Abstract:Monocular geometric scene understanding combines panoptic segmentation and self-supervised depth estimation, focusing on real-time application in autonomous vehicles. We introduce MGNiceNet, a unified approach that uses a linked kernel formulation for panoptic segmentation and self-supervised depth estimation. MGNiceNet is based on the state-of-the-art real-time panoptic segmentation method RT-K-Net and extends the architecture to cover both panoptic segmentation and self-supervised monocular depth estimation. To this end, we introduce a tightly coupled self-supervised depth estimation predictor that explicitly uses information from the panoptic path for depth prediction. Furthermore, we introduce a panoptic-guided motion masking method to improve depth estimation without relying on video panoptic segmentation annotations. We evaluate our method on two popular autonomous driving datasets, Cityscapes and KITTI. Our model shows state-of-the-art results compared to other real-time methods and closes the gap to computationally more demanding methods. Source code and trained models are available at https://github.com/markusschoen/MGNiceNet.
Abstract:Depth estimation is an essential task toward full scene understanding since it allows the projection of rich semantic information captured by cameras into 3D space. While the field has gained much attention recently, datasets for depth estimation lack scene diversity or sensor modalities. This work presents the ADUULM-360 dataset, a novel multi-modal dataset for depth estimation. The ADUULM-360 dataset covers all established autonomous driving sensor modalities, cameras, lidars, and radars. It covers a frontal-facing stereo setup, six surround cameras covering the full 360-degree, two high-resolution long-range lidar sensors, and five long-range radar sensors. It is also the first depth estimation dataset that contains diverse scenes in good and adverse weather conditions. We conduct extensive experiments using state-of-the-art self-supervised depth estimation methods under different training tasks, such as monocular training, stereo training, and full surround training. Discussing these results, we demonstrate common limitations of state-of-the-art methods, especially in adverse weather conditions, which hopefully will inspire future research in this area. Our dataset, development kit, and trained baselines are available at https://github.com/uulm-mrm/aduulm_360_dataset.
Abstract:We propose an approach to assess the synchronization of rigidly mounted sensors based on their rotational motion. Using function similarity measures combined with a sliding window approach, our approach is capable of estimating time-varying time offsets. Further, the estimated offset allows the correction of erroneously assigned time stamps on measurements. This mitigates the effect of synchronization issues on subsequent modules in autonomous software stacks, such as tracking systems that heavily rely on accurate measurement time stamps. Additionally, a self-assessment based on an uncertainty measure is derived, and correction strategies are described. Our approach is evaluated with Monte Carlo experiments containing different error patterns. The results show that our approach accurately estimates time offsets and, thus, is able to detect and assess synchronization issues. To further embrace the importance of our approach for autonomous systems, we investigate the effect of synchronization inconsistencies in tracking systems in more detail and demonstrate the beneficial effect of our proposed offset correction.
Abstract:Conflicting sensor measurements pose a huge problem for the environment representation of an autonomous robot. Therefore, in this paper, we address the self-assessment of an evidential grid map in which data from conflicting LiDAR sensor measurements are fused, followed by methods for robust motion planning under these circumstances. First, conflicting measurements aggregated in Subjective-Logic-based evidential grid maps are classified. Then, a self-assessment framework evaluates these conflicts and estimates their severity for the overall system by calculating a degradation score. This enables the detection of calibration errors and insufficient sensor setups. In contrast to other motion planning approaches, the information gained from the evidential grid maps is further used inside our proposed path-planning algorithm. Here, the impact of conflicting measurements on the current motion plan is evaluated, and a robust and curious path-planning strategy is derived to plan paths under the influence of conflicting data. This ensures that the system integrity is maintained in severely degraded environment representations which can prevent the unnecessary abortion of planning tasks.
Abstract:Sensor calibration is crucial for autonomous driving, providing the basis for accurate localization and consistent data fusion. Enabling the use of high-accuracy GNSS sensors, this work focuses on the antenna lever arm calibration. We propose a globally optimal multi-antenna lever arm calibration approach based on motion measurements. For this, we derive an optimization method that further allows the integration of a-priori knowledge. Globally optimal solutions are obtained by leveraging the Lagrangian dual problem and a primal recovery strategy. Generally, motion-based calibration for autonomous vehicles is known to be difficult due to cars' predominantly planar motion. Therefore, we first describe the motion requirements for a unique solution and then propose a planar motion extension to overcome this issue and enable a calibration based on the restricted motion of autonomous vehicles. Last we present and discuss the results of our thorough evaluation. Using simulated and augmented real-world data, we achieve accurate calibration results and fast run times that allow online deployment.
