Abstract:Most existing Dynamic Gaussian Splatting methods for complex dynamic urban scenarios rely on accurate object-level supervision from expensive manual labeling, limiting their scalability in real-world applications. In this paper, we introduce SplatFlow, a Self-Supervised Dynamic Gaussian Splatting within Neural Motion Flow Fields (NMFF) to learn 4D space-time representations without requiring tracked 3D bounding boxes, enabling accurate dynamic scene reconstruction and novel view RGB, depth and flow synthesis. SplatFlow designs a unified framework to seamlessly integrate time-dependent 4D Gaussian representation within NMFF, where NMFF is a set of implicit functions to model temporal motions of both LiDAR points and Gaussians as continuous motion flow fields. Leveraging NMFF, SplatFlow effectively decomposes static background and dynamic objects, representing them with 3D and 4D Gaussian primitives, respectively. NMFF also models the status correspondences of each 4D Gaussian across time, which aggregates temporal features to enhance cross-view consistency of dynamic components. SplatFlow further improves dynamic scene identification by distilling features from 2D foundational models into 4D space-time representation. Comprehensive evaluations conducted on the Waymo Open Dataset and KITTI Dataset validate SplatFlow's state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance for both image reconstruction and novel view synthesis in dynamic urban scenarios.
Abstract:Most 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) based methods for urban scenes initialize 3D Gaussians directly with 3D LiDAR points, which not only underutilizes LiDAR data capabilities but also overlooks the potential advantages of fusing LiDAR with camera data. In this paper, we design a novel tightly coupled LiDAR-Camera Gaussian Splatting (TCLC-GS) to fully leverage the combined strengths of both LiDAR and camera sensors, enabling rapid, high-quality 3D reconstruction and novel view RGB/depth synthesis. TCLC-GS designs a hybrid explicit (colorized 3D mesh) and implicit (hierarchical octree feature) 3D representation derived from LiDAR-camera data, to enrich the properties of 3D Gaussians for splatting. 3D Gaussian's properties are not only initialized in alignment with the 3D mesh which provides more completed 3D shape and color information, but are also endowed with broader contextual information through retrieved octree implicit features. During the Gaussian Splatting optimization process, the 3D mesh offers dense depth information as supervision, which enhances the training process by learning of a robust geometry. Comprehensive evaluations conducted on the Waymo Open Dataset and nuScenes Dataset validate our method's state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. Utilizing a single NVIDIA RTX 3090 Ti, our method demonstrates fast training and achieves real-time RGB and depth rendering at 90 FPS in resolution of 1920x1280 (Waymo), and 120 FPS in resolution of 1600x900 (nuScenes) in urban scenarios.
Abstract:In this paper, we present a novel indoor 3D reconstruction method with occluded surface completion, given a sequence of depth readings. Prior state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods only focus on the reconstruction of the visible areas in a scene, neglecting the invisible areas due to the occlusions, e.g., the contact surface between furniture, occluded wall and floor. Our method tackles the task of completing the occluded scene surfaces, resulting in a complete 3D scene mesh. The core idea of our method is learning 3D geometry prior from various complete scenes to infer the occluded geometry of an unseen scene from solely depth measurements. We design a coarse-fine hierarchical octree representation coupled with a dual-decoder architecture, i.e., Geo-decoder and 3D Inpainter, which jointly reconstructs the complete 3D scene geometry. The Geo-decoder with detailed representation at fine levels is optimized online for each scene to reconstruct visible surfaces. The 3D Inpainter with abstract representation at coarse levels is trained offline using various scenes to complete occluded surfaces. As a result, while the Geo-decoder is specialized for an individual scene, the 3D Inpainter can be generally applied across different scenes. We evaluate the proposed method on the 3D Completed Room Scene (3D-CRS) and iTHOR datasets, significantly outperforming the SOTA methods by a gain of 16.8% and 24.2% in terms of the completeness of 3D reconstruction. 3D-CRS dataset including a complete 3D mesh of each scene is provided at project webpage.
Abstract:Object surface reconstruction brings essential benefits to robot grasping, object recognition, and object manipulation. When measuring the surface distribution of an unknown object by tapping, the greatest challenge is to select tapping positions efficiently and accurately without prior knowledge of object region. Given a searching range, we propose an active exploration method, to efficiently and intelligently guide the tapping to learn the object surface without exhaustive and unnecessary off-surface tapping. We analyze the performance of our approach in modeling object surfaces within an exploration range larger than the object using a robot arm equipped with an end-of-arm tapping tool to execute tapping motions. Experimental results show that the approach successfully models the surface of unknown objects with a relative 59% improvement in the proportion of necessary taps among all taps compared with state-of-art performance.