Abstract:Teleoperation for robot imitation learning is bottlenecked by hardware availability. Can high-quality robot data be collected without a physical robot? We present a system for augmenting Apple Vision Pro with real-time virtual robot feedback. By providing users with an intuitive understanding of how their actions translate to robot motions, we enable the collection of natural barehanded human data that is compatible with the limitations of physical robot hardware. We conducted a user study with 15 participants demonstrating 3 different tasks each under 3 different feedback conditions and directly replayed the collected trajectories on physical robot hardware. Results suggest live robot feedback dramatically improves the quality of the collected data, suggesting a new avenue for scalable human data collection without access to robot hardware. Videos and more are available at https://nataliya.dev/armada.
Abstract:Tactile sensing is used in robotics to obtain real-time feedback during physical interactions. Fine object manipulation is a robotic application that benefits from a high density of sensors to accurately estimate object pose, whereas a low sensing resolution is sufficient for collision detection. Introducing variable sensing resolution into a single tactile sensing array can increase the range of tactile use cases, but also invokes challenges in localizing internal sensor positions. In this work, we present a mutual capacitance sensor array with variable sensor density, VARSkin, along with a localization method that determines the position of each sensor in the non-uniform array. When tested on two distinct artificial skin patches with concealed sensor layouts, our method achieves a localization accuracy within $\pm 2mm$. We also provide a comprehensive error analysis, offering strategies for further precision improvement.
Abstract:This paper introduces a framework, called EMOTION, for generating expressive motion sequences in humanoid robots, enhancing their ability to engage in humanlike non-verbal communication. Non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and body movements play a crucial role in effective interpersonal interactions. Despite the advancements in robotic behaviors, existing methods often fall short in mimicking the diversity and subtlety of human non-verbal communication. To address this gap, our approach leverages the in-context learning capability of large language models (LLMs) to dynamically generate socially appropriate gesture motion sequences for human-robot interaction. We use this framework to generate 10 different expressive gestures and conduct online user studies comparing the naturalness and understandability of the motions generated by EMOTION and its human-feedback version, EMOTION++, against those by human operators. The results demonstrate that our approach either matches or surpasses human performance in generating understandable and natural robot motions under certain scenarios. We also provide design implications for future research to consider a set of variables when generating expressive robotic gestures.
Abstract:Current motion planning approaches rely on binary collision checking to evaluate the validity of a state and thereby dictate where the robot is allowed to move. This approach leaves little room for robots to engage in contact with an object, as is often necessary when operating in densely cluttered spaces. In this work, we propose an alternative method that considers contact states as high-cost states that the robot should avoid but can traverse if necessary to complete a task. More specifically, we introduce Contact Admissible Transition-based Rapidly exploring Random Trees (CAT-RRT), a planner that uses a novel per-link cost heuristic to find a path by traversing high-cost obstacle regions. Through extensive testing, we find that state-of-the-art optimization planners tend to over-explore low-cost states, which leads to slow and inefficient convergence to contact regions. Conversely, CAT-RRT searches both low and high-cost regions simultaneously with an adaptive thresholding mechanism carried out at each robot link. This leads to paths with a balance between efficiency, path length, and contact cost.