Abstract:With recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs), Agentic AI has become phenomenal in real-world applications, moving toward multiple LLM-based agents to perceive, learn, reason, and act collaboratively. These LLM-based Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) enable groups of intelligent agents to coordinate and solve complex tasks collectively at scale, transitioning from isolated models to collaboration-centric approaches. This work provides an extensive survey of the collaborative aspect of MASs and introduces an extensible framework to guide future research. Our framework characterizes collaboration mechanisms based on key dimensions: actors (agents involved), types (e.g., cooperation, competition, or coopetition), structures (e.g., peer-to-peer, centralized, or distributed), strategies (e.g., role-based or model-based), and coordination protocols. Through a review of existing methodologies, our findings serve as a foundation for demystifying and advancing LLM-based MASs toward more intelligent and collaborative solutions for complex, real-world use cases. In addition, various applications of MASs across diverse domains, including 5G/6G networks, Industry 5.0, question answering, and social and cultural settings, are also investigated, demonstrating their wider adoption and broader impacts. Finally, we identify key lessons learned, open challenges, and potential research directions of MASs towards artificial collective intelligence.
Abstract:In this paper, we construct and compare algorithmic approaches to solve the Preference Consistency Problem for preference statements based on hierarchical models. Instances of this problem contain a set of preference statements that are direct comparisons (strict and non-strict) between some alternatives, and a set of evaluation functions by which all alternatives can be rated. An instance is consistent based on hierarchical preference models, if there exists an hierarchical model on the evaluation functions that induces an order relation on the alternatives by which all relations given by the preference statements are satisfied. Deciding if an instance is consistent is known to be NP-complete for hierarchical models. We develop three approaches to solve this decision problem. The first involves a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation, the other two are recursive algorithms that are based on properties of the problem by which the search space can be pruned. Our experiments on synthetic data show that the recursive algorithms are faster than solving the MILP formulation and that the ratio between the running times increases extremely quickly.
Abstract:We present a way to create small yet difficult model counting instances. Our generator is highly parameterizable: the number of variables of the instances it produces, as well as their number of clauses and the number of literals in each clause, can all be set to any value. Our instances have been tested on state of the art model counters, against other difficult model counting instances, in the Model Counting Competition. The smallest unsolved instances of the competition, both in terms of number of variables and number of clauses, were ours. We also observe a peak of difficulty when fixing the number of variables and varying the number of clauses, in both random instances and instances built by our generator. Using these results, we predict the parameter values for which the hardest to count instances will occur.
Abstract:Feature extraction is a fundamental task in the application of machine learning methods to SAT solving. It is used in algorithm selection and configuration for solver portfolios and satisfiability classification. Many approaches have been proposed to extract meaningful attributes from CNF instances. Most of them lack a working/updated implementation, and the limited descriptions lack clarity affecting the reproducibility. Furthermore, the literature misses a comparison among the features. This paper introduces SATfeatPy, a library that offers feature extraction techniques for SAT problems in the CNF form. This package offers the implementation of all the structural and statistical features from there major papers in the field. The library is provided in an up-to-date, easy-to-use Python package alongside a detailed feature description. We show the high accuracy of SAT/UNSAT and problem category classification, using five sets of features generated using our library from a dataset of 3000 SAT and UNSAT instances, over ten different classes of problems. Finally, we compare the usefulness of the features and importance for predicting a SAT instance's original structure in an ablation study.
Abstract:Interactive constraint systems often suffer from infeasibility (no solution) due to conflicting user constraints. A common approach to recover infeasibility is to eliminate the constraints that cause the conflicts in the system. This approach allows the system to provide an explanation as: "if the user is willing to drop out some of their constraints, there exists a solution". However, one can criticise this form of explanation as not being very informative. A counterfactual explanation is a type of explanation that can provide a basis for the user to recover feasibility by helping them understand which changes can be applied to their existing constraints rather than removing them. This approach has been extensively studied in the machine learning field, but requires a more thorough investigation in the context of constraint satisfaction. We propose an iterative method based on conflict detection and maximal relaxations in over-constrained constraint satisfaction problems to help compute a counterfactual explanation.