Abstract:Connected automated driving promises a significant improvement of traffic efficiency and safety on highways and in urban areas. Apart from sharing of awareness and perception information over wireless communication links, cooperative maneuver planning may facilitate active guidance of connected automated vehicles at urban intersections. Research in automatic intersection management put forth a large body of works that mostly employ rule-based or optimization-based approaches primarily in fully automated simulated environments. In this work, we present two cooperative planning approaches that are capable of handling mixed traffic, i.e., the road being shared by automated vehicles and regular vehicles driven by humans. Firstly, we propose an optimization-based planner trained on real driving data that cyclically selects the most efficient out of multiple predicted coordinated maneuvers. Additionally, we present a cooperative planning approach based on graph-based reinforcement learning, which conquers the lack of ground truth data for cooperative maneuvers. We present evaluation results of both cooperative planners in high-fidelity simulation and real-world traffic. Simulative experiments in fully automated traffic and mixed traffic show that cooperative maneuver planning leads to less delay due to interaction and a reduced number of stops. In real-world experiments with three prototype connected automated vehicles in public traffic, both planners demonstrate their ability to perform efficient cooperative maneuvers.
Abstract:Motion prediction for intelligent vehicles typically focuses on estimating the most probable future evolutions of a traffic scenario. Estimating the gap acceptance, i.e., whether a vehicle merges or crosses before another vehicle with the right of way, is often handled implicitly in the prediction. However, an infrastructure-based maneuver planning can assign artificial priorities between cooperative vehicles, so it needs to evaluate many more potential scenarios. Additionally, the prediction horizon has to be long enough to assess the impact of a maneuver. We, therefore, present a novel long-term prediction approach handling the gap acceptance estimation and the velocity prediction in two separate stages. Thereby, the behavior of regular vehicles as well as priority assignments of cooperative vehicles can be considered. We train both stages on real-world traffic observations to achieve realistic prediction results. Our method has a competitive accuracy and is fast enough to predict a multitude of scenarios in a short time, making it suitable to be used in a maneuver planning framework.
Abstract:For automated driving, predicting the future trajectories of other road users in complex traffic situations is a hard problem. Modern neural networks use the past trajectories of traffic participants as well as map data to gather hints about the possible driver intention and likely maneuvers. With increasing connectivity between cars and other traffic actors, cooperative information is another source of data that can be used as inputs for trajectory prediction algorithms. Connected actors might transmit their intended path or even complete planned trajectories to other actors, which simplifies the prediction problem due to the imposed constraints. In this work, we outline the benefits of using this source of data for trajectory prediction and propose a graph-based neural network architecture that can leverage this additional data. We show that the network performance increases substantially if cooperative data is present. Also, our proposed training scheme improves the network's performance even for cases where no cooperative information is available. We also show that the network can deal with inaccurate cooperative data, which allows it to be used in real automated driving environments.
Abstract:Large environments are challenging for path planning algorithms as the size of the configuration space increases. Furthermore, if the environment is mainly unexplored, large amounts of the path are planned through unknown areas. Hence, a complete replanning of the entire path occurs whenever the path collides with newly discovered obstacles. We propose a novel method that stops the path planning algorithm after a certain distance. It is used to navigate the algorithm in large environments and is not prone to problems of existing navigation approaches. Furthermore, we developed a method to detect significant environment changes to allow a more efficient replanning. At last, we extend the path planner to be used in the U-Shift concept vehicle. It can switch to another system model and rotate around the center of its rear axis. The results show that the proposed methods generate nearly identical paths compared to the standard Hybrid A* while drastically reducing the execution time. Furthermore, we show that the extended path planning algorithm enables the efficient use of the maneuvering capabilities of the concept vehicle to plan concise paths in narrow environments.
Abstract:Hand-eye calibration is an important and extensively researched method for calibrating rigidly coupled sensors, solely based on estimates of their motion. Due to the geometric structure of this problem, at least two motion estimates with non-parallel rotation axes are required for a unique solution. If the majority of rotation axes are almost parallel, the resulting optimization problem is ill-conditioned. In this paper, we propose an approach to automatically weight the motion samples of such an ill-conditioned optimization problem for improving the conditioning. The sample weights are chosen in relation to the local density of all available rotation axes. Furthermore, we present an approach for estimating the sensitivity and conditioning of the cost function, separated into the translation and the rotation part. This information can be employed as user feedback when recording the calibration data to prevent ill-conditioning in advance. We evaluate and compare our approach on artificially augmented data from the KITTI odometry dataset.