Abstract:Continued pre-training (CP) offers multiple advantages, like target domain adaptation and the potential to exploit the continuous stream of unlabeled data available online. However, continued pre-training on out-of-domain distributions often leads to catastrophic forgetting of previously acquired knowledge, leading to sub-optimal ASR performance. This paper presents FusDom, a simple and novel methodology for SSL-based continued pre-training. FusDom learns speech representations that are robust and adaptive yet not forgetful of concepts seen in the past. Instead of solving the SSL pre-text task on the output representations of a single model, FusDom leverages two identical pre-trained SSL models, a teacher and a student, with a modified pre-training head to solve the CP SSL pre-text task. This head employs a cross-attention mechanism between the representations of both models while only the student receives gradient updates and the teacher does not. Finally, the student is fine-tuned for ASR. In practice, FusDom outperforms all our baselines across settings significantly, with WER improvements in the range of 0.2 WER - 7.3 WER in the target domain while retaining the performance in the earlier domain.
Abstract:Continued self-supervised (SSL) pre-training for adapting existing SSL models to the target domain has shown to be extremely effective for low-resource Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). This paper proposes Stable Distillation, a simple and novel approach for SSL-based continued pre-training that boosts ASR performance in the target domain where both labeled and unlabeled data are limited. Stable Distillation employs self-distillation as regularization for continued pre-training, alleviating the over-fitting issue, a common problem continued pre-training faces when the source and target domains differ. Specifically, first, we perform vanilla continued pre-training on an initial SSL pre-trained model on the target domain ASR dataset and call it the teacher. Next, we take the same initial pre-trained model as a student to perform continued pre-training while enforcing its hidden representations to be close to that of the teacher (via MSE loss). This student is then used for downstream ASR fine-tuning on the target dataset. In practice, Stable Distillation outperforms all our baselines by 0.8 - 7 WER when evaluated in various experimental settings.
Abstract:Building a multilingual Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) system in a linguistically diverse country like India can be a challenging task due to the differences in scripts and the limited availability of speech data. This problem can be solved by exploiting the fact that many of these languages are phonetically similar. These languages can be converted into a Common Label Set (CLS) by mapping similar sounds to common labels. In this paper, new approaches are explored and compared to improve the performance of CLS based multilingual ASR model. Specific language information is infused in the ASR model by giving Language ID or using CLS to Native script converter on top of the CLS Multilingual model. These methods give a significant improvement in Word Error Rate (WER) compared to the CLS baseline. These methods are further tried on out-of-distribution data to check their robustness.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce UnFuSeD, a novel approach to leverage self-supervised learning and reduce the need for large amounts of labeled data for audio classification. Unlike prior works, which directly fine-tune a self-supervised pre-trained encoder on a target dataset, we use the encoder to generate pseudo-labels for unsupervised fine-tuning before the actual fine-tuning step. We first train an encoder using a novel self-supervised learning algorithm (SSL) on an unlabeled audio dataset. Then, we use that encoder to generate pseudo-labels on our target task dataset via clustering the extracted representations. These pseudo-labels are then used to guide self-distillation on a randomly initialized model, which we call unsupervised fine-tuning. Finally, the resultant encoder is then fine-tuned on our target task dataset. Through UnFuSeD, we propose the first system that moves away from generic SSL paradigms in literature, which pre-train and fine-tune the same encoder, and present a novel self-distillation-based system to leverage SSL pre-training for low-resource audio classification. In practice, UnFuSeD achieves state-of-the-art results on the LAPE Benchmark, significantly outperforming all our baselines. Additionally, UnFuSeD allows us to achieve this at a 40% reduction in the number of parameters over the previous state-of-the-art system. We make all our codes publicly available.
Abstract:This paper proposes a novel technique to obtain better downstream ASR performance from a joint encoder-decoder self-supervised model when trained with speech pooled from two different channels (narrow and wide band). The joint encoder-decoder self-supervised model extends the HuBERT model with a Transformer decoder. HuBERT performs clustering of features and predicts the class of every input frame. In simple pooling, which is our baseline, there is no way to identify the channel information. To incorporate channel information, we have proposed non-overlapping cluster IDs for speech from different channels. Our method gives a relative improvement of ~ 5% over the joint encoder-decoder self-supervised model built with simple pooling of data, which serves as our baseline.
