Abstract:The rapid advancements in machine learning have made its application to anomalous diffusion analysis both essential and inevitable. This review systematically introduces the integration of machine learning techniques for enhanced analysis of anomalous diffusion, focusing on two pivotal aspects: single trajectory characterization via machine learning and representation learning of anomalous diffusion. We extensively compare various machine learning methods, including both classical machine learning and deep learning, used for the inference of diffusion parameters and trajectory segmentation. Additionally, platforms such as the Anomalous Diffusion Challenge that serve as benchmarks for evaluating these methods are highlighted. On the other hand, we outline three primary strategies for representing anomalous diffusion: the combination of predefined features, the feature vector from the penultimate layer of neural network, and the latent representation from the autoencoder, analyzing their applicability across various scenarios. This investigation paves the way for future research, offering valuable perspectives that can further enrich the study of anomalous diffusion and advance the application of artificial intelligence in statistical physics and biophysics.
Abstract:Accurate weather forecasting is essential for understanding and mitigating weather-related impacts. In this paper, we present PuYun, an autoregressive cascade model that leverages large kernel attention convolutional networks. The model's design inherently supports extended weather prediction horizons while broadening the effective receptive field. The integration of large kernel attention mechanisms within the convolutional layers enhances the model's capacity to capture fine-grained spatial details, thereby improving its predictive accuracy for meteorological phenomena. We introduce PuYun, comprising PuYun-Short for 0-5 day forecasts and PuYun-Medium for 5-10 day predictions. This approach enhances the accuracy of 10-day weather forecasting. Through evaluation, we demonstrate that PuYun-Short alone surpasses the performance of both GraphCast and FuXi-Short in generating accurate 10-day forecasts. Specifically, on the 10th day, PuYun-Short reduces the RMSE for Z500 to 720 $m^2/s^2$, compared to 732 $m^2/s^2$ for GraphCast and 740 $m^2/s^2$ for FuXi-Short. Additionally, the RMSE for T2M is reduced to 2.60 K, compared to 2.63 K for GraphCast and 2.65 K for FuXi-Short. Furthermore, when employing a cascaded approach by integrating PuYun-Short and PuYun-Medium, our method achieves superior results compared to the combined performance of FuXi-Short and FuXi-Medium. On the 10th day, the RMSE for Z500 is further reduced to 638 $m^2/s^2$, compared to 641 $m^2/s^2$ for FuXi. These findings underscore the effectiveness of our model ensemble in advancing medium-range weather prediction. Our training code and model will be open-sourced.