Abstract:Efficient comparison of spherical probability distributions becomes important in fields such as computer vision, geosciences, and medicine. Sliced optimal transport distances, such as spherical and stereographic spherical sliced Wasserstein distances, have recently been developed to address this need. These methods reduce the computational burden of optimal transport by slicing hyperspheres into one-dimensional projections, i.e., lines or circles. Concurrently, linear optimal transport has been proposed to embed distributions into \( L^2 \) spaces, where the \( L^2 \) distance approximates the optimal transport distance, thereby simplifying comparisons across multiple distributions. In this work, we introduce the Linear Spherical Sliced Optimal Transport (LSSOT) framework, which utilizes slicing to embed spherical distributions into \( L^2 \) spaces while preserving their intrinsic geometry, offering a computationally efficient metric for spherical probability measures. We establish the metricity of LSSOT and demonstrate its superior computational efficiency in applications such as cortical surface registration, 3D point cloud interpolation via gradient flow, and shape embedding. Our results demonstrate the significant computational benefits and high accuracy of LSSOT in these applications.
Abstract:The optimal transport (OT) problem has gained significant traction in modern machine learning for its ability to: (1) provide versatile metrics, such as Wasserstein distances and their variants, and (2) determine optimal couplings between probability measures. To reduce the computational complexity of OT solvers, methods like entropic regularization and sliced optimal transport have been proposed. The sliced OT framework improves efficiency by comparing one-dimensional projections (slices) of high-dimensional distributions. However, despite their computational efficiency, sliced-Wasserstein approaches lack a transportation plan between the input measures, limiting their use in scenarios requiring explicit coupling. In this paper, we address two key questions: Can a transportation plan be constructed between two probability measures using the sliced transport framework? If so, can this plan be used to define a metric between the measures? We propose a "lifting" operation to extend one-dimensional optimal transport plans back to the original space of the measures. By computing the expectation of these lifted plans, we derive a new transportation plan, termed expected sliced transport (EST) plans. We prove that using the EST plan to weight the sum of the individual Euclidean costs for moving from one point to another results in a valid metric between the input discrete probability measures. We demonstrate the connection between our approach and the recently proposed min-SWGG, along with illustrative numerical examples that support our theoretical findings.