Abstract:This paper describes the 2nd edition of the ICML Topological Deep Learning Challenge that was hosted within the ICML 2024 ELLIS Workshop on Geometry-grounded Representation Learning and Generative Modeling (GRaM). The challenge focused on the problem of representing data in different discrete topological domains in order to bridge the gap between Topological Deep Learning (TDL) and other types of structured datasets (e.g. point clouds, graphs). Specifically, participants were asked to design and implement topological liftings, i.e. mappings between different data structures and topological domains --like hypergraphs, or simplicial/cell/combinatorial complexes. The challenge received 52 submissions satisfying all the requirements. This paper introduces the main scope of the challenge, and summarizes the main results and findings.
Abstract:Fake news detection models are critical to countering disinformation but can be manipulated through adversarial attacks. In this position paper, we analyze how an attacker can compromise the performance of an online learning detector on specific news content without being able to manipulate the original target news. In some contexts, such as social networks, where the attacker cannot exert complete control over all the information, this scenario can indeed be quite plausible. Therefore, we show how an attacker could potentially introduce poisoning data into the training data to manipulate the behavior of an online learning method. Our initial findings reveal varying susceptibility of logistic regression models based on complexity and attack type.