Abstract:In this paper, we study the intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) deployment problem where a number of IRSs are optimally placed in a target area to improve its signal coverage with the serving base station (BS). To achieve this, we assume that there is a given set of candidate sites in the target area for deploying IRSs and divide the area into multiple grids of identical size. Then, we derive the average channel power gains from the BS to IRS in each candidate site and from this IRS to any grid in the target area in terms of IRS deployment parameters, including its size, position, height, and orientation. Thus, we are able to approximate the average cascaded channel power gain from the BS to each grid via any IRS, assuming an effective IRS reflection gain based on the large-scale channel knowledge only. Next, we formulate a multi-IRS deployment optimization problem to minimize the total deployment cost by selecting a subset of candidate sites for deploying IRSs and jointly optimizing their heights, orientations, and numbers of reflecting elements while satisfying a given coverage rate performance requirement over all grids in the target area. To solve this challenging combinatorial optimization problem, we first reformulate it as an integer linear programming problem and solve it optimally using the branch-and-bound (BB) algorithm. In addition, we propose an efficient successive refinement algorithm to further reduce computational complexity. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed lower-complexity successive refinement algorithm achieves near-optimal performance but with significantly reduced running time compared to the proposed optimal BB algorithm, as well as superior performance-cost trade-off than other baseline IRS deployment strategies.
Abstract:Both passive and active intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) can be deployed in complex environments to enhance wireless network coverage by creating multiple blockage-free cascaded line-of-sight (LoS) links. In this paper, we study a multi-passive/active-IRS (PIRS/AIRS) aided wireless network with a multi-antenna base station (BS) in a given region. First, we divide the region into multiple non-overlapping cells, each of which may contain one candidate location that can be deployed with a single PIRS or AIRS. Then, we show several trade-offs between minimizing the total IRS deployment cost and enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) performance over all cells via direct/cascaded LoS transmission with the BS. To reconcile these trade-offs, we formulate a joint multi-PIRS/AIRS deployment problem to select an optimal subset of all candidate locations for deploying IRS and also optimize the number of passive/active reflecting elements deployed at each selected location to satisfy a given SNR target over all cells, such that the total deployment cost is minimized. However, due to the combinatorial optimization involved, the formulated problem is difficult to be solved optimally. To tackle this difficulty, we first optimize the reflecting element numbers with given PIRS/AIRS deployed locations via sequential refinement, followed by a partial enumeration to determine the PIRS/AIRS locations. Simulation results show that our proposed algorithm achieves better cost-performance trade-offs than other baseline deployment strategies.
Abstract:Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs), active and/or passive, can be densely deployed in complex environments to significantly enhance wireless network coverage for both wireless information transfer (WIT) and wireless power transfer (WPT). In this letter, we study the downlink WIT/WPT from a multi-antenna base station to a single-antenna user over a multi-active/passive IRS (AIRS/PIRS)-enabled wireless link. In particular, we aim to optimize the location of the AIRS with those of the other PIRSs being fixed to maximize the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and signal power at the user in the cases of WIT and WPT, respectively. We derive the optimal solutions for these two cases in closed-form, which reveals that the optimal AIRS deployment is generally different for WIT versus WPT. Furthermore, both analytical and numerical results are provided to show the conditions under which the proposed AIRS deployment strategy yields superior performance to other baseline deployment strategies as well as the conventional all- PIRS enabled WIT/WPT.
Abstract:In this letter, we study the wireless point-to-point communication from a transmitter (Tx) to a receiver (Rx), which is jointly aided by an active intelligent reflecting surface (AIRS) and a passive IRS (PIRS). We consider two practical transmission schemes by deploying the two IRSs in different orders, namely, Tx$\rightarrow$PIRS$\rightarrow$AIRS$\rightarrow$Rx (TPAR) and Tx$\rightarrow$AIRS$\rightarrow$PIRS$\rightarrow$Rx (TAPR). Assuming line-of-sight channels, we derive the achievable rates for the two schemes by optimizing the placement of the AIRS with the location of the PIRS fixed. Our analysis shows that when the number of PIRS elements and/or the AIRS amplification power is small, the AIRS should be deployed closer to the Rx in both schemes, and TAPR outperforms TPAR with their respective optimized AIRS/PIRS placement. Simulation results validate our analysis and show the considerable performance gain achieved by the jointly optimized AIRS/PIRS deployment over the baseline double-PIRS system under the same power and IRS element budgets.