Abstract:We present a new Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) approach to pre-train encoders on unlabeled audio data that reduces the need for large amounts of labeled data for audio and speech classification. Our primary aim is to learn audio representations that can generalize across a large variety of speech and non-speech tasks in a low-resource un-labeled audio pre-training setting. Inspired by the recent success of clustering and contrasting learning paradigms for SSL-based speech representation learning, we propose SLICER (Symmetrical Learning of Instance and Cluster-level Efficient Representations), which brings together the best of both clustering and contrasting learning paradigms. We use a symmetric loss between latent representations from student and teacher encoders and simultaneously solve instance and cluster-level contrastive learning tasks. We obtain cluster representations online by just projecting the input spectrogram into an output subspace with dimensions equal to the number of clusters. In addition, we propose a novel mel-spectrogram augmentation procedure, k-mix, based on mixup, which does not require labels and aids unsupervised representation learning for audio. Overall, SLICER achieves state-of-the-art results on the LAPE Benchmark \cite{9868132}, significantly outperforming DeLoRes-M and other prior approaches, which are pre-trained on $10\times$ larger of unsupervised data. We will make all our codes available on GitHub.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a new Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) algorithm called data2vec-aqc, for speech representation learning from unlabeled speech data. Our goal is to improve SSL for speech in domains where both unlabeled and labeled data are limited. Building on the recently introduced data2vec, we introduce additional modules to the data2vec framework that leverage the benefit of data augmentations, quantized representations, and clustering. The interaction between these modules helps solve the cross-contrastive loss as an additional self-supervised objective. data2vec-aqc achieves up to 14.1% and 20.9% relative WER improvement over the existing state-of-the-art data2vec system on the test-clean and test-other sets, respectively, of LibriSpeech, without the use of any language model. Our proposed model also achieves up to 17.8% relative WER improvement over the baseline data2vec when fine-tuned on Switchboard data.
Abstract:We present Multiscale Audio Spectrogram Transformer (MAST) for audio classification, which brings the concept of multiscale feature hierarchies to the Audio Spectrogram Transformer (AST). Given an input audio spectrogram we first patchify and project it into an initial temporal resolution and embedding dimension, post which the multiple stages in MAST progressively expand the embedding dimension while reducing the temporal resolution of the input. We use a pyramid structure that allows early layers of MAST operating at a high temporal resolution but low embedding space to model simple low-level acoustic information and deeper temporally coarse layers to model high-level acoustic information with high-dimensional embeddings. We also extend our approach to present a new Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) method called SS-MAST, which calculates a symmetric contrastive loss between latent representations from a student and a teacher encoder. In practice, MAST significantly outperforms AST by an average accuracy of 3.4% across 8 speech and non-speech tasks from the LAPE Benchmark. Moreover, SS-MAST achieves an absolute average improvement of 2.6% over SSAST for both AST and MAST encoders. We make all our codes available on GitHub at the time of publication.
Abstract:While Self-Supervised Learning has helped reap the benefit of the scale from the available unlabeled data, the learning paradigms are continuously being bettered. We present a new pre-training strategy named ccc-wav2vec 2.0, which uses clustering and an augmentation-based cross-contrastive loss as its self-supervised objective. Through the clustering module, we scale down the influence of those negative examples that are highly similar to the positive. The Cross-Contrastive loss is computed between the encoder output of the original sample and the quantizer output of its augmentation and vice-versa, bringing robustness to the pre-training strategy. ccc-wav2vec 2.0 achieves up to 15.6% and 12.7% relative WER improvement over the baseline wav2vec 2.0 on the test-clean and test-other sets, respectively, of LibriSpeech, without the use of any language model. The proposed method also achieves up to 14.9% relative WER improvement over the baseline wav2vec 2.0 when fine-tuned on Switchboard data. We make all our codes publicly available on GitHub.
Abstract:Self-supervised learning (SSL) based models have been shown to generate powerful representations that can be used to improve the performance of downstream speech tasks. Several state-of-the-art SSL models are available, and each of these models optimizes a different loss which gives rise to the possibility of their features being complementary. This paper proposes using an ensemble of such SSL representations and models, which exploits the complementary nature of the features extracted by the various pretrained models. We hypothesize that this results in a richer feature representation and shows results for the ASR downstream task. To this end, we use three SSL models that have shown excellent results on ASR tasks, namely HuBERT, Wav2vec2.0, and WaveLM. We explore the ensemble of models fine-tuned for the ASR task and the ensemble of features using the embeddings obtained from the pre-trained models for a downstream ASR task. We get improved performance over individual models and pre-trained features using Librispeech(100h) and WSJ dataset for the downstream tasks.