Abstract:Recent advancements in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) have shown remarkable performance in enhancing response accuracy and relevance by integrating external knowledge into generative models. However, existing RAG methods primarily focus on providing text-only answers, even in multimodal retrieval-augmented generation scenarios. In this work, we introduce the Multimodal Retrieval-Augmented Multimodal Generation (MRAMG) task, which aims to generate answers that combine both text and images, fully leveraging the multimodal data within a corpus. Despite the importance of this task, there is a notable absence of a comprehensive benchmark to effectively evaluate MRAMG performance. To bridge this gap, we introduce the MRAMG-Bench, a carefully curated, human-annotated dataset comprising 4,346 documents, 14,190 images, and 4,800 QA pairs, sourced from three categories: Web Data, Academic Papers, and Lifestyle. The dataset incorporates diverse difficulty levels and complex multi-image scenarios, providing a robust foundation for evaluating multimodal generation tasks. To facilitate rigorous evaluation, our MRAMG-Bench incorporates a comprehensive suite of both statistical and LLM-based metrics, enabling a thorough analysis of the performance of popular generative models in the MRAMG task. Besides, we propose an efficient multimodal answer generation framework that leverages both LLMs and MLLMs to generate multimodal responses. Our datasets are available at: https://huggingface.co/MRAMG.
Abstract:In this work, we investigate a particular implicit bias in the gradient descent training process, which we term "Feature Averaging", and argue that it is one of the principal factors contributing to non-robustness of deep neural networks. Despite the existence of multiple discriminative features capable of classifying data, neural networks trained by gradient descent exhibit a tendency to learn the average (or certain combination) of these features, rather than distinguishing and leveraging each feature individually. In particular, we provide a detailed theoretical analysis of the training dynamics of gradient descent in a two-layer ReLU network for a binary classification task, where the data distribution consists of multiple clusters with orthogonal cluster center vectors. We rigorously prove that gradient descent converges to the regime of feature averaging, wherein the weights associated with each hidden-layer neuron represent an average of the cluster centers (each center corresponding to a distinct feature). It leads the network classifier to be non-robust due to an attack that aligns with the negative direction of the averaged features. Furthermore, we prove that, with the provision of more granular supervised information, a two-layer multi-class neural network is capable of learning individual features, from which one can derive a binary classifier with the optimal robustness under our setting. Besides, we also conduct extensive experiments using synthetic datasets, MNIST and CIFAR-10 to substantiate the phenomenon of feature averaging and its role in adversarial robustness of neural networks. We hope the theoretical and empirical insights can provide a deeper understanding of the impact of the gradient descent training on feature learning process, which in turn influences the robustness of the network, and how more detailed supervision may enhance model robustness.
Abstract:Adversarial training is a widely-applied approach to training deep neural networks to be robust against adversarial perturbation. However, although adversarial training has achieved empirical success in practice, it still remains unclear why adversarial examples exist and how adversarial training methods improve model robustness. In this paper, we provide a theoretical understanding of adversarial examples and adversarial training algorithms from the perspective of feature learning theory. Specifically, we focus on a multiple classification setting, where the structured data can be composed of two types of features: the robust features, which are resistant to perturbation but sparse, and the non-robust features, which are susceptible to perturbation but dense. We train a two-layer smoothed ReLU convolutional neural network to learn our structured data. First, we prove that by using standard training (gradient descent over the empirical risk), the network learner primarily learns the non-robust feature rather than the robust feature, which thereby leads to the adversarial examples that are generated by perturbations aligned with negative non-robust feature directions. Then, we consider the gradient-based adversarial training algorithm, which runs gradient ascent to find adversarial examples and runs gradient descent over the empirical risk at adversarial examples to update models. We show that the adversarial training method can provably strengthen the robust feature learning and suppress the non-robust feature learning to improve the network robustness. Finally, we also empirically validate our theoretical findings with experiments on real-image datasets, including MNIST, CIFAR10 and SVHN.