Abstract:Over-the-air computation (AirComp) seamlessly integrates communication and computation by exploiting the waveform superposition property of multiple-access channels. Different from the existing works that focus on transceiver design of AirComp over static networks, this paper considers an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) aided AirComp system, where the UAV as a flying base station aggregates data from mobile sensors. The trajectory design of the UAV provides an additional degree of freedom to improve the performance of AirComp. Our goal is to minimize the time-averaged mean-squared error (MSE) of AirComp by jointly optimizing the UAV trajectory, receive normalizing factors, and sensors' transmit power. To this end, we first propose a novel and equivalent problem transformation by introducing intermediate variables. This reformulation leads to a convex subproblem when fixing any other two blocks of variables, thereby enabling efficient algorithm design based on the principle of block coordinate descent and alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) techniques. In particular, we derive the optimal closed-form solutions for normalizing factors and intermediate variables optimization subproblems. We also recast the convex trajectory design subproblem into an ADMM form and obtain the closed-form expressions for each variable updating. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves a smaller time-averaged MSE while reducing the simulation time by orders of magnitude compared to state-of-the-art algorithms.
Abstract:Over-the-air computation (AirComp) provides a promising way to support ultrafast aggregation of distributed data. However, its performance cannot be guaranteed in long-distance transmission due to the distortion induced by the channel fading and noise. To unleash the full potential of AirComp, this paper proposes to use a low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) acting as a mobile base station to assist AirComp systems. Specifically, due to its controllable high-mobility and high-altitude, the UAV can move sufficiently close to the sensors to enable line-of-sight transmission and adaptively adjust all the links' distances, thereby enhancing the signal magnitude alignment and noise suppression. Our goal is to minimize the time-averaging mean-square error for AirComp by jointly optimizing the UAV trajectory, the scaling factor at the UAV, and the transmit power at the sensors, under constraints on the UAV's predetermined locations and flying speed, sensors' average and peak power limits. However, due to the highly coupled optimization variables and time-dependent constraints, the resulting problem is non-convex and challenging. We thus propose an efficient iterative algorithm by applying the block coordinate descent and successive convex optimization techniques. Simulation results verify the convergence of the proposed algorithm and demonstrate the performance gains and robustness of the proposed design compared with benchmarks.
Abstract:The high incidence rate of prostate disease poses a requirement in early detection for diagnosis. As one of the main imaging methods used for prostate cancer detection, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has wide range of appearance and imbalance problems, making automated prostate segmentation fundamental but challenging. Here we propose a novel Densely Dilated Spatial Pooling Convolutional Network (DDSP ConNet) in encoder-decoder structure. It employs dense structure to combine dilated convolution and global pooling, thus supplies coarse segmentation results from encoder and decoder subnet and preserves more contextual information. To obtain richer hierarchical feature maps, residual long connection is furtherly adopted to fuse contexture features. Meanwhile, we adopt DSC loss and Jaccard loss functions to train our DDSP ConNet. We surprisingly found and proved that, in contrast to re-weighted cross entropy, DSC loss and Jaccard loss have a lot of benign properties in theory, including symmetry, continuity and differentiability about the parameters of network. Extensive experiments on the MICCAI PROMISE12 challenge dataset have been done to corroborate the effectiveness of our DDSP ConNet with DSC loss and Jaccard loss. Totally, our method achieves a score of 85.78 in the test dataset, outperforming most of other competitors.