Abstract:We present in this paper our solver for logic grid puzzles. The approach used by our algorithm mimics the way a human would try to solve the same problem. Every progress made during the solving process is accompanied by a detailed explanation of our program's reasoning. Since this reasoning is based on the same heuristics that a human would employ, the user can easily follow the given explanation.
Abstract:When creating benchmarks for SAT solvers, we need SAT instances that are easy to build but hard to solve. A recent development in the search for such methods has led to the Balanced SAT algorithm, which can create k-SAT instances with m clauses of high difficulty, for arbitrary k and m. In this paper we introduce the No-Triangle SAT algorithm, a SAT instance generator based on the cluster coefficient graph statistic. We empirically compare the two algorithms by fixing the arity and the number of variables, but varying the number of clauses. The hardest instances that we find are produced by No-Triangle SAT. Furthermore, difficult instances from No-Triangle SAT have a different number of clauses than difficult instances from Balanced SAT, potentially allowing a combination of the two methods to find hard SAT instances for a larger array of parameters.
Abstract:We study the notion of robustness in stable matching problems. We first define robustness by introducing (a,b)-supermatches. An $(a,b)$-supermatch is a stable matching in which if $a$ pairs break up it is possible to find another stable matching by changing the partners of those $a$ pairs and at most $b$ other pairs. In this context, we define the most robust stable matching as a $(1,b)$-supermatch where b is minimum. We show that checking whether a given stable matching is a $(1,b)$-supermatch can be done in polynomial time. Next, we use this procedure to design a constraint programming model, a local search approach, and a genetic algorithm to find the most robust stable matching. Our empirical evaluation on large instances show that local search outperforms the other approaches.
Abstract:Robust Stable Marriage (RSM) is a variant of the classical Stable Marriage problem, where the robustness of a given stable matching is measured by the number of modifications required for repairing it in case an unforeseen event occurs. We focus on the complexity of finding an (a,b)-supermatch. An (a,b)-supermatch is defined as a stable matching in which if any 'a' (non-fixed) men/women break up it is possible to find another stable matching by changing the partners of those 'a' men/women and also the partners of at most 'b' other couples. In order to show deciding if there exists an (a,b)-supermatch is NP-Complete, we first introduce a SAT formulation that is NP-Complete by using Schaefer's Dichotomy Theorem. Then, we show the equivalence between the SAT formulation and finding a (1,1)-supermatch on a specific family of instances.
Abstract:Combinatorial decision problems arise in many different domains such as scheduling, routing, packing, bioinformatics, and many more. Despite recent advances in developing scalable solvers, there are still many problems which are often very hard to solve. Typically the most advanced solvers include elements which are stochastic in nature. If a same instance is solved many times using different seeds then depending on the inherent characteristics of a problem instance and the solver, one can observe a highly-variant distribution of times spanning multiple orders of magnitude. Therefore, to solve a problem instance efficiently it is often useful to solve the same instance in parallel with different seeds. With the proliferation of cloud computing, it is natural to think about an elastic solver which can scale up by launching searches in parallel on thousands of machines (or cores). However, this could result in consuming a lot of energy. Moreover, not every instance would require thousands of machines. The challenge is to resolve the tradeoff between solution time and energy consumption optimally for a given problem instance. We analyse the impact of the number of machines (or cores) on not only solution time but also on energy consumption. We highlight that although solution time always drops as the number of machines increases, the relation between the number of machines and energy consumption is more complicated. In many cases, the optimal energy consumption may be achieved by a middle ground, we analyse this relationship in detail. The tradeoff between solution time and energy consumption is studied further, showing that the energy consumption of a solver can be reduced drastically if we increase the solution time marginally. We also develop a prediction model, demonstrating that such insights can be exploited to achieve faster solutions times in a more energy efficient manor.