Abstract:While recent advances in deep learning (DL) for surgical scene segmentation have yielded promising results on single-center and single-imaging modality data, these methods usually do not generalize well to unseen distributions or modalities. Even though human experts can identify visual appearances, DL methods often fail to do so when data samples do not follow a similar distribution. Current literature addressing domain gaps in modality changes has focused primarily on natural scene data. However, these methods cannot be directly applied to endoscopic data, as visual cues in such data are more limited compared to natural scenes. In this work, we exploit both style and content information in images by performing instance normalization and feature covariance mapping techniques to preserve robust and generalizable feature representations. Additionally, to avoid the risk of removing salient feature representations associated with objects of interest, we introduce a restitution module within the feature-learning ResNet backbone that retains useful task-relevant features. Our proposed method shows a 13.7% improvement over the baseline DeepLabv3+ and nearly an 8% improvement over recent state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods for the target (different modality) set of the EndoUDA polyp dataset. Similarly, our method achieved a 19% improvement over the baseline and 6% over the best-performing SOTA method on the EndoUDA Barrett's esophagus (BE) dataset.
Abstract:Accurate depth estimation in endoscopy is vital for successfully implementing computer vision pipelines for various medical procedures and CAD tools. In this paper, we present the EndoDepth benchmark, an evaluation framework designed to assess the robustness of monocular depth prediction models in endoscopic scenarios. Unlike traditional datasets, the EndoDepth benchmark incorporates common challenges encountered during endoscopic procedures. We present an evaluation approach that is consistent and specifically designed to evaluate the robustness performance of the model in endoscopic scenarios. Among these is a novel composite metric called the mean Depth Estimation Robustness Score (mDERS), which offers an in-depth evaluation of a model's accuracy against errors brought on by endoscopic image corruptions. Moreover, we present SCARED-C, a new dataset designed specifically to assess endoscopy robustness. Through extensive experimentation, we evaluate state-of-the-art depth prediction architectures on the EndoDepth benchmark, revealing their strengths and weaknesses in handling endoscopic challenging imaging artifacts. Our results demonstrate the importance of specialized techniques for accurate depth estimation in endoscopy and provide valuable insights for future research directions.
Abstract:Deep learning developments have improved medical imaging diagnoses dramatically, increasing accuracy in several domains. Nonetheless, obstacles continue to exist because of the requirement for huge datasets and legal limitations on data exchange. A solution is provided by Federated Learning (FL), which permits decentralized model training while maintaining data privacy. However, FL models are susceptible to data corruption, which may result in performance degradation. Using pre-trained models, this research suggests a strong FL framework to improve kidney stone diagnosis. Two different kidney stone datasets, each with six different categories of images, are used in our experimental setting. Our method involves two stages: Learning Parameter Optimization (LPO) and Federated Robustness Validation (FRV). We achieved a peak accuracy of 84.1% with seven epochs and 10 rounds during LPO stage, and 77.2% during FRV stage, showing enhanced diagnostic accuracy and robustness against image corruption. This highlights the potential of merging pre-trained models with FL to address privacy and performance concerns in medical diagnostics, and guarantees improved patient care and enhanced trust in FL-based medical systems.
Abstract:Wildfires represent one of the most relevant natural disasters worldwide, due to their impact on various societal and environmental levels. Thus, a significant amount of research has been carried out to investigate and apply computer vision techniques to address this problem. One of the most promising approaches for wildfire fighting is the use of drones equipped with visible and infrared cameras for the detection, monitoring, and fire spread assessment in a remote manner but in close proximity to the affected areas. However, implementing effective computer vision algorithms on board is often prohibitive since deploying full-precision deep learning models running on GPU is not a viable option, due to their high power consumption and the limited payload a drone can handle. Thus, in this work, we posit that smart cameras, based on low-power consumption field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), in tandem with binarized neural networks (BNNs), represent a cost-effective alternative for implementing onboard computing on the edge. Herein we present the implementation of a segmentation model applied to the Corsican Fire Database. We optimized an existing U-Net model for such a task and ported the model to an edge device (a Xilinx Ultra96-v2 FPGA). By pruning and quantizing the original model, we reduce the number of parameters by 90%. Furthermore, additional optimizations enabled us to increase the throughput of the original model from 8 frames per second (FPS) to 33.63 FPS without loss in the segmentation performance: our model obtained 0.912 in Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC),0.915 in F1 score and 0.870 in Hafiane quality index (HAF), and comparable qualitative segmentation results when contrasted to the original full-precision model. The final model was integrated into a low-cost FPGA, which was used to implement a neural network accelerator.
Abstract:This contribution presents a deep learning method for the segmentation of prostate zones in MRI images based on U-Net using additive and feature pyramid attention modules, which can improve the workflow of prostate cancer detection and diagnosis. The proposed model is compared to seven different U-Net-based architectures. The automatic segmentation performance of each model of the central zone (CZ), peripheral zone (PZ), transition zone (TZ) and Tumor were evaluated using Dice Score (DSC), and the Intersection over Union (IoU) metrics. The proposed alternative achieved a mean DSC of 84.15% and IoU of 76.9% in the test set, outperforming most of the studied models in this work except from R2U-Net and attention R2U-Net architectures.
