Abstract:We introduce Synthetic Playground (SynPlay), a new synthetic human dataset that aims to bring out the diversity of human appearance in the real world. We focus on two factors to achieve a level of diversity that has not yet been seen in previous works: i) realistic human motions and poses and ii) multiple camera viewpoints towards human instances. We first use a game engine and its library-provided elementary motions to create games where virtual players can take less-constrained and natural movements while following the game rules (i.e., rule-guided motion design as opposed to detail-guided design). We then augment the elementary motions with real human motions captured with a motion capture device. To render various human appearances in the games from multiple viewpoints, we use seven virtual cameras encompassing the ground and aerial views, capturing abundant aerial-vs-ground and dynamic-vs-static attributes of the scene. Through extensive and carefully-designed experiments, we show that using SynPlay in model training leads to enhanced accuracy over existing synthetic datasets for human detection and segmentation. The benefit of SynPlay becomes even greater for tasks in the data-scarce regime, such as few-shot and cross-domain learning tasks. These results clearly demonstrate that SynPlay can be used as an essential dataset with rich attributes of complex human appearances and poses suitable for model pretraining. SynPlay dataset comprising over 73k images and 6.5M human instances, is available for download at https://synplaydataset.github.io/.
Abstract:We present a Momentum Re-identification (MoReID) framework that can leverage a very large number of negative samples in training for general re-identification task. The design of this framework is inspired by Momentum Contrast (MoCo), which uses a dictionary to store current and past batches to build a large set of encoded samples. As we find it less effective to use past positive samples which may be highly inconsistent to the encoded feature property formed with the current positive samples, MoReID is designed to use only a large number of negative samples stored in the dictionary. However, if we train the model using the widely used Triplet loss that uses only one sample to represent a set of positive/negative samples, it is hard to effectively leverage the enlarged set of negative samples acquired by the MoReID framework. To maximize the advantage of using the scaled-up negative sample set, we newly introduce Hard-distance Elastic loss (HE loss), which is capable of using more than one hard sample to represent a large number of samples. Our experiments demonstrate that a large number of negative samples provided by MoReID framework can be utilized at full capacity only with the HE loss, achieving the state-of-the-art accuracy on three re-ID benchmarks, VeRi-776, Market-1501, and VeRi-Wild.
Abstract:A pretrain-finetune strategy is widely used to reduce the overfitting that can occur when data is insufficient for CNN training. First few layers of a CNN pretrained on a large-scale RGB dataset are capable of acquiring general image characteristics which are remarkably effective in tasks targeted for different RGB datasets. However, when it comes down to hyperspectral domain where each domain has its unique spectral properties, the pretrain-finetune strategy no longer can be deployed in a conventional way while presenting three major issues: 1) inconsistent spectral characteristics among the domains (e.g., frequency range), 2) inconsistent number of data channels among the domains, and 3) absence of large-scale hyperspectral dataset. We seek to train a universal cross-domain model which can later be deployed for various spectral domains. To achieve, we physically furnish multiple inlets to the model while having a universal portion which is designed to handle the inconsistent spectral characteristics among different domains. Note that only the universal portion is used in the finetune process. This approach naturally enables the learning of our model on multiple domains simultaneously which acts as an effective workaround for the issue of the absence of large-scale dataset. We have carried out a study to extensively compare models that were trained using cross-domain approach with ones trained from scratch. Our approach was found to be superior both in accuracy and in training efficiency. In addition, we have verified that our approach effectively reduces the overfitting issue, enabling us to deepen the model up to 13 layers (from 9) without compromising the accuracy.
Abstract:We present a novel deep zero-shot learning (ZSL) model for inferencing human-object-interaction with verb-object (VO) query. While the previous ZSL approaches only use the semantic/textual information to be fed into the query stream, we seek to incorporate and embed the semantics into the visual representation stream as well. Our approach is powered by Semantics-to-Space (S2S) architecture where semantics derived from the residing objects are embedded into a spatial space. This architecture allows the co-capturing of the semantic attributes of the human and the objects along with their location/size/silhouette information. As this is the first attempt to address the zero-shot human-object-interaction inferencing with VO query, we have constructed a new dataset, Verb-Transferability 60 (VT60). VT60 provides 60 different VO pairs with overlapping verbs tailored for testing ZSL approaches with VO query. Experimental evaluations show that our approach not only outperforms the state-of-the-art, but also shows the capability of consistently improving performance regardless of which ZSL baseline architecture is used.
