Abstract:Incorporating integrated sensing and communication capabilities into forthcoming 6G wireless networks is crucial for achieving seamless synchronization between the digital and physical worlds. The following paper focuses on a scenario where a passive radar (PR) is subject to weak line-of-sight signals of opportunity, emanating from an access point and subsequently reflecting off targets, ultimately reaching the PR. Furthermore, a normalized least mean squares method is presented for jointly detecting the number of targets and estimating target angles of arrival (AoAs). The algorithm iteratively adjusts the steering vector estimates to minimize a suitable error cost function, while the target AoAs are identified via a peak-finding search conducted on the resulted power spectrum. Simulation results show the capabilities of the proposed localization method, as well as a 14 dB dynamic range reduction that can be achieved at the PR.
Abstract:This paper presents a new optimization framework dedicated for integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) waveform design. In particular, the problem aims at maximizing the total achievable sum-rate, through multi-user interference minimization, while preserving a certain level of similarity to a given desired radar waveform. Aiming towards feasible and practical PHY architectures, we also offer the flexibility of tuning the peak-to-average power ratio to a desired level. Towards this design, a non-convex optimization problem is formulated, and an alternating direction method of multipliers based solution is derived to converge towards the superiority of the final ISAC waveform. Finally, simulation results validate the proposed ISAC waveform design, as compared to state-of-the-art solutions.
Abstract:Driven by the pursuit of gigabit-per-second data speeds for future 6G mobile networks, in addition to the support of sensing and artificial intelligence applications, the industry is expanding beyond crowded sub-6 GHz bands with innovative new spectrum allocations. In this paper, we chart a compelling vision for 6G within the frequency range 3 (FR3) spectrum, i.e. $7.125$-$24.25$ $\GHz$, by delving into its key enablers and addressing the multifaceted challenges that lie ahead for these new frequency bands. Here we highlight the physical properties of this \textcolor{black}{never-before} used spectrum by reviewing recent channel measurements for outdoor and indoor environments, including path loss, delay and angular spreads, and material penetration loss, all which offer insights that underpin future 5G/6G wireless communication designs. Building on the fundamental knowledge of the channel properties, we explore FR3 spectrum agility strategies that balance coverage and capacity (e.g. data rate) tradeoffs, while also examining coexistence with incumbent systems, such as satellites, radio astronomy, and earth exploration. Moreover, we discuss the potential of massive multiple-input multiple-output, compact and digital architectures, and evaluate the potential of multiband sensing for FR3 integrated sensing and communications. Finally, we outline 6G standardization features that are likely to emerge from 3GPP radio frame innovations and open radio access network developments.
Abstract:In this study, we perform a statistical analysis of the radar cross section (RCS) for various test targets in an indoor factory at \(25\)-\(28\) GHz, with the goal of formulating parameters that may be used for target identification and other sensing applications for future wireless systems. The analysis is conducted based on measurements in monostatic and bistatic configurations for bistatic angles of \(20^\circ\), \(40^\circ\), and \(60^\circ\), which are functions of transmitter-receiver (T-R) and target positions, via accurate \(3\)dB beamwidth of \(10^\circ\) in both azimuth and elevation planes. The test targets include unmanned aerial vehicles, an autonomous mobile robot, and a robotic arm. We utilize parametric statistical distributions to fit the measured RCS data. The analysis reveals that the \textit{lognormal and gamma distributions} are effective in modeling the RCS of the test targets over different reflecting points of the target itself, i.e. when target is in motion. Additionally, we provide a framework for evaluating the deterministic bistatic RCS of a rectangular sheet of laminated wood, due to its widespread use in indoor hotspot environments. Novel deterministic and statistical RCS models are evaluated, incorporating dependencies on the bistatic angle, T-R distance (\(2\)m -\(10\)m) and the target. The results demonstrate that some proposed RCS models accurately fit the measured data, highlighting their applicability in bistatic configurations.
Abstract:The following paper provides a multi-band channel measurement analysis on the frequency range (FR)3. This study focuses on the FR3 low frequencies 6.5 GHz and 8.75 GHz with a setup tailored to the context of integrated sensing and communication (ISAC), where the data are collected with and without the presence of a target. A method based on multiple signal classification (MUSIC) is used to refine the delays of the channel impulse response estimates. The results reveal that the channel at the lower frequency 6.5 GHz has additional distinguishable multipath components in the presence of the target, while the one associated with the higher frequency 8.75 GHz has more blockage. The set of results reported in this paper serves as a benchmark for future multi-band studies in the FR3 spectrum.
Abstract:The following paper presents a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-aided integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system model scenario, where a base station communicates with a user, and a bi-static sensing unit, i.e. the passive radar (PR), senses targets using downlink signals. Given that the RIS aids with communication and sensing tasks, this paper introduces new interfering paths that can overwhelm the PR with unnecessarily high power, namely the path interference (PI), \textit{which is itself a combination of two interfering paths, the direct path interference (DPI) and the reflected path interference (RPI)}. For this, we formulate an optimization framework that allows the system to carry on with its ISAC tasks, through analog space-time beamforming at the sensing unit, in collaboration with RIS phase shift and statistical transmit covariance matrix optimization, while minimizing the PI power. As the proposed optimization problem is non-convex, we tailor a block-cyclic coordinate descent (BCCD) method to decouple the non-convex sub-problem from the convex one. A Riemannian conjugate gradient method is devised to generate the RIS and PR space-time beamforming phase shifts per BCCD iteration, while the convex sub-problem is solved via off-the-shelf solvers. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solver when compared with benchmarking ones.
Abstract:In this work, we statistically analyze the radar cross section (RCS) of different test targets present in an indoor factory (InF) scenario specified by 3rd Generation Partnership Project considering bistatic configuration. The test targets that we consider are drones, humans, quadruped robot and a robotic arm. We consider two drones of different sizes and five human subjects for RCS characterization. For the drones, we measure the RCS when they are are flying over a given point and while they are rotating over the same point. For human subjects, we measure the RCS while standing still, sitting still and walking. For quadruped robot and robotic arm, we consider a continuous random motion emulating different tasks which they are supposed to perfom in typical InF scenario. We employ different distributions, such as Normal, Lognormal, Gamma, Rician, Weibull, Rayleigh and Exponential to fit the measurement data. From the statistical analysis, we gather that Lognormal distribution can fit all the considered targets in the InF scenario.
Abstract:While recent advancements have highlighted the role of low-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) in integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems, the specific impact of ADC resolution on hybrid radar fusion (HRF) remains relatively unexplored. The uplink (UL) paths in HRF, comprising both direct and reflected signals within the same frequency band, pose unique challenges, particularly given that the reflected signal is often significantly weaker than the direct path, making HRF systems susceptible to ADC resolution. To investigate the influence of quantization and ADC resolution on HRF, we employ the quantized Cram\'er-Rao bound (CRB) as a metric for sensing accuracy. This work derives the quantized CRB specifically for HRF systems and the quantized communication rate. We extend our analysis to obtain lower bounds on the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) and UL communication rates, which we use to characterize quantized HRF systems. Using these derived bounds, we analyze quantized HRF systems through the lens of CRB-rate boundaries. We obtain the CRB-rate boundary through two optimization problems, where each solution point represents a trade-off boundary between the sensing accuracy and the communication rate. Extensive simulations illustrate the influence of ADC resolution, DR, and various system parameters on the CRB-rate boundary of HRF systems. These results offer critical insights into the design of efficient and high-performance HRF systems.
Abstract:Global allocations in the upper mid-band spectrum (4-24 GHz) necessitate a comprehensive exploration of the propagation behavior to meet the promise of coverage and capacity. This paper presents an extensive Urban Microcell (UMi) outdoor propagation measurement campaign at 6.75 GHz and 16.95 GHz conducted in Downtown Brooklyn, USA, using a 1 GHz bandwidth sliding correlation channel sounder over 40-880 m propagation distance, encompassing 6 Line of Sight (LOS) and 14 Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) locations. Analysis of the path loss (PL) reveals lower directional and omnidirectional PL exponents compared to mmWave and sub-THz frequencies in the UMi environment, using the close-in PL model with a 1 m reference distance. Additionally, a decreasing trend in root mean square (RMS) delay spread (DS) and angular spread (AS) with increasing frequency was observed. The NLOS RMS DS and RMS AS mean values are obtained consistently lower compared to 3GPP model predictions. Point data for all measured statistics at each TX-RX location are provided to supplement the models and results. The spatio-temporal statistics evaluated here offer valuable insights for the design of next-generation wireless systems and networks.
Abstract:In integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems, the target of interest may \textit{intentionally disguise itself as an eavesdropper}, enabling it to intercept and tap into the communication data embedded in the ISAC waveform. The following paper considers a full duplex (FD)-ISAC system, which involves multiple malicious targets attempting to intercept both uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) communications between the dual-functional radar and communication (DFRC) base station (BS) and legitimate UL/DL communication users (CUs). For this, we formulate an optimization framework that allows maximization of both UL and DL sum secrecy rates, under various power budget constraints for sensing and communications. As the proposed optimization problem is non-convex, we develop a method called Iterative Joint Taylor-Block cyclic coordinate descent (IJTB) by proving essential lemmas that transform the original problem into a more manageable form. In essence, IJTB alternates between two sub-problems: one yields UL beamformers in closed-form, while the other approximates the solution for UL power allocation, artificial noise covariance, and DL beamforming vectors. This is achieved through a series of Taylor approximations that effectively \textit{"convexify"} the problem, enabling efficient optimization. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solver when compared with benchmarking ones. Our findings reveal that the IJTB algorithm shows fast convergence, reaching stability within approximately $10$ iterations. In addition, all benchmarks reveal a substantial decline in the sum secrecy rate, approaching zero as the eavesdropper distance reaches $17$ meters, underscoring their vulnerability in comparison to IJTB.