Abstract:We introduce novel techniques to enhance Frank-Wolfe algorithms by leveraging function smoothness beyond traditional short steps. Our study focuses on Frank-Wolfe algorithms with step sizes that incorporate primal-dual guarantees, offering practical stopping criteria. We present a new Frank-Wolfe algorithm utilizing an optimistic framework and provide a primal-dual convergence proof. Additionally, we propose a generalized short-step strategy aimed at optimizing a computable primal-dual gap. Interestingly, this new generalized short-step strategy is also applicable to gradient descent algorithms beyond Frank-Wolfe methods. As a byproduct, our work revisits and refines primal-dual techniques for analyzing Frank-Wolfe algorithms, achieving tighter primal-dual convergence rates. Empirical results demonstrate that our optimistic algorithm outperforms existing methods, highlighting its practical advantages.
Abstract:We introduce a Riemannian optimistic online learning algorithm for Hadamard manifolds based on inexact implicit updates. Unlike prior work, our method can handle in-manifold constraints, and matches the best known regret bounds in the Euclidean setting with no dependence on geometric constants, like the minimum curvature. Building on this, we develop algorithms for g-convex, g-concave smooth min-max problems on Hadamard manifolds. Notably, one method nearly matches the gradient oracle complexity of the lower bound for Euclidean problems, for the first time.
Abstract:We study first-order algorithms that are uniformly stable for empirical risk minimization (ERM) problems that are convex and smooth with respect to $p$-norms, $p \geq 1$. We propose a black-box reduction method that, by employing properties of uniformly convex regularizers, turns an optimization algorithm for H\"older smooth convex losses into a uniformly stable learning algorithm with optimal statistical risk bounds on the excess risk, up to a constant factor depending on $p$. Achieving a black-box reduction for uniform stability was posed as an open question by (Attia and Koren, 2022), which had solved the Euclidean case $p=2$. We explore applications that leverage non-Euclidean geometry in addressing binary classification problems.
Abstract:We develop algorithms for the optimization of convex objectives that have H\"older continuous $q$-th derivatives with respect to a $p$-norm by using a $q$-th order oracle, for $p, q \geq 1$. We can also optimize other structured functions. We do this by developing a non-Euclidean inexact accelerated proximal point method that makes use of an inexact uniformly convex regularizer. We also provide nearly matching lower bounds for any deterministic algorithm that interacts with the function via a local oracle.
Abstract:In this work, we study optimization problems of the form $\min_x \max_y f(x, y)$, where $f(x, y)$ is defined on a product Riemannian manifold $\mathcal{M} \times \mathcal{N}$ and is $\mu_x$-strongly geodesically convex (g-convex) in $x$ and $\mu_y$-strongly g-concave in $y$, for $\mu_x, \mu_y \geq 0$. We design accelerated methods when $f$ is $(L_x, L_y, L_{xy})$-smooth and $\mathcal{M}$, $\mathcal{N}$ are Hadamard. To that aim we introduce new g-convex optimization results, of independent interest: we show global linear convergence for metric-projected Riemannian gradient descent and improve existing accelerated methods by reducing geometric constants. Additionally, we complete the analysis of two previous works applying to the Riemannian min-max case by removing an assumption about iterates staying in a pre-specified compact set.
Abstract:We propose a globally-accelerated, first-order method for the optimization of smooth and (strongly or not) geodesically-convex functions in a wide class of Hadamard manifolds. We achieve the same convergence rates as Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent, up to a multiplicative geometric penalty and log factors. Crucially, we can enforce our method to stay within a compact set we define. Prior fully accelerated works \textit{resort to assuming} that the iterates of their algorithms stay in some pre-specified compact set, except for two previous methods of limited applicability. For our manifolds, this solves the open question in [KY22] about obtaining global general acceleration without iterates assumptively staying in the feasible set.
Abstract:We further research on the acceleration phenomenon on Riemannian manifolds by introducing the first global first-order method that achieves the same rates as accelerated gradient descent in the Euclidean space for the optimization of smooth and geodesically convex (g-convex) or strongly g-convex functions defined on the hyperbolic space or a subset of the sphere, up to constants and log factors. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first method that is proved to achieve these rates globally on functions defined on a Riemannian manifold $\mathcal{M}$ other than the Euclidean space. Additionally, for any Riemannian manifold of bounded sectional curvature, we provide reductions from optimization methods for smooth and g-convex functions to methods for smooth and strongly g-convex functions and vice versa. As a proxy, we solve a constrained non-convex Euclidean problem, under a condition between convexity and quasar-convexity.
Abstract:Understanding the inductive bias of neural networks is critical to explaining their ability to generalise. Here, for one of the simplest neural networks -- a single-layer perceptron with $n$ input neurons, one output neuron, and no threshold bias term -- we prove that upon random initialisation of weights, the a priori probability $P(t)$ that it represents a Boolean function that classifies $t$ points in $\{0,1\}^n$ as $1$ has a remarkably simple form: $ P(t) = 2^{-n} \,\, {\rm for} \,\, 0\leq t < 2^n$. Since a perceptron can express far fewer Boolean functions with small or large values of $t$ (low "entropy") than with intermediate values of $t$ (high "entropy") there is, on average, a strong intrinsic a-priori bias towards individual functions with low entropy. Furthermore, within a class of functions with fixed $t$, we often observe a further intrinsic bias towards functions of lower complexity. Finally, we prove that, regardless of the distribution of inputs, the bias towards low entropy becomes monotonically stronger upon adding ReLU layers, and empirically show that increasing the variance of the bias term has a similar effect.
Abstract:We introduce a novel approach to perform first-order optimization with orthogonal and unitary constraints. This approach is based on a parametrization stemming from Lie group theory through the exponential map. The parametrization transforms the constrained optimization problem into an unconstrained one over a Euclidean space, for which common first-order optimization methods can be used. The theoretical results presented are general enough to cover the special orthogonal group, the unitary group and, in general, any connected compact Lie group. We discuss how this and other parametrizations can be computed efficiently through an implementation trick, making numerically complex parametrizations usable at a negligible runtime cost in neural networks. In particular, we apply our results to RNNs with orthogonal recurrent weights, yielding a new architecture called expRNN. We demonstrate how our method constitutes a more robust approach to optimization with orthogonal constraints, showing faster, accurate, and more stable convergence in several tasks designed to test RNNs.
Abstract:We study a decentralized cooperative stochastic multi-armed bandit problem with $K$ arms on a network of $N$ agents. In our model, the reward distribution of each arm is agent-independent. Each agent chooses iteratively one arm to play and then communicates to her neighbors. The aim is to minimize the total network regret. We design a fully decentralized algorithm that uses a running consensus procedure to compute, with some delay, accurate estimations of the average of rewards obtained by all the agents for each arm, and then uses an upper confidence bound algorithm that accounts for the delay and error of the estimations. We analyze the algorithm and up to a constant our regret bounds are better for all networks than other algorithms designed to solve the same problem. For some graphs, our regret bounds are significantly better.