcement learning's potential. The performance drop observed from simulation to reality shows potential for further improvement, including refining strategies to address the reality gap or exploring offline reinforcement learning with real flight data.
Abstract:Utilizing wind hovering techniques of soaring birds can save energy expenditure and improve the flight endurance of micro air vehicles (MAVs). Here, we present a novel method for fully autonomous orographic soaring without a priori knowledge of the wind field. Specifically, we devise an Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion (INDI) controller with control allocation, adapting it for autonomous soaring. This allows for both soaring and the use of the throttle if necessary, without changing any gain or parameter during the flight. Furthermore, we propose a simulated-annealing-based optimization method to search for soaring positions. This enables for the first time an MAV to autonomously find a feasible soaring position while minimizing throttle usage and other control efforts. Autonomous orographic soaring was performed in the wind tunnel. The wind speed and incline of a ramp were changed during the soaring flight. The MAV was able to perform autonomous orographic soaring for flight times of up to 30 minutes. The mean throttle usage was only 0.25% for the entire soaring flight, whereas normal powered flight requires 38%. Also, it was shown that the MAV can find a new soaring spot when the wind field changes during the flight.
Abstract:We present a novel controller for fixed-wing UAVs that enables autonomous soaring in an orographic wind field, extending flight endurance. Our method identifies soaring regions and addresses position control challenges by introducing a target gradient line (TGL) on which the UAV achieves an equilibrium soaring position, where sink rate and updraft are balanced. Experimental testing validates the controller's effectiveness in maintaining autonomous soaring flight without using any thrust in a non-static wind field. We also demonstrate a single degree of control freedom in a soaring position through manipulation of the TGL.
Abstract:Spacecraft and drones aimed at exploring our solar system are designed to operate in conditions where the smart use of onboard resources is vital to the success or failure of the mission. Sensorimotor actions are thus often derived from high-level, quantifiable, optimality principles assigned to each task, utilizing consolidated tools in optimal control theory. The planned actions are derived on the ground and transferred onboard where controllers have the task of tracking the uploaded guidance profile. Here we argue that end-to-end neural guidance and control architectures (here called G&CNets) allow transferring onboard the burden of acting upon these optimality principles. In this way, the sensor information is transformed in real time into optimal plans thus increasing the mission autonomy and robustness. We discuss the main results obtained in training such neural architectures in simulation for interplanetary transfers, landings and close proximity operations, highlighting the successful learning of optimality principles by the neural model. We then suggest drone racing as an ideal gym environment to test these architectures on real robotic platforms, thus increasing confidence in their utilization on future space exploration missions. Drone racing shares with spacecraft missions both limited onboard computational capabilities and similar control structures induced from the optimality principle sought, but it also entails different levels of uncertainties and unmodelled effects. Furthermore, the success of G&CNets on extremely resource-restricted drones illustrates their potential to bring real-time optimal control within reach of a wider variety of robotic systems, both in space and on Earth.
Abstract:Reaching fast and autonomous flight requires computationally efficient and robust algorithms. To this end, we train Guidance & Control Networks to approximate optimal control policies ranging from energy-optimal to time-optimal flight. We show that the policies become more difficult to learn the closer we get to the time-optimal 'bang-bang' control profile. We also assess the importance of knowing the maximum angular rotor velocity of the quadcopter and show that over- or underestimating this limit leads to less robust flight. We propose an algorithm to identify the current maximum angular rotor velocity onboard and a network that adapts its policy based on the identified limit. Finally, we extend previous work on Guidance & Control Networks by learning to take consecutive waypoints into account. We fly a 4x3m track in similar lap times as the differential-flatness-based minimum snap benchmark controller while benefiting from the flexibility that Guidance & Control Networks offer.
Abstract:Developing optimal controllers for aggressive high-speed quadcopter flight is a major challenge in the field of robotics. Recent work has shown that neural networks trained with supervised learning can achieve real-time optimal control in some specific scenarios. In these methods, the networks (termed G&CNets) are trained to learn the optimal state feedback from a dataset of optimal trajectories. An important problem with these methods is the reality gap encountered in the sim-to-real transfer. In this work, we trained G&CNets for energy-optimal end-to-end control on the Bebop drone and identified the unmodeled pitch moment as the main contributor to the reality gap. To mitigate this, we propose an adaptive control strategy that works by learning from optimal trajectories of a system affected by constant external pitch, roll and yaw moments. In real test flights, this model mismatch is estimated onboard and fed to the network to obtain the optimal rpm command. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by performing energy-optimal hover-to-hover flights with and without moment feedback. Finally, we compare the adaptive controller to a state-of-the-art differential-flatness-based controller in a consecutive waypoint flight and demonstrate the advantages of our method in terms of energy optimality and robustness.
Abstract:Compelling evidence has been given for the high energy efficiency and update rates of neuromorphic processors, with performance beyond what standard Von Neumann architectures can achieve. Such promising features could be advantageous in critical embedded systems, especially in robotics. To date, the constraints inherent in robots (e.g., size and weight, battery autonomy, available sensors, computing resources, processing time, etc.), and particularly in aerial vehicles, severely hamper the performance of fully-autonomous on-board control, including sensor processing and state estimation. In this work, we propose a spiking neural network (SNN) capable of estimating the pitch and roll angles of a quadrotor in highly dynamic movements from 6-degree of freedom Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data. With only 150 neurons and a limited training dataset obtained using a quadrotor in a real world setup, the network shows competitive results as compared to state-of-the-art, non-neuromorphic attitude estimators. The proposed architecture was successfully tested on the Loihi neuromorphic processor on-board a quadrotor to estimate the attitude when flying. Our results show the robustness of neuromorphic attitude estimation and pave the way towards energy-efficient, fully autonomous control of quadrotors with dedicated neuromorphic computing systems.
Abstract:Neuromorphic processing promises high energy efficiency and rapid response rates, making it an ideal candidate for achieving autonomous flight of resource-constrained robots. It will be especially beneficial for complex neural networks as are involved in high-level visual perception. However, fully neuromorphic solutions will also need to tackle low-level control tasks. Remarkably, it is currently still challenging to replicate even basic low-level controllers such as proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. Specifically, it is difficult to incorporate the integral and derivative parts. To address this problem, we propose a neuromorphic controller that incorporates proportional, integral, and derivative pathways during learning. Our approach includes a novel input threshold adaptation mechanism for the integral pathway. This Input-Weighted Threshold Adaptation (IWTA) introduces an additional weight per synaptic connection, which is used to adapt the threshold of the post-synaptic neuron. We tackle the derivative term by employing neurons with different time constants. We first analyze the performance and limits of the proposed mechanisms and then put our controller to the test by implementing it on a microcontroller connected to the open-source tiny Crazyflie quadrotor, replacing the innermost rate controller. We demonstrate the stability of our bio-inspired algorithm with flights in the presence of disturbances. The current work represents a substantial step towards controlling highly dynamic systems with neuromorphic algorithms, thus advancing neuromorphic processing and robotics. In addition, integration is an important part of any temporal task, so the proposed Input-Weighted Threshold Adaptation (IWTA) mechanism may have implications well beyond control tasks.