Abstract:Adversarial training is a standard method to train deep neural networks to be robust to adversarial perturbation. Similar to surprising $\textit{clean generalization}$ ability in the standard deep learning setting, neural networks trained by adversarial training also generalize well for $\textit{unseen clean data}$. However, in constrast with clean generalization, while adversarial training method is able to achieve low $\textit{robust training error}$, there still exists a significant $\textit{robust generalization gap}$, which promotes us exploring what mechanism leads to both $\textit{clean generalization and robust overfitting (CGRO)}$ during learning process. In this paper, we provide a theoretical understanding of this CGRO phenomenon in adversarial training. First, we propose a theoretical framework of adversarial training, where we analyze $\textit{feature learning process}$ to explain how adversarial training leads network learner to CGRO regime. Specifically, we prove that, under our patch-structured dataset, the CNN model provably partially learns the true feature but exactly memorizes the spurious features from training-adversarial examples, which thus results in clean generalization and robust overfitting. For more general data assumption, we then show the efficiency of CGRO classifier from the perspective of $\textit{representation complexity}$. On the empirical side, to verify our theoretical analysis in real-world vision dataset, we investigate the $\textit{dynamics of loss landscape}$ during training. Moreover, inspired by our experiments, we prove a robust generalization bound based on $\textit{global flatness}$ of loss landscape, which may be an independent interest.
Abstract:It is well-known that modern neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples. To mitigate this problem, a series of robust learning algorithms have been proposed. However, although the robust training error can be near zero via some methods, all existing algorithms lead to a high robust generalization error. In this paper, we provide a theoretical understanding of this puzzling phenomenon from the perspective of expressive power for deep neural networks. Specifically, for binary classification problems with well-separated data, we show that, for ReLU networks, while mild over-parameterization is sufficient for high robust training accuracy, there exists a constant robust generalization gap unless the size of the neural network is exponential in the data dimension $d$. Even if the data is linear separable, which means achieving low clean generalization error is easy, we can still prove an $\exp({\Omega}(d))$ lower bound for robust generalization. Moreover, we establish an improved upper bound of $\exp({\mathcal{O}}(k))$ for the network size to achieve low robust generalization error when the data lies on a manifold with intrinsic dimension $k$ ($k \ll d$). Nonetheless, we also have a lower bound that grows exponentially with respect to $k$ -- the curse of dimensionality is inevitable. By demonstrating an exponential separation between the network size for achieving low robust training and generalization error, our results reveal that the hardness of robust generalization may stem from the expressive power of practical models.
Abstract:Pruning well-trained neural networks is effective to achieve a promising accuracy-efficiency trade-off in computer vision regimes. However, most of existing pruning algorithms only focus on the classification task defined on the source domain. Different from the strong transferability of the original model, a pruned network is hard to transfer to complicated downstream tasks such as object detection arXiv:arch-ive/2012.04643. In this paper, we show that the image-level pretrain task is not capable of pruning models for diverse downstream tasks. To mitigate this problem, we introduce image reconstruction, a pixel-level task, into the traditional pruning framework. Concretely, an autoencoder is trained based on the original model, and then the pruning process is optimized with both autoencoder and classification losses. The empirical study on benchmark downstream tasks shows that the proposed method can outperform state-of-the-art results explicitly.
Abstract:The neural network with $1$-Lipschitz property based on $\ell_\infty$-dist neuron has a theoretical guarantee in certified $\ell_\infty$ robustness. However, due to the inherent difficulties in the training of the network, the certified accuracy of previous work is limited. In this paper, we propose two approaches to deal with these difficuties. Aiming at the characteristics of the training process based on $\ell_\infty$-norm neural network, we introduce the EMA method to improve the training process. Considering the randomness of the training algorithm, we propose an ensemble method based on trained base models that have the $1$-Lipschitz property and gain significant improvement in the small parameter network. Moreover, we give the theoretical analysis of the ensemble method based on the $1$-Lipschitz property on the certified robustness, which ensures the effectiveness and stability of the algorithm. Our code is available at https://github.com/Theia-4869/EMA-and-Ensemble-Lip-Networks.