Abstract:We present a novel event recognition approach called Spatially-preserved Doubly-injected Object Detection CNN (S-DOD-CNN), which incorporates the spatially preserved object detection information in both a direct and an indirect way. Indirect injection is carried out by simply sharing the weights between the object detection modules and the event recognition module. Meanwhile, our novelty lies in the fact that we have preserved the spatial information for the direct injection. Once multiple regions-of-intereset (RoIs) are acquired, their feature maps are computed and then projected onto a spatially-preserving combined feature map using one of the four RoI Projection approaches we present. In our architecture, combined feature maps are generated for object detection which are directly injected to the event recognition module. Our method provides the state-of-the-art accuracy for malicious event recognition.
Abstract:We address two questions for training a convolutional neural network (CNN) for hyperspectral image classification: i) is it possible to build a pre-trained network? and ii) is the pre-training effective in furthering the performance? To answer the first question, we have devised an approach that pre-trains a network on multiple source datasets that differ in their hyperspectral characteristics and fine-tunes on a target dataset. This approach effectively resolves the architectural issue that arises when transferring meaningful information between the source and the target networks. To answer the second question, we carried out several ablation experiments. Based on the experimental results, a network trained from scratch performs as good as a network fine-tuned from a pre-trained network. However, we observed that pre-training the network has its own advantage in achieving better performances when deeper networks are required.
Abstract:Recognizing an event in an image can be enhanced by detecting relevant objects in two ways: 1) indirectly utilizing object detection information within the unified architecture or 2) directly making use of the object detection output results. We introduce a novel approach, referred to as Doubly-injected Object Detection CNN (DOD-CNN), exploiting the object information in both ways for the task of event recognition. The structure of this network is inspired by the Integrated Object Detection CNN (IOD-CNN) where object information is indirectly exploited by the event recognition module through the shared portion of the network. In the DOD-CNN architecture, the intermediate object detection outputs are directly injected into the event recognition network while keeping the indirect sharing structure inherited from the IOD-CNN, thus being `doubly-injected'. We also introduce a batch pooling layer which constructs one representative feature map from multiple object hypotheses. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of injecting the object detection information in two different ways in the task of malicious event recognition.
Abstract:Many previous methods have demonstrated the importance of considering semantically relevant objects for carrying out video-based human activity recognition, yet none of the methods have harvested the power of large text corpora to relate the objects and the activities to be transferred into learning a unified deep convolutional neural network. We present a novel activity recognition CNN which co-learns the object recognition task in an end-to-end multitask learning scheme to improve upon the baseline activity recognition performance. We further improve upon the multitask learning approach by exploiting a text-guided semantic space to select the most relevant objects with respect to the target activities. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to investigate this approach.
Abstract:In this paper, we address the dataset scarcity issue with the hyperspectral image classification. As only a few thousands of pixels are available for training, it is difficult to effectively learn high-capacity Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). To cope with this problem, we propose a novel cross-domain CNN containing the shared parameters which can co-learn across multiple hyperspectral datasets. The network also contains the non-shared portions designed to handle the dataset specific spectral characteristics and the associated classification tasks. Our approach is the first attempt to learn a CNN for multiple hyperspectral datasets, in an end-to-end fashion. Moreover, we have experimentally shown that the proposed network trained on three of the widely used datasets outperform all the baseline networks which are trained on single dataset.
Abstract:Learning an event classifier is challenging when the scenes are semantically different but visually similar. However, as humans, we typically handle such tasks painlessly by adding our background semantic knowledge. Motivated by this observation, we aim to provide an empirical study about how additional information such as semantic keywords can boost up the discrimination of such events. To demonstrate the validity of this study, we first construct a novel Malicious Crowd Dataset containing crowd images with two events, benign and malicious, which look visually similar. Note that the primary focus of this paper is not to provide the state-of-the-art performance on this dataset but to show the beneficial aspects of using semantically-driven keyword information. By leveraging crowd-sourcing platforms, such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, we collect semantic keywords associated with images and then subsequently identify a subset of keywords (e.g. police, fire, etc.) unique to specific events. We first show that by using recently introduced attention models, a naive CNN-based event classifier actually learns to primarily focus on local attributes associated with the discriminant semantic keywords identified by the Turks. We further show that incorporating the keyword-driven information into early- and late-fusion approaches can significantly enhance malicious event classification.