Abstract:We study offline off-dynamics reinforcement learning (RL) to utilize data from an easily accessible source domain to enhance policy learning in a target domain with limited data. Our approach centers on return-conditioned supervised learning (RCSL), particularly focusing on the decision transformer (DT), which can predict actions conditioned on desired return guidance and complete trajectory history. Previous works tackle the dynamics shift problem by augmenting the reward in the trajectory from the source domain to match the optimal trajectory in the target domain. However, this strategy can not be directly applicable in RCSL owing to (1) the unique form of the RCSL policy class, which explicitly depends on the return, and (2) the absence of a straightforward representation of the optimal trajectory distribution. We propose the Return Augmented Decision Transformer (RADT) method, where we augment the return in the source domain by aligning its distribution with that in the target domain. We provide the theoretical analysis demonstrating that the RCSL policy learned from RADT achieves the same level of suboptimality as would be obtained without a dynamics shift. We introduce two practical implementations RADT-DARA and RADT-MV respectively. Extensive experiments conducted on D4RL datasets reveal that our methods generally outperform dynamic programming based methods in off-dynamics RL scenarios.
Abstract:We study off-dynamics Reinforcement Learning (RL), where the policy training and deployment environments are different. To deal with this environmental perturbation, we focus on learning policies robust to uncertainties in transition dynamics under the framework of distributionally robust Markov decision processes (DRMDPs), where the nominal and perturbed dynamics are linear Markov Decision Processes. We propose a novel algorithm We-DRIVE-U that enjoys an average suboptimality $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}\big({d H \cdot \min \{1/{\rho}, H\}/\sqrt{K} }\big)$, where $K$ is the number of episodes, $H$ is the horizon length, $d$ is the feature dimension and $\rho$ is the uncertainty level. This result improves the state-of-the-art by $\mathcal{O}(dH/\min\{1/\rho,H\})$. We also construct a novel hard instance and derive the first information-theoretic lower bound in this setting, which indicates our algorithm is near-optimal up to $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{H})$ for any uncertainty level $\rho\in(0,1]$. Our algorithm also enjoys a 'rare-switching' design, and thus only requires $\mathcal{O}(dH\log(1+H^2K))$ policy switches and $\mathcal{O}(d^2H\log(1+H^2K))$ calls for oracle to solve dual optimization problems, which significantly improves the computational efficiency of existing algorithms for DRMDPs, whose policy switch and oracle complexities are both $\mathcal{O}(K)$.
Abstract:Distributionally robust offline reinforcement learning (RL), which seeks robust policy training against environment perturbation by modeling dynamics uncertainty, calls for function approximations when facing large state-action spaces. However, the consideration of dynamics uncertainty introduces essential nonlinearity and computational burden, posing unique challenges for analyzing and practically employing function approximation. Focusing on a basic setting where the nominal model and perturbed models are linearly parameterized, we propose minimax optimal and computationally efficient algorithms realizing function approximation and initiate the study on instance-dependent suboptimality analysis in the context of robust offline RL. Our results uncover that function approximation in robust offline RL is essentially distinct from and probably harder than that in standard offline RL. Our algorithms and theoretical results crucially depend on a variety of new techniques, involving a novel function approximation mechanism incorporating variance information, a new procedure of suboptimality and estimation uncertainty decomposition, a quantification of the robust value function shrinkage, and a meticulously designed family of hard instances, which might be of independent interest.
Abstract:We study off-dynamics Reinforcement Learning (RL), where the policy is trained on a source domain and deployed to a distinct target domain. We aim to solve this problem via online distributionally robust Markov decision processes (DRMDPs), where the learning algorithm actively interacts with the source domain while seeking the optimal performance under the worst possible dynamics that is within an uncertainty set of the source domain's transition kernel. We provide the first study on online DRMDPs with function approximation for off-dynamics RL. We find that DRMDPs' dual formulation can induce nonlinearity, even when the nominal transition kernel is linear, leading to error propagation. By designing a $d$-rectangular uncertainty set using the total variation distance, we remove this additional nonlinearity and bypass the error propagation. We then introduce DR-LSVI-UCB, the first provably efficient online DRMDP algorithm for off-dynamics RL with function approximation, and establish a polynomial suboptimality bound that is independent of the state and action space sizes. Our work makes the first step towards a deeper understanding of the provable efficiency of online DRMDPs with linear function approximation. Finally, we substantiate the performance and robustness of DR-LSVI-UCB through different numerical experiments.
Abstract:signSGD is popular in nonconvex optimization due to its communication efficiency. Yet, existing analyses of signSGD rely on assuming that data are sampled with replacement in each iteration, contradicting the practical implementation where data are randomly reshuffled and sequentially fed into the algorithm. We bridge this gap by proving the first convergence result of signSGD with random reshuffling (SignRR) for nonconvex optimization. Given the dataset size $n$, the number of epochs of data passes $T$, and the variance bound of a stochastic gradient $\sigma^2$, we show that SignRR has the same convergence rate $O(\log(nT)/\sqrt{nT} + \|\sigma\|_1)$ as signSGD \citep{bernstein2018signsgd}. We then present SignRVR and SignRVM, which leverage variance-reduced gradients and momentum updates respectively, both converging at $O(\log(nT)/\sqrt{nT})$. In contrast with the analysis of signSGD, our results do not require an extremely large batch size in each iteration to be of the same order as the total number of iterations \citep{bernstein2018signsgd} or the signs of stochastic and true gradients match element-wise with a minimum probability of 1/2 \citep{safaryan2021stochastic}. We also extend our algorithms to cases where data are distributed across different machines, yielding dist-SignRVR and dist-SignRVM, both converging at $O(\log(n_0T)/\sqrt{n_0T})$, where $n_0$ is the dataset size of a single machine. We back up our theoretical findings through experiments on simulated and real-world problems, verifying that randomly reshuffled sign methods match or surpass existing baselines.