Abstract:We address the problem of phrase grounding by learning a multi-level common semantic space shared by the textual and visual modalities. This common space is instantiated at multiple layers of a Deep Convolutional Neural Network by exploiting its feature maps, as well as contextualized word-level and sentence-level embeddings extracted from a character-based language model. Following a dedicated non-linear mapping for visual features at each level, word, and sentence embeddings, we obtain a common space in which comparisons between the target text and the visual content at any semantic level can be performed simply with cosine similarity. We guide the model by a multi-level multimodal attention mechanism which outputs attended visual features at different semantic levels. The best level is chosen to be compared with text content for maximizing the pertinence scores of image-sentence pairs of the ground truth. Experiments conducted on three publicly available benchmarks show significant performance gains (20%-60% relative) over the state-of-the-art in phrase localization and set a new performance record on those datasets. We also provide a detailed ablation study to show the contribution of each element of our approach.
Abstract:Gang violence is a severe issue in major cities across the U.S. and recent studies [Patton et al. 2017] have found evidence of social media communications that can be linked to such violence in communities with high rates of exposure to gang activity. In this paper we partnered computer scientists with social work researchers, who have domain expertise in gang violence, to analyze how public tweets with images posted by youth who mention gang associations on Twitter can be leveraged to automatically detect psychosocial factors and conditions that could potentially assist social workers and violence outreach workers in prevention and early intervention programs. To this end, we developed a rigorous methodology for collecting and annotating tweets. We gathered 1,851 tweets and accompanying annotations related to visual concepts and the psychosocial codes: aggression, loss, and substance use. These codes are relevant to social work interventions, as they represent possible pathways to violence on social media. We compare various methods for classifying tweets into these three classes, using only the text of the tweet, only the image of the tweet, or both modalities as input to the classifier. In particular, we analyze the usefulness of mid-level visual concepts and the role of different modalities for this tweet classification task. Our experiments show that individually, text information dominates classification performance of the loss class, while image information dominates the aggression and substance use classes. Our multimodal approach provides a very promising improvement (18% relative in mean average precision) over the best single modality approach. Finally, we also illustrate the complexity of understanding social media data and elaborate on open challenges.