Abstract:In human-centric tasks such as healthcare and education, the heterogeneity among patients and students necessitates personalized treatments and instructional interventions. While reinforcement learning (RL) has been utilized in those tasks, off-policy selection (OPS) is pivotal to close the loop by offline evaluating and selecting policies without online interactions, yet current OPS methods often overlook the heterogeneity among participants. Our work is centered on resolving a pivotal challenge in human-centric systems (HCSs): how to select a policy to deploy when a new participant joining the cohort, without having access to any prior offline data collected over the participant? We introduce First-Glance Off-Policy Selection (FPS), a novel approach that systematically addresses participant heterogeneity through sub-group segmentation and tailored OPS criteria to each sub-group. By grouping individuals with similar traits, FPS facilitates personalized policy selection aligned with unique characteristics of each participant or group of participants. FPS is evaluated via two important but challenging applications, intelligent tutoring systems and a healthcare application for sepsis treatment and intervention. FPS presents significant advancement in enhancing learning outcomes of students and in-hospital care outcomes.
Abstract:A key challenge in e-learning environments like Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) is to induce effective pedagogical policies efficiently. While Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) often suffers from sample inefficiency and reward function design difficulty, Apprenticeship Learning(AL) algorithms can overcome them. However, most AL algorithms can not handle heterogeneity as they assume all demonstrations are generated with a homogeneous policy driven by a single reward function. Still, some AL algorithms which consider heterogeneity, often can not generalize to large continuous state space and only work with discrete states. In this paper, we propose an expectation-maximization(EM)-EDM, a general AL framework to induce effective pedagogical policies from given optimal or near-optimal demonstrations, which are assumed to be driven by heterogeneous reward functions. We compare the effectiveness of the policies induced by our proposed EM-EDM against four AL-based baselines and two policies induced by DRL on two different but related tasks that involve pedagogical action prediction. Our overall results showed that, for both tasks, EM-EDM outperforms the four AL baselines across all performance metrics and the two DRL baselines. This suggests that EM-EDM can effectively model complex student pedagogical decision-making processes through the ability to manage a large, continuous state space and adapt to handle diverse and heterogeneous reward functions with very few given demonstrations.
Abstract:Off-policy evaluation (OPE) is important for closing the gap between offline training and evaluation of reinforcement learning (RL), by estimating performance and/or rank of target (evaluation) policies using offline trajectories only. It can improve the safety and efficiency of data collection and policy testing procedures in situations where online deployments are expensive, such as healthcare. However, existing OPE methods fall short in estimating human feedback (HF) signals, as HF may be conditioned over multiple underlying factors and is only sparsely available; as opposed to the agent-defined environmental rewards (used in policy optimization), which are usually determined over parametric functions or distributions. Consequently, the nature of HF signals makes extrapolating accurate OPE estimations to be challenging. To resolve this, we introduce an OPE for HF (OPEHF) framework that revives existing OPE methods in order to accurately evaluate the HF signals. Specifically, we develop an immediate human reward (IHR) reconstruction approach, regularized by environmental knowledge distilled in a latent space that captures the underlying dynamics of state transitions as well as issuing HF signals. Our approach has been tested over two real-world experiments, adaptive in-vivo neurostimulation and intelligent tutoring, as well as in a simulation environment (visual Q&A). Results show that our approach significantly improves the performance toward estimating HF signals accurately, compared to directly applying (variants of) existing OPE methods.
Abstract:Apprenticeship learning (AL) is a process of inducing effective decision-making policies via observing and imitating experts' demonstrations. Most existing AL approaches, however, are not designed to cope with the evolving reward functions commonly found in human-centric tasks such as healthcare, where offline learning is required. In this paper, we propose an offline Time-aware Hierarchical EM Energy-based Sub-trajectory (THEMES) AL framework to tackle the evolving reward functions in such tasks. The effectiveness of THEMES is evaluated via a challenging task -- sepsis treatment. The experimental results demonstrate that THEMES can significantly outperform competitive state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:In deductive domains, three metacognitive knowledge types in ascending order are declarative, procedural, and conditional learning. This work leverages Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) in providing adaptive metacognitive interventions to bridge the gap between the three knowledge types and prepare students for future learning across Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs). Students received these interventions that taught how and when to use a backward-chaining (BC) strategy on a logic tutor that supports a default forward-chaining strategy. Six weeks later, we trained students on a probability tutor that only supports BC without interventions. Our results show that on both ITSs, DRL bridged the metacognitive knowledge gap between students and significantly improved their learning performance over their control peers. Furthermore, the DRL policy adapted to the metacognitive development on the logic tutor across declarative, procedural, and conditional students, causing their strategic decisions to be more autonomous.
