Abstract:Federated learning (FL) is vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where adversaries alter model behavior on target classification labels by embedding triggers into data samples. While these attacks have received considerable attention in horizontal FL, they are less understood for vertical FL (VFL), where devices hold different features of the samples, and only the server holds the labels. In this work, we propose a novel backdoor attack on VFL which (i) does not rely on gradient information from the server and (ii) considers potential collusion among multiple adversaries for sample selection and trigger embedding. Our label inference model augments variational autoencoders with metric learning, which adversaries can train locally. A consensus process over the adversary graph topology determines which datapoints to poison. We further propose methods for trigger splitting across the adversaries, with an intensity-based implantation scheme skewing the server towards the trigger. Our convergence analysis reveals the impact of backdoor perturbations on VFL indicated by a stationarity gap for the trained model, which we verify empirically as well. We conduct experiments comparing our attack with recent backdoor VFL approaches, finding that ours obtains significantly higher success rates for the same main task performance despite not using server information. Additionally, our results verify the impact of collusion on attack performance.
Abstract:Large Language Model (LLM)-based recommendation systems provide more comprehensive recommendations than traditional systems by deeply analyzing content and user behavior. However, these systems often exhibit biases, favoring mainstream content while marginalizing non-traditional options due to skewed training data. This study investigates the intricate relationship between bias and LLM-based recommendation systems, with a focus on music, song, and book recommendations across diverse demographic and cultural groups. Through a comprehensive analysis conducted over different LLM-models, this paper evaluates the impact of bias on recommendation outcomes. Our findings reveal that bias is so deeply ingrained within these systems that even a simpler intervention like prompt engineering can significantly reduce bias, underscoring the pervasive nature of the issue. Moreover, factors like intersecting identities and contextual information, such as socioeconomic status, further amplify these biases, demonstrating the complexity and depth of the challenges faced in creating fair recommendations across different groups.
Abstract:Dual-function radar-communication (DFRC) is a key enabler of location-based services for next-generation communication systems. In this paper, we investigate the problem of designing constant modulus waveforms for DFRC systems. For high-precision radar sensing, we consider joint optimization of the correlation properties and spatial beam pattern. For communication, we employ constructive interference-based block-level precoding (CI-BLP) to leverage distortion induced by multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) and radar transmission on a block level. We propose two solution algorithms based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) and majorization-minimization (MM) principles, which are effective for small and large block sizes, respectively. The proposed ADMM-based solution decomposes the nonconvex formulated problem into multiple tractable subproblems, each of which admits a closed-form solution. To accelerate convergence of the MM-based solution, we propose an improved majorizing function that leverages a novel diagonal matrix structure. After majorization, we decompose the approximated problem into independent subproblems for parallelization, mitigating the complexity that increases with block size. We then evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms through a series of numerical experiments. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed methods can substantially enhance spatial/temporal sidelobe suppression through block-level optimization.
Abstract:Opportunistic spectrum access has the potential to increase the efficiency of spectrum utilization in cognitive radio networks (CRNs). In CRNs, both spectrum sensing and resource allocation (SSRA) are critical to maximizing system throughput while minimizing collisions of secondary users with the primary network. However, many works in dynamic spectrum access do not consider the impact of imperfect sensing information such as mis-detected channels, which the additional information available in joint SSRA can help remediate. In this work, we examine joint SSRA as an optimization which seeks to maximize a CRN's net communication rate subject to constraints on channel sensing, channel access, and transmit power. Given the non-trivial nature of the problem, we leverage multi-agent reinforcement learning to enable a network of secondary users to dynamically access unoccupied spectrum via only local test statistics, formulated under the energy detection paradigm of spectrum sensing. In doing so, we develop a novel multi-agent implementation of hybrid soft actor critic, MHSAC, based on the QMIX mixing scheme. Through experiments, we find that our SSRA algorithm, HySSRA, is successful in maximizing the CRN's utilization of spectrum resources while also limiting its interference with the primary network, and outperforms the current state-of-the-art by a wide margin. We also explore the impact of wireless variations such as coherence time on the efficacy of the system.
Abstract:Recently, deep learning approaches have provided solutions to difficult problems in wireless positioning (WP). Although these WP algorithms have attained excellent and consistent performance against complex channel environments, the computational complexity coming from processing high-dimensional features can be prohibitive for mobile applications. In this work, we design a novel positioning neural network (P-NN) that utilizes the minimum description features to substantially reduce the complexity of deep learning-based WP. P-NN's feature selection strategy is based on maximum power measurements and their temporal locations to convey information needed to conduct WP. We improve P-NN's learning ability by intelligently processing two different types of inputs: sparse image and measurement matrices. Specifically, we implement a self-attention layer to reinforce the training ability of our network. We also develop a technique to adapt feature space size, optimizing over the expected information gain and the classification capability quantified with information-theoretic measures on signal bin selection. Numerical results show that P-NN achieves a significant advantage in performance-complexity tradeoff over deep learning baselines that leverage the full power delay profile (PDP). In particular, we find that P-NN achieves a large improvement in performance for low SNR, as unnecessary measurements are discarded in our minimum description features.
