Abstract:While consumer displays increasingly support more than 10 stops of dynamic range, most image assets such as internet photographs and generative AI content remain limited to 8-bit low dynamic range (LDR), constraining their utility across high dynamic range (HDR) applications. Currently, no generative model can produce high-bit, high-dynamic range content in a generalizable way. Existing LDR-to-HDR conversion methods often struggle to produce photorealistic details and physically-plausible dynamic range in the clipped areas. We introduce LEDiff, a method that enables a generative model with HDR content generation through latent space fusion inspired by image-space exposure fusion techniques. It also functions as an LDR-to-HDR converter, expanding the dynamic range of existing low-dynamic range images. Our approach uses a small HDR dataset to enable a pretrained diffusion model to recover detail and dynamic range in clipped highlights and shadows. LEDiff brings HDR capabilities to existing generative models and converts any LDR image to HDR, creating photorealistic HDR outputs for image generation, image-based lighting (HDR environment map generation), and photographic effects such as depth of field simulation, where linear HDR data is essential for realistic quality.
Abstract:Most in-the-wild images are stored in Low Dynamic Range (LDR) form, serving as a partial observation of the High Dynamic Range (HDR) visual world. Despite limited dynamic range, these LDR images are often captured with different exposures, implicitly containing information about the underlying HDR image distribution. Inspired by this intuition, in this work we present, to the best of our knowledge, the first method for learning a generative model of HDR images from in-the-wild LDR image collections in a fully unsupervised manner. The key idea is to train a generative adversarial network (GAN) to generate HDR images which, when projected to LDR under various exposures, are indistinguishable from real LDR images. The projection from HDR to LDR is achieved via a camera model that captures the stochasticity in exposure and camera response function. Experiments show that our method GlowGAN can synthesize photorealistic HDR images in many challenging cases such as landscapes, lightning, or windows, where previous supervised generative models produce overexposed images. We further demonstrate the new application of unsupervised inverse tone mapping (ITM) enabled by GlowGAN. Our ITM method does not need HDR images or paired multi-exposure images for training, yet it reconstructs more plausible information for overexposed regions than state-of-the-art supervised learning models trained on such data.
Abstract:Given a set of images of a scene, the re-rendering of this scene from novel views and lighting conditions is an important and challenging problem in Computer Vision and Graphics. On the one hand, most existing works in Computer Vision usually impose many assumptions regarding the image formation process, e.g. direct illumination and predefined materials, to make scene parameter estimation tractable. On the other hand, mature Computer Graphics tools allow modeling of complex photo-realistic light transport given all the scene parameters. Combining these approaches, we propose a method for scene relighting under novel views by learning a neural precomputed radiance transfer function, which implicitly handles global illumination effects using novel environment maps. Our method can be solely supervised on a set of real images of the scene under a single unknown lighting condition. To disambiguate the task during training, we tightly integrate a differentiable path tracer in the training process and propose a combination of a synthesized OLAT and a real image loss. Results show that the recovered disentanglement of scene parameters improves significantly over the current state of the art and, thus, also our re-rendering results are more realistic and accurate.