Abstract:The goal of voice conversion is to transform the speech of a source speaker to sound like that of a reference speaker while preserving the original content. A key challenge is to extract disentangled linguistic content from the source and voice style from the reference. While existing approaches leverage various methods to isolate the two, a generalization still requires further attention, especially for robustness in zero-shot scenarios. In this paper, we achieve successful disentanglement of content and speaker features by tuning self-supervised speech features with adapters. The adapters are trained to dynamically encode nuanced features from rich self-supervised features, and the decoder fuses them to produce speech that accurately resembles the reference with minimal loss of content. Moreover, we leverage a conditional flow matching decoder with cross-attention speaker conditioning to further boost the synthesis quality and efficiency. Subjective and objective evaluations in a zero-shot scenario demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms existing models in speech quality and similarity to the reference speech.
Abstract:We present VoiceDiT, a multi-modal generative model for producing environment-aware speech and audio from text and visual prompts. While aligning speech with text is crucial for intelligible speech, achieving this alignment in noisy conditions remains a significant and underexplored challenge in the field. To address this, we present a novel audio generation pipeline named VoiceDiT. This pipeline includes three key components: (1) the creation of a large-scale synthetic speech dataset for pre-training and a refined real-world speech dataset for fine-tuning, (2) the Dual-DiT, a model designed to efficiently preserve aligned speech information while accurately reflecting environmental conditions, and (3) a diffusion-based Image-to-Audio Translator that allows the model to bridge the gap between audio and image, facilitating the generation of environmental sound that aligns with the multi-modal prompts. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that VoiceDiT outperforms previous models on real-world datasets, showcasing significant improvements in both audio quality and modality integration.
Abstract:The goal of this paper is to accelerate codec-based speech synthesis systems with minimum sacrifice to speech quality. We propose an enhanced inference method that allows for flexible trade-offs between speed and quality during inference without requiring additional training. Our core idea is to predict multiple tokens per inference step of the AR module using multiple prediction heads, resulting in a linear reduction in synthesis time as the number of heads increases. Furthermore, we introduce a novel speculative decoding technique that utilises a Viterbi-based algorithm to select the optimal sequence of generated tokens at each decoding step. In our experiments, we demonstrate that the time required to predict each token is reduced by a factor of 4 to 5 compared to baseline models, with minimal quality trade-off or even improvement in terms of speech intelligibility. Audio samples are available at: multpletokensprediction.github.io/multipletokensprediction.github.io/.
Abstract:The goal of this paper is to generate realistic audio with a lightweight and fast diffusion-based vocoder, named FreGrad. Our framework consists of the following three key components: (1) We employ discrete wavelet transform that decomposes a complicated waveform into sub-band wavelets, which helps FreGrad to operate on a simple and concise feature space, (2) We design a frequency-aware dilated convolution that elevates frequency awareness, resulting in generating speech with accurate frequency information, and (3) We introduce a bag of tricks that boosts the generation quality of the proposed model. In our experiments, FreGrad achieves 3.7 times faster training time and 2.2 times faster inference speed compared to our baseline while reducing the model size by 0.6 times (only 1.78M parameters) without sacrificing the output quality. Audio samples are available at: https://mm.kaist.ac.kr/projects/FreGrad.