Abstract:This work compares two approaches to provide metacognitive interventions and their impact on preparing students for future learning across Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs). In two consecutive semesters, we conducted two classroom experiments: Exp. 1 used a classic artificial intelligence approach to classify students into different metacognitive groups and provide static interventions based on their classified groups. In Exp. 2, we leveraged Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to provide adaptive interventions that consider the dynamic changes in the student's metacognitive levels. In both experiments, students received these interventions that taught how and when to use a backward-chaining (BC) strategy on a logic tutor that supports a default forward-chaining strategy. Six weeks later, we trained students on a probability tutor that only supports BC without interventions. Our results show that adaptive DRL-based interventions closed the metacognitive skills gap between students. In contrast, static classifier-based interventions only benefited a subset of students who knew how to use BC in advance. Additionally, our DRL agent prepared the experimental students for future learning by significantly surpassing their control peers on both ITSs.
Abstract:Metacognitive skills have been commonly associated with preparation for future learning in deductive domains. Many researchers have regarded strategy- and time-awareness as two metacognitive skills that address how and when to use a problem-solving strategy, respectively. It was shown that students who are both strategy-and time-aware (StrTime) outperformed their nonStrTime peers across deductive domains. In this work, students were trained on a logic tutor that supports a default forward-chaining (FC) and a backward-chaining (BC) strategy. We investigated the impact of mixing BC with FC on teaching strategy- and time-awareness for nonStrTime students. During the logic instruction, the experimental students (Exp) were provided with two BC worked examples and some problems in BC to practice how and when to use BC. Meanwhile, their control (Ctrl) and StrTime peers received no such intervention. Six weeks later, all students went through a probability tutor that only supports BC to evaluate whether the acquired metacognitive skills are transferred from logic. Our results show that on both tutors, Exp outperformed Ctrl and caught up with StrTime.
Abstract:Deductive domains are typical of many cognitive skills in that no single problem-solving strategy is always optimal for solving all problems. It was shown that students who know how and when to use each strategy (StrTime) outperformed those who know neither and stick to the default strategy (Default). In this work, students were trained on a logic tutor that supports a default forward-chaining and a backward-chaining (BC) strategy, then a probability tutor that only supports BC. We investigated three types of interventions on teaching the Default students how and when to use which strategy on the logic tutor: Example, Nudge and Presented. Meanwhile, StrTime students received no interventions. Overall, our results show that Nudge outperformed their Default peers and caught up with StrTime on both tutors.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) has been extensively researched for enhancing human-environment interactions in various human-centric tasks, including e-learning and healthcare. Since deploying and evaluating policies online are high-stakes in such tasks, off-policy evaluation (OPE) is crucial for inducing effective policies. In human-centric environments, however, OPE is challenging because the underlying state is often unobservable, while only aggregate rewards can be observed (students' test scores or whether a patient is released from the hospital eventually). In this work, we propose a human-centric OPE (HOPE) to handle partial observability and aggregated rewards in such environments. Specifically, we reconstruct immediate rewards from the aggregated rewards considering partial observability to estimate expected total returns. We provide a theoretical bound for the proposed method, and we have conducted extensive experiments in real-world human-centric tasks, including sepsis treatments and an intelligent tutoring system. Our approach reliably predicts the returns of different policies and outperforms state-of-the-art benchmarks using both standard validation methods and human-centric significance tests.
Abstract:Model-based methods have recently shown great potential for off-policy evaluation (OPE); offline trajectories induced by behavioral policies are fitted to transitions of Markov decision processes (MDPs), which are used to rollout simulated trajectories and estimate the performance of policies. Model-based OPE methods face two key challenges. First, as offline trajectories are usually fixed, they tend to cover limited state and action space. Second, the performance of model-based methods can be sensitive to the initialization of their parameters. In this work, we propose the variational latent branching model (VLBM) to learn the transition function of MDPs by formulating the environmental dynamics as a compact latent space, from which the next states and rewards are then sampled. Specifically, VLBM leverages and extends the variational inference framework with the recurrent state alignment (RSA), which is designed to capture as much information underlying the limited training data, by smoothing out the information flow between the variational (encoding) and generative (decoding) part of VLBM. Moreover, we also introduce the branching architecture to improve the model's robustness against randomly initialized model weights. The effectiveness of the VLBM is evaluated on the deep OPE (DOPE) benchmark, from which the training trajectories are designed to result in varied coverage of the state-action space. We show that the VLBM outperforms existing state-of-the-art OPE methods in general.