Abstract:One of the main challenges of decentralized machine learning paradigms such as Federated Learning (FL) is the presence of local non-i.i.d. datasets. Device-to-device transfers (D2D) between distributed devices has been shown to be an effective tool for dealing with this problem and robust to stragglers. In an unsupervised case, however, it is not obvious how data exchanges should take place due to the absence of labels. In this paper, we propose an approach to create an optimal graph for data transfer using Reinforcement Learning. The goal is to form links that will provide the most benefit considering the environment's constraints and improve convergence speed in an unsupervised FL environment. Numerical analysis shows the advantages in terms of convergence speed and straggler resilience of the proposed method to different available FL schemes and benchmark datasets.
Abstract:A recent line of research has been investigating deep learning approaches to wireless positioning (WP). Although these WP algorithms have demonstrated high accuracy and robust performance against diverse channel conditions, they also have a major drawback: they require processing high-dimensional features, which can be prohibitive for mobile applications. In this work, we design a positioning neural network (P-NN) that substantially reduces the complexity of deep learning-based WP through carefully crafted minimum description features. Our feature selection is based on maximum power measurements and their temporal locations to convey information needed to conduct WP. We also develop a novel methodology for adaptively selecting the size of feature space, which optimizes over balancing the expected amount of useful information and classification capability, quantified using information-theoretic measures on the signal bin selection. Numerical results show that P-NN achieves a significant advantage in performance-complexity tradeoff over deep learning baselines that leverage the full power delay profile (PDP).
Abstract:Although user cooperation cannot improve the capacity of Gaussian two-way channels (GTWCs) with independent noises, it can improve communication reliability. In this work, we aim to enhance and balance the communication reliability in GTWCs by minimizing the sum of error probabilities via joint design of encoders and decoders at the users. We first formulate general encoding/decoding functions, where the user cooperation is captured by the coupling of user encoding processes. The coupling effect renders the encoder/decoder design non-trivial, requiring effective decoding to capture this effect, as well as efficient power management at the encoders within power constraints. To address these challenges, we propose two different two-way coding strategies: linear coding and learning-based coding. For linear coding, we propose optimal linear decoding and discuss new insights on encoding regarding user cooperation to balance reliability. We then propose an efficient algorithm for joint encoder/decoder design. For learning-based coding, we introduce a novel recurrent neural network (RNN)-based coding architecture, where we propose interactive RNNs and a power control layer for encoding, and we incorporate bi-directional RNNs with an attention mechanism for decoding. Through simulations, we show that our two-way coding methodologies outperform conventional channel coding schemes (that do not utilize user cooperation) significantly in sum-error performance. We also demonstrate that our linear coding excels at high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), while our RNN-based coding performs best at low SNRs. We further investigate our two-way coding strategies in terms of power distribution, two-way coding benefit, different coding rates, and block-length gain.
Abstract:Dual-functional radar-communication (DFRC) is a promising technology where radar and communication functions operate on the same spectrum and hardware. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for designing constant modulus waveforms for DFRC systems. Particularly, we jointly optimize the correlation properties and the spatial beam pattern. For communication, we employ constructive interference-based block-level precoding (CI-BLP) to exploit distortion due to multi-user and radar transmission. We propose a majorization-minimization (MM)-based solution to the formulated problem. To accelerate convergence, we propose an improved majorizing function that leverages a novel diagonal matrix structure. We then evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm through rigorous simulations. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach and the proposed majorizer.
Abstract:Augmenting federated learning (FL) with direct device-to-device (D2D) communications can help improve convergence speed and reduce model bias through rapid local information exchange. However, data privacy concerns, device trust issues, and unreliable wireless channels each pose challenges to determining an effective yet resource efficient D2D structure. In this paper, we develop a decentralized reinforcement learning (RL) methodology for D2D graph discovery that promotes communication of non-sensitive yet impactful data-points over trusted yet reliable links. Each device functions as an RL agent, training a policy to predict the impact of incoming links. Local (device-level) and global rewards are coupled through message passing within and between device clusters. Numerical experiments confirm the advantages offered by our method in terms of convergence speed and straggler resilience across several datasets and FL schemes.