Abstract:State-of-the-art text-to-speech (TTS) systems require several hours of recorded speech data to generate high-quality synthetic speech. When using reduced amounts of training data, standard TTS models suffer from speech quality and intelligibility degradations, making training low-resource TTS systems problematic. In this paper, we propose a novel extremely low-resource TTS method called Voice Filter that uses as little as one minute of speech from a target speaker. It uses voice conversion (VC) as a post-processing module appended to a pre-existing high-quality TTS system and marks a conceptual shift in the existing TTS paradigm, framing the few-shot TTS problem as a VC task. Furthermore, we propose to use a duration-controllable TTS system to create a parallel speech corpus to facilitate the VC task. Results show that the Voice Filter outperforms state-of-the-art few-shot speech synthesis techniques in terms of objective and subjective metrics on one minute of speech on a diverse set of voices, while being competitive against a TTS model built on 30 times more data.
Abstract:This paper proposes a general enhancement to the Normalizing Flows (NF) used in neural vocoding. As a case study, we improve expressive speech vocoding with a revamped Parallel Wavenet (PW). Specifically, we propose to extend the affine transformation of PW to the more expressive invertible non-affine function. The greater expressiveness of the improved PW leads to better-perceived signal quality and naturalness in the waveform reconstruction and text-to-speech (TTS) tasks. We evaluate the model across different speaking styles on a multi-speaker, multi-lingual dataset. In the waveform reconstruction task, the proposed model closes the naturalness and signal quality gap from the original PW to recordings by $10\%$, and from other state-of-the-art neural vocoding systems by more than $60\%$. We also demonstrate improvements in objective metrics on the evaluation test set with L2 Spectral Distance and Cross-Entropy reduced by $3\%$ and $6\unicode{x2030}$ comparing to the affine PW. Furthermore, we extend the probability density distillation procedure proposed by the original PW paper, so that it works with any non-affine invertible and differentiable function.