Abstract:This study focuses on comparing deep learning methods for the segmentation and quantification of uncertainty in prostate segmentation from MRI images. The aim is to improve the workflow of prostate cancer detection and diagnosis. Seven different U-Net-based architectures, augmented with Monte-Carlo dropout, are evaluated for automatic segmentation of the central zone, peripheral zone, transition zone, and tumor, with uncertainty estimation. The top-performing model in this study is the Attention R2U-Net, achieving a mean Intersection over Union (IoU) of 76.3% and Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 85% for segmenting all zones. Additionally, Attention R2U-Net exhibits the lowest uncertainty values, particularly in the boundaries of the transition zone and tumor, when compared to the other models.
Abstract:Several Deep Learning (DL) methods have recently been proposed for an automated identification of kidney stones during an ureteroscopy to enable rapid therapeutic decisions. Even if these DL approaches led to promising results, they are mainly appropriate for kidney stone types for which numerous labelled data are available. However, only few labelled images are available for some rare kidney stone types. This contribution exploits Deep Metric Learning (DML) methods i) to handle such classes with few samples, ii) to generalize well to out of distribution samples, and iii) to cope better with new classes which are added to the database. The proposed Guided Deep Metric Learning approach is based on a novel architecture which was designed to learn data representations in an improved way. The solution was inspired by Few-Shot Learning (FSL) and makes use of a teacher-student approach. The teacher model (GEMINI) generates a reduced hypothesis space based on prior knowledge from the labeled data, and is used it as a guide to a student model (i.e., ResNet50) through a Knowledge Distillation scheme. Extensive tests were first performed on two datasets separately used for the recognition, namely a set of images acquired for the surfaces of the kidney stone fragments, and a set of images of the fragment sections. The proposed DML-approach improved the identification accuracy by 10% and 12% in comparison to DL-methods and other DML-approaches, respectively. Moreover, model embeddings from the two dataset types were merged in an organized way through a multi-view scheme to simultaneously exploit the information of surface and section fragments. Test with the resulting mixed model improves the identification accuracy by at least 3% and up to 30% with respect to DL-models and shallow machine learning methods, respectively.
Abstract:Few-shot learning is a challenging area of research that aims to learn new concepts with only a few labeled samples of data. Recent works based on metric-learning approaches leverage the meta-learning approach, which is encompassed by episodic tasks that make use a support (training) and query set (test) with the objective of learning a similarity comparison metric between those sets. Due to the lack of data, the learning process of the embedding network becomes an important part of the few-shot task. Previous works have addressed this problem using metric learning approaches, but the properties of the underlying latent space and the separability of the difference classes on it was not entirely enforced. In this work, we propose two different loss functions which consider the importance of the embedding vectors by looking at the intra-class and inter-class distance between the few data. The first loss function is the Proto-Triplet Loss, which is based on the original triplet loss with the modifications needed to better work on few-shot scenarios. The second loss function, which we dub ICNN loss is based on an inter and intra class nearest neighbors score, which help us to assess the quality of embeddings obtained from the trained network. Our results, obtained from a extensive experimental setup show a significant improvement in accuracy in the miniImagenNet benchmark compared to other metric-based few-shot learning methods by a margin of 2%, demonstrating the capability of these loss functions to allow the network to generalize better to previously unseen classes. In our experiments, we demonstrate competitive generalization capabilities to other domains, such as the Caltech CUB, Dogs and Cars datasets compared with the state of the art.
Abstract:This contribution shows how an appropriate image pre-processing can improve a deep-learning based 3D reconstruction of colon parts. The assumption is that, rather than global image illumination corrections, local under- and over-exposures should be corrected in colonoscopy. An overview of the pipeline including the image exposure correction and a RNN-SLAM is first given. Then, this paper quantifies the reconstruction accuracy of the endoscope trajectory in the colon with and without appropriate illumination correction
Abstract:Sign Language Recognition (SLR) systems aim to be embedded in video stream platforms to recognize the sign performed in front of a camera. SLR research has taken advantage of recent advances in pose estimation models to use skeleton sequences estimated from videos instead of RGB information to predict signs. This approach can make HAR-related tasks less complex and more robust to diverse backgrounds, lightning conditions, and physical appearances. In this work, we explore the use of a spatio-temporal skeleton representation such as Tree Structure Skeleton Image (TSSI) as an alternative input to improve the accuracy of skeleton-based models for SLR. TSSI converts a skeleton sequence into an RGB image where the columns represent the joints of the skeleton in a depth-first tree traversal order, the rows represent the temporal evolution of the joints, and the three channels represent the (x, y, z) coordinates of the joints. We trained a DenseNet-121 using this type of input and compared it with other skeleton-based deep learning methods using a large-scale American Sign Language (ASL) dataset, WLASL. Our model (SL-TSSI-DenseNet) overcomes the state-of-the-art of other skeleton-based models. Moreover, when including data augmentation our proposal achieves better results than both skeleton-based and RGB-based models. We evaluated the effectiveness of our model on the Ankara University Turkish Sign Language (TSL) dataset, AUTSL, and a Mexican Sign Language (LSM) dataset. On the AUTSL dataset, the model achieves similar results to the state-of-the-art of other skeleton-based models. On the LSM dataset, the model achieves higher results than the baseline. Code has been made available at: https://github.com/davidlainesv/SL-TSSI-DenseNet.