Picture for Apostol Vassilev

Apostol Vassilev

Meta learning with language models: Challenges and opportunities in the classification of imbalanced text

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Oct 24, 2023
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Evaluating the Social Impact of Generative AI Systems in Systems and Society

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Jun 12, 2023
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Can you tell? SSNet -- a Sagittal Stratum-inspired Neural Network Framework for Sentiment Analysis

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Jun 23, 2020
Figure 1 for Can you tell? SSNet -- a Sagittal Stratum-inspired Neural Network Framework for Sentiment Analysis
Figure 2 for Can you tell? SSNet -- a Sagittal Stratum-inspired Neural Network Framework for Sentiment Analysis
Figure 3 for Can you tell? SSNet -- a Sagittal Stratum-inspired Neural Network Framework for Sentiment Analysis
Figure 4 for Can you tell? SSNet -- a Sagittal Stratum-inspired Neural Network Framework for Sentiment Analysis
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BowTie - A deep learning feedforward neural network for sentiment analysis

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Apr 18, 2019
Figure 1 for BowTie - A deep learning feedforward neural network for sentiment analysis
Figure 2 for BowTie - A deep learning feedforward neural network for sentiment analysis
Figure 3 for BowTie - A deep learning feedforward neural network for sentiment analysis
Figure 4 for BowTie - A deep learning feedforward neural network for sentiment analysis
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