Abstract:Time series forecasting plays a pivotal role in a wide range of applications, including weather prediction, healthcare, structural health monitoring, predictive maintenance, energy systems, and financial markets. While models such as LSTM, GRU, Transformers, and State-Space Models (SSMs) have become standard tools in this domain, selecting the optimal architecture remains a challenge. Performance comparisons often depend on evaluation metrics and the datasets under analysis, making the choice of a universally optimal model controversial. In this work, we introduce a flexible automated framework for time series forecasting that systematically designs and evaluates diverse network architectures by integrating LSTM, GRU, multi-head Attention, and SSM blocks. Using a multi-objective optimization approach, our framework determines the number, sequence, and combination of blocks to align with specific requirements and evaluation objectives. From the resulting Pareto-optimal architectures, the best model for a given context is selected via a user-defined preference function. We validate our framework across four distinct real-world applications. Results show that a single-layer GRU or LSTM is usually optimal when minimizing training time alone. However, when maximizing accuracy or balancing multiple objectives, the best architectures are often composite designs incorporating multiple block types in specific configurations. By employing a weighted preference function, users can resolve trade-offs between objectives, revealing novel, context-specific optimal architectures. Our findings underscore that no single neural architecture is universally optimal for time series forecasting. Instead, the best-performing model emerges as a data-driven composite architecture tailored to user-defined criteria and evaluation objectives.
Abstract:Dynamic graph embedding has emerged as an important technique for modeling complex time-evolving networks across diverse domains. While transformer-based models have shown promise in capturing long-range dependencies in temporal graph data, they face scalability challenges due to quadratic computational complexity. This study presents a comparative analysis of dynamic graph embedding approaches using transformers and the recently proposed Mamba architecture, a state-space model with linear complexity. We introduce three novel models: TransformerG2G augment with graph convolutional networks, DG-Mamba, and GDG-Mamba with graph isomorphism network edge convolutions. Our experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that Mamba-based models achieve comparable or superior performance to transformer-based approaches in link prediction tasks while offering significant computational efficiency gains on longer sequences. Notably, DG-Mamba variants consistently outperform transformer-based models on datasets with high temporal variability, such as UCI, Bitcoin, and Reality Mining, while maintaining competitive performance on more stable graphs like SBM. We provide insights into the learned temporal dependencies through analysis of attention weights and state matrices, revealing the models' ability to capture complex temporal patterns. By effectively combining state-space models with graph neural networks, our work addresses key limitations of previous approaches and contributes to the growing body of research on efficient temporal graph representation learning. These findings offer promising directions for scaling dynamic graph embedding to larger, more complex real-world networks, potentially enabling new applications in areas such as social network analysis, financial modeling, and biological system dynamics.
Abstract:Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have emerged as a key tool in Scientific Machine Learning since their introduction in 2017, enabling the efficient solution of ordinary and partial differential equations using sparse measurements. Over the past few years, significant advancements have been made in the training and optimization of PINNs, covering aspects such as network architectures, adaptive refinement, domain decomposition, and the use of adaptive weights and activation functions. A notable recent development is the Physics-Informed Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (PIKANS), which leverage a representation model originally proposed by Kolmogorov in 1957, offering a promising alternative to traditional PINNs. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in PINNs, focusing on improvements in network design, feature expansion, optimization techniques, uncertainty quantification, and theoretical insights. We also survey key applications across a range of fields, including biomedicine, fluid and solid mechanics, geophysics, dynamical systems, heat transfer, chemical engineering, and beyond. Finally, we review computational frameworks and software tools developed by both academia and industry to support PINN research and applications.
Abstract:Existing neural network models to learn Hamiltonian systems, such as SympNets, although accurate in low-dimensions, struggle to learn the correct dynamics for high-dimensional many-body systems. Herein, we introduce Symplectic Graph Neural Networks (SympGNNs) that can effectively handle system identification in high-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, as well as node classification. SympGNNs combines symplectic maps with permutation equivariance, a property of graph neural networks. Specifically, we propose two variants of SympGNNs: i) G-SympGNN and ii) LA-SympGNN, arising from different parameterizations of the kinetic and potential energy. We demonstrate the capabilities of SympGNN on two physical examples: a 40-particle coupled Harmonic oscillator, and a 2000-particle molecular dynamics simulation in a two-dimensional Lennard-Jones potential. Furthermore, we demonstrate the performance of SympGNN in the node classification task, achieving accuracy comparable to the state-of-the-art. We also empirically show that SympGNN can overcome the oversmoothing and heterophily problems, two key challenges in the field of graph neural networks.
Abstract:The new polymath Large Language Models (LLMs) can speed-up greatly scientific reviews, possibly using more unbiased quantitative metrics, facilitating cross-disciplinary connections, and identifying emerging trends and research gaps by analyzing large volumes of data. However, at the present time, they lack the required deep understanding of complex methodologies, they have difficulty in evaluating innovative claims, and they are unable to assess ethical issues and conflicts of interest. Herein, we consider 13 GPT-related papers across different scientific domains, reviewed by a human reviewer and SciSpace, a large language model, with the reviews evaluated by three distinct types of evaluators, namely GPT-3.5, a crowd panel, and GPT-4. We found that 50% of SciSpace's responses to objective questions align with those of a human reviewer, with GPT-4 (informed evaluator) often rating the human reviewer higher in accuracy, and SciSpace higher in structure, clarity, and completeness. In subjective questions, the uninformed evaluators (GPT-3.5 and crowd panel) showed varying preferences between SciSpace and human responses, with the crowd panel showing a preference for the human responses. However, GPT-4 rated them equally in accuracy and structure but favored SciSpace for completeness.
Abstract:Dynamic graph embedding has emerged as a very effective technique for addressing diverse temporal graph analytic tasks (i.e., link prediction, node classification, recommender systems, anomaly detection, and graph generation) in various applications. Such temporal graphs exhibit heterogeneous transient dynamics, varying time intervals, and highly evolving node features throughout their evolution. Hence, incorporating long-range dependencies from the historical graph context plays a crucial role in accurately learning their temporal dynamics. In this paper, we develop a graph embedding model with uncertainty quantification, TransformerG2G, by exploiting the advanced transformer encoder to first learn intermediate node representations from its current state ($t$) and previous context (over timestamps [$t-1, t-l$], $l$ is the length of context). Moreover, we employ two projection layers to generate lower-dimensional multivariate Gaussian distributions as each node's latent embedding at timestamp $t$. We consider diverse benchmarks with varying levels of ``novelty" as measured by the TEA plots. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed TransformerG2G model outperforms conventional multi-step methods and our prior work (DynG2G) in terms of both link prediction accuracy and computational efficiency, especially for high degree of novelty. Furthermore, the learned time-dependent attention weights across multiple graph snapshots reveal the development of an automatic adaptive time stepping enabled by the transformer. Importantly, by examining the attention weights, we can uncover temporal dependencies, identify influential elements, and gain insights into the complex interactions within the graph structure. For example, we identified a strong correlation between attention weights and node degree at the various stages of the graph